Looking for people who want to lose weight eating real food



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Hello, welcome and congrats for taking a big step towards a new lifestyle!

    I also love to cook and pretty much have to since I have high blood pressure. Nearly everything canned, processed, frozen or in a box comes with a TON of sodium.

    I eat a ton of veggies/fruits that I grow myself, whole grains, beans (mostly as hummus or soy), and lean meats, mostly salmon or chicken. I've lost 41lbs doing it this way and only have 13 more to go.

    I NEVER feel like I'm on a diet or feel deprived. I eat so much low calorie, natural food that I'm hardly ever hungry. It takes a LOT of vegetables to fill you up if they arent loaded with cheese, bread crumbs, pasta, etc!!

    I'll also add that I do not fear sugar substitutes so I drink generic diet koolaid. I hate plain water, I've tried adding fresh fruit for flavoring and it just doesnt cut it for me. If it wasnt for the koolaid, I know I wouldnt get enough water so I just deal with it and it never bothers me. I put splenda in coffee too because I prefer the taste of it over sugar, but I do I use honey and regular sugar/brown sugar in recipes.

    I do on occasion have 'treats' when I crave one. I know that I'll want them after I reach goal, so I work them into my diary by making room for them with extra exercise calories.

    I think that eating mostly 'real' food is the way to go. Not 100% for me, but mostly. lol
  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
    Everyone here, add me if you would like. Although I try to make smarter choices, I do still like to eat
    "real" food and probably will never give it all up. And I have still managed to take of 22 pounds in 55 days! :)
  • rolandgaspar
    Real food is all we eat...

    When I met my wife (10yrs ago) I had been vegan for 5yrs -- Being vegan now isn't all that easy, imagine 15yrs ago.. No one had heard of Tempeh, Seitan, etc...

    She, however, was a meat eater -- but she didn't (still doesn't) cook...

    Eventually I got tired of making two meals and we met down the middle, I'm no longer vegan (in fact, my main source of protein is ham or turkey sausage :p ) but she no longer ONLY eats meat.

    All this time, we mostly shop at farmer's markets or local stuff...

    No restrictions, but, the habits of an old vegan are hard to kill...

    If you're looking to keep "real", a really easy way to help is simply to stay local, don't buy processed and make everything yourself.

    Seems like you love to cook, I bet everyone reading this thread is in the same boat... The more you do yourself, the more real it stays -- and to be fair, imho, the healthier and easier your journey will be.
  • geral4479WECHANGED
    Very interested in this topic please feel free to add me as a friend.

    Me too.
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    love that their are others that think like this. i can't live in a world without real food. quite honestly, one of the main reasons i work out is so that i can fit in a few extra calories lol feel free to add!
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    I eat whatever i want... lol. all i do is try to stay within my calories. but i eat absolutely any and everything even fast food. Its just that I dont eat as much as I use to and its been working great for me :) lost 11 pounds thus far doing it this way

    oh and anyone can feel free to add me
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    I try to eat 95% + raw food, but I eat butter, "raw" sugar, eggs, cheese, even had hot dogs the other day, organic uncured...
    Some of this I wouldn't eat, but I have 2 adolescents and cook for them and have little will power sometimes.

    Intolerant to gluten, and corn and other stuff so I avoid that...

    But I was 197.75 and now around 147. It helps me to use MFP though, because then I can stop eating at my limit and/or get moving. I want to eat the same way the rest of my life and be sensible and not yo-yo diet.

    Having a issues losing the last 7 lb, but I'm still ending up with pants that are way too big... so I'll just try to adjust my food a bit, without being too strict, because stress can make me overeat stuff that I'm trying to avoid.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Send a request!
    I do diet plans for people who like to eat real food!
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Fad diets DO WORK -- like most diets. The problem is that weight loss lasts when you eat the same way consistently. I like real food so fad diet weight loss doesn't last on me.

    Feel free to add me.
  • RobynBourgeois
    I love the "I eat like a 10 year old left home alone!" That is me in a nutshell.....Mac & Cheese is my go to "comfort food" and I am still losing weight. We use real butter, I am afraid of "fake" sugar. One of my friends says I eat like a kid. Anyone can add me. I share an open diary & it is real food. I have found a few lower calorie items, but for the most part it is regular food. I hit my goal in 10 days; set a new goal, hit that in 10 days. 74 days later I am mostly eating at maintenance, but am still losing a little here & there. I am all about the eat more to weigh less concept!
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    Add me if you like, I really don't want to stop eating what I like. Don't like being on a diet as far a planning and cooking special foods. Just trying to watch portion size. And exercise.
  • RobynBourgeois
    Everyone here, add me if you would like. Although I try to make smarter choices, I do still like to eat
    "real" food and probably will never give it all up. And I have still managed to take of 22 pounds in 55 days! :)

    Wow! You should be VERY PROUD of yourself! Congrats!!
  • Jimmytreatingtons
    Jimmytreatingtons Posts: 128 Member
    I've dropped 4 stone by eating what I want when I want. I admit I work hard in the gym but you can't eat what you want constantly without putting on the pounds, I know I have the photos to prove it. I eat sensibly normally at dinner times when I am in work as I do not have active job so I need less calories. But if I want a fat sandwich I will have one. Please feel free to add me
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I try to only eat real food. I belong to a co-op, and my next big purchase will be an upright freezer so I can start ordering meat packs from local farmers. I've become fairly disgusted at how adulterated the food at the grocery store has become. I cook a lot, and I'm looking to take myself pretty much out of the industrial food supply as much as I can. It's a slow process. As for eating real food, I just try to keep things in perspective. If it's rich, I eat way less of it. Like, I'm going to eat a cup of cooked broccoli and 2 cups of green salad at a go, but I'm only going to have an ounce of gouda or a tablespoon of dressing. I see this as a very natural and sensical way to eat that a lot of people have lost getting caught up in their macro percentages and such.

    (Note: My weight loss hasn't been great lately, but I have very aggressive edema and was recently diagnosed with severely low potassium. I take 2 prescription horse pills every day. It's pretty special. The scale is starting to trend downward again, but if I get into the least bit of salt I pack back on 5lbs almost immediately. I also lift weights. If you friend me, you may or may not hear much about scale movement, but you will hear about how big my shoulders are getting! :wink: )
  • virjenmarie
    virjenmarie Posts: 22 Member
    Real food here too:love: It keeps me sane and happy and losing weight the non-processed way. I use the butter,crisco,eggs,whole wheat flours and grains I am a baker an chef cooking besides fitness is my life:heart:
  • kathyfeelgood
    kathyfeelgood Posts: 9 Member
    I am also eating real food. I am new to this site and just started this week.
    It will be fun to check in with each other. Thanks. Kathy:smokin: :bigsmile:
  • shannonj8489
    Im with ya! How is everyone losing weight though? Exercise?
  • Jody2525
    I am Jody and would love to be of support and recieve also. I want real food too! Not doing some power diet, just trying to eat better and healthy. I have some recipes. I am making a crockpot roast today and is only 145 cal.
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    Real food here too! :)
  • duluthian
    I love "real" food, forget diet stuff, although I do like some "diet" stuff. I do a lot of scratch cooking and live with a family that loves to eat real food, that is why I walk, walk, walk - it's the only way to lose for me :drinker: