How do you handle your un-motivational friends?

You know, those friends who mean well and think they're helping, but really aren't?

My mom has struggled with her weight all of her life. I have conversations with her about it on a fairly regular basis, especially now that I'm on my own journey. I ask her for advice, since she's seen a trainer in the past and has been on this journey for years. But unfortunately, she's not motivational for me.

It seems every time I talk about myself, she tells me how great I look and that I don't have any fat on me. While I know she means well, I also know that this is simply not true. While I know that I am healthy as far as height/weight goes, I also know that there is a lot of room for improvement.

This last time I pushed back and showed her the fat on my tummy. She said, "Well, you're sitting down, it's just skin. I better not show you mine, then!"

She's very interested in any advice or wisdom I have for her, but I always end up our conversations feeling like she thinks I'm crazy or something.


  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I had people say that to me also and now that it is gone I show it to them and they acknowledge it! The best thing to do is try to just not listen to anything unmotivational or supportive. You may see a lot of that, I know I did and it sucked. Just keep your eye on the prize!
  • MrMeow123
    MrMeow123 Posts: 3 Member
    I told my mum when I managed to lose two stone and her reply was "really?".
    SO I was left to feel either upset or angry, but instead I saw it as another reason to keep pushing with the weight loss - try to turn this sort of thing into something positive, because eventually when you lose enough they will see and be happy :)
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks! I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with well meaning but not helpful advice.

    On a side note, I just read back over my post and realized I used the word "tummy." I guess you can tell I have small children, lol!