Eating Disorders (asking for help, not condoning them!)



  • texaricangirasol
    texaricangirasol Posts: 38 Member
    I do not have it, but i understand how they develop and how they can get progressively worse.

    As for the therapist making you gain weight...they will only ask you to do this if you are at an unhealthy (meaning extreme low) weight for your age, etc. (which tends to be less likely when the problem is bulimia).

    Also, doing your food diary will help. If you are ready, then make a pledge to yourself that you will be honest and log in all that you have been eating or drinking during the day and PROMISE YOURSELF NOT TO PURGE.

    Make notes on the box at the bottom if you feel like you have eaten too much, or any feelings that come up (i felt sick to my stomach, i got a headache, i was still hungry, etc)

    I have days when i am hungry all day and think that i have eaten a lot and then it turns out that i didn't. Some other tips: try to make a list of foods you like and don't like and foods that you like, but don't like to eat because you feel bad afterwards. Knowing some of these things will help you in the long run.

    I have always had a problem that i go without eating because stress at work makes me forget and i am supposed to eat every few hours otherwise i get jittery, etc. BUT the worse thing for me is that i have to be craving whatever i am about to eat or i feel physically sick.

    So, anywho...i guess i am saying, i can relate and i may be able to help. I am honest with people and i do not allow excuses, any excuses you can come up with i am usually pretty good about talking it out and going into worse case scenarios to help you find another route.

    these are just some ideas. add me if you like. Best of luck to you and those out there struggling with this.
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    google a book "Voluntary Starvation". I am not ano or buli, a friend of mine wrote the book based on her personal experience, I read it and really liked it, it is very good.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    You are most defiitely not alone. Having suffered severe anorexia when younger, and having struggled with body image and food ever since in one way or another, I am now struggling with bulimia also, and the same kind. I get runs of a few days where I will binge insanely, and purge, then manage to get back on track, I am also prone to feeling I must exercise hard almost every day, and burn a certain number of calories (though not as extreme as some cardio bunnies on here who seem to believe in burning over 1000 everyday lol).

    Feel free to add me, as I always need more support for those nights when I slip/fail.
    Same to anyone else suffereing from binges/bulimia, as long as not aiming for ridiculously low weights or restricting to less than 1200 a day as I am triggered by people who are starving themselves.