Had an emotional break-down last night



  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    Hang in there as we have all had those times where it is frustrating. You are doing a great job! I totally understanding weighing yourself because it is what I do also, and I firmly believe it is what keeps me going. Whe I am up a couple of pounds more than I excepted at night I can almost always go back and look at my diary and see what caused it and it is 95% of the time that I only drank 8 glasses of water. When I have 10 or 11 it seems to keep the weight off.

    Also, it you don't mind the suggestion from someone older, I would suggest you increase your protien and drop your carbs slightly. A lot of women, including myself, are finding that higher protien amounts help after we turned 40.

    By the way what a great husband you have.
  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    It's ok that you cried.. We need that sometimes... And like you, I like to utilize the scale to see where I'm at daily too....it keeps me accountable to myself... and I'm also on a long plateau. Most of the MFP friends I have are losing weight left and right of me, as they are working hard; eating right. i have days that I'm not always perfect, and i eat comfort foods, or slack off on exercising. Still I toggle the same three or four pounds. up and down. Depending on what I'm doing that day... that week... BUT if I look at things long term, i'm so much better than i was six monthes ago. Since December, I have lost 20 lbs.. Of course my site here doesn't reflect that because I'm starting over.. so I reset my counter.. and my goal is to lose another 10 or 15 lbs by the end of the year. it's not much... and I will have to work harder to break through this plateau myself... but it's ok. I'm acknowledging where I've been.. where I am at.. and where I want to be. Sometimes looking at the scale can let you down.. but use it as a tool. And then think of the marvelous way your clothes are fitting you now. Think how beneficial dieting and exercise is to your body now. Progress forward... adjust your eating/ exercising even more.. that plateau will break.. and you'll be losing again.. Slow and steady wins the "race".. but like someone else mentioned here, it's more than a race.. this is the rest of your life.. and you want to make slow strides to become healthier and a fitter you, so Pick up a new sport/exercise.. experiment in the kitchen. have some fun with that wonderful husband who is so supportive of you. I bet in a years time, you will so much ahead than most of your friends too and will have lost more weight. Keep on pushing. Don't give up. I believe in you. :)
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    All I can say is you look amazing and WOW--45 pounds!
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    feel for you and everyone else who has plateus. ive been dieting since 1st jan this year and i have had 2 plateus so far, 1 which lasted 5 weeks and 1 that lasted 4 weeks and i admit it was bloody hard trying to stay on track and focused when i didnt move and 1 week i actually gained too! you just have to keep going with it cos eventually it will move :D!! YOU CAN DO THIS :D!!
  • yocando
    yocando Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Hummingbird,
    Thanks for sharing your struggles... I too have had similar battles... read my entry under food relapse... I just finished entering the post at about 7:25-ish tonight...
    You have made amazing progress- I looked at your photos-- it's obvious you look much thinner than before. You hit a rough patch.... count your blessings and consider your progress. As has been mentioned, your partner seems especially astute and supportive.... that's a huge blessing.
    It's wonderful you were able to let your feelings out- that is healthy. It wonderful you shared here... that's healthy.
    Healthy changes are all about you....
    This too shall pass.... progress, not perfection... You are definitely making progress.
    Don't be so hard on yourself...

    Friend me if you wish..

  • HellySuccess
    HellySuccess Posts: 39 Member
    I read an article from a personal trainer who was emphasizing the power of goals. He talked about the conscious mind controlling the subconscious. When you weigh so often and don't see results you go to the negative thought pattern which affects the subconscious which in turn can begin to sabotage your healthy living plan. The subconscious will start "saying" oh why exercise; it doesn't do anything anyway" or "Why not eat that, I'm not losing weight anyway."

    Words of wisdom! Thanks for this insight.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Just want to thank everyone for their thoughts, kind words and suggestions! When post something I READ what everyone has to say! So thanks again!
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I weigh myself every morning.
    Same or more? I make better choices. Less, I'm happy and continue doing my best to make good choices.

    You might want to break out the measuring tape instead. a hassle, but it may help.
  • maradot
    maradot Posts: 95 Member

    By your picture, it looks like you have made a big change for the better. Don't sell yourself short. You have lost weight in the past, which means you can lose weight in the future.

    I have been overweight all my life, and the lowest I have ever been as an adult was 165. And, you know, I allowed myself to become discouraged because I was not as skinny as I thought I should be. I let this kind of negative emotion wear me out, so I lost my motivation and lost my way.

    So, I ended up back at square one again. But, I am losing. I embraced a vegan whole foods kind of diet, and have for the most part given up all processed foods, (I still use canned tomatoes and some frozen vegies). It is amazing how much sodium is in processed foods, and sugar too.

    Don't misunderstand me, I am not getting on a soap box and preaching "my way", I am just saying keep up the good work.

    I cannot predict if I will ever be as skinny/fit as I image myself, but I am definitely be better than I was.

    And you are too.:happy:
  • laneydawn
    I totally know what you mean, and those plateau's suck. There is no other word for them. You will lose weight again, and you have such a great support group here on MFP that will get you through it! Keep your chin up and keep charging on. Go kick some *kitten*.:flowerforyou: