I will be 38 next month

I will be 38 in September and I eat a lot of cake, which is one of my weaknesses. Wow. How should I concern myself with temptation next month while I am starting this diet? Is an extra piece of cake okay? What is the best way to eat in moderation when it comes to birthday parties? I have difficulty learning how to eat in moderation for anything, much less a cake. This will be something I need to learn from.


  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    i think you would have a problem if you were turning 38 and eating 38 pieces of cake...

    there are ways to fit a piece or two into your diet...just work harder, move more, and eat less...

    but you can't do it every day....
  • fanipack
    fanipack Posts: 28
    First off , Happy Early Birthday !

    I'd start by tracking every single calorie you eat. If you go over your intended intake log it anyways. It'll be eye opening how much we actually eat in a given day if we're not careful.

    Here's two great FAQ's that has helped me tremendously in my weight loss journey.



    Hopefully by next month you'll be on the right track to living a healthier life and won't even have to worry about cake.

    Good Luck and never ever give up.
    Cheers !
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    , work out before, eat very little, indulge, eat all the cake until your can't stand anymore, than work out the next day and eat light. no big deal.
  • strawberry1969
    strawberry1969 Posts: 1,476 Member
    i will be 43 tomorrow and im sure i will have a piece of cake !!you need to learn that you can still have what you like but in moderation we all have bad days but as long as theres more good than bad you will be on the right track!i have lost over 63lbs since i started on my weight loss journey so it can be done:)
  • dlarmstead
    dlarmstead Posts: 5 Member
    I drink a ton of water in a day so to speak and i also find that if i count all my calories i am more accountable.. good luck and i will try to help more if i can. I have lost 56 pounds but not without a little help..message me if you would like some more information
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    I turn 38 in Sept too. Made it through my hubby's birthday in July with a lot of cake. HAHA...
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Congratulations on turning 38! That happened to me this year, too. So far, it's been a great year and I highly recommend it. You only turn 38 once, so go ahead and have some cake - just don't have ALL the cake!!! Save yourself an extra piece for later and send any leftovers home with other people. Enjoy! :drinker:
  • superjae5
    superjae5 Posts: 64 Member
    My friend that did Weight Watchers said they told her if she had a few extra points over the week she could use them on a day when she knew she'd be consuming more calories. What that means is if you work out a little more (mind, you're still getting at least 1200 net calories) and save maybe like 100-200 extra earlier in the week you should balance out eating delicious sweets on a birthday. I usually try to eat super healthy the few days leading up to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then let loose a little on those days to enjoy it. Thanksgiving especially I throw all the rules out.

    But if you had two pieces of cake on one day even if you didn't have extra calories I don't think it's going to set you back as long as you're back on schedule the next day. Life's meant to be enjoyed--especially food. Happy early birthday!
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    i love cake too. I only eat it when a co-worker has a birthday.
  • Nicolette_Karls
    Fill yourself with other foods during the party to help fight off eating too many sweets! My family always has vegetable platters and loads of water at parties, and eating lots of celery/carrots/etc. will fill you up so you aren't tempted to fill the space with cake.

    But remember: there is nothing wrong with cheating! If you deprive yourself of the occasional treat, you'll feel miserable and give up on your dieting sooner. Just try to make the best choices that you can, and remember that just because you make a few mistakes it doesn't mean you've failed. Workout a little more, cut out a few snacks later in the week, do whatever you can to be a happier, healthier you.

    Best of luck, and happy early birthday!!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Cakes are a weakness I have as well. I plan on my birthday having Pudding in place of my cake. I have come to far to mess things up now. Sure it's only one birthday but why should I take that chance...I refuse to. Good luck on what you do...remember many bakeries as well as many Walmarts have individual small birthday cakes too.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Happy birthday! :)

    I'm not a cake person, but my weakness is cookies -- and people are ALWAYS bringing them ino work. I just budget for them. If you can stop at a single, reasonably-sized piece, I see no reason not to indulge yourself. If you're one of those people that can't stop once you have one bite and would happily eat half the cake, then you might have to go cold turkey. Maybe you can make rules, like for every bite of cake, you have to take two big sips of water -- that'll slow down the eating and fill you up faster. And eat it with an appetizer fork. :)
  • MrAllia
    MrAllia Posts: 60 Member
    Food to me was is an addiction like Drugs or Smoking. I tread carefully around the calories I consume, with that said, eat cake every day, just make it portion controlled to fit in your daily calories. No one said you had to eat it all in one sitting. Happy 38th, welcome to the 38's club. I'm an official member. :D