Mom of 4..time to reclaim MY body!!

Hi! Im a 30 yr old mother of 4. Ages 7.8.9 and 11. The 9 yr old is a girl, the rest are boys. I have been married for 11 yrs. When we first met I weighed 135. After 4 kids and 11 years of letting myself go, I weigh 300lbs. I have tried many crash diets (hcg, Ideal protein, Atkins) I always lose 30-40 lbs but then quickly gain it back plus some (usually 20 lbs extra). I decided that I couldnt risk my health and give any of those diets another try bc when I gain it back plus some I may very well be dead! So here I am, doing it the right way. I am eating no more than 1500 calories and love the accountability that this app offers. The weight is coming off SLOWLY so at times its frustrating but Im determined to regain my confidence and reclaim my life! Im just here looking for inspiration and tips! Looking forward to getting to know some new people!!!


  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Welcome....lots of GREAT ideas, recipes and exercise tips here. Log/track your food daily is what I find keeps me honest and accountable. If I bite it-I write it. Hang in there,we're all here for pretty much the same thing, and for the long haul.
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome mama! I don't even know at what age I was 135 but I did start out over 300 and just recently got out of 300s. Friend me if you would like. My mind is set on loosing weight this time and of course we can all use support
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    One step at a time, one good choice at a time. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I am a 30 year old(as of todayactually) mother of four ages 2, 4, 6, and 8! WELCOME to MyFitness Pal!!!!
  • brookeclark824
    Thanks everyone. This site has been a great tool and encouragment to me!!
  • xiola511
    xiola511 Posts: 22
    Wow - our stories are really similar! I have 4 children & been married 12 years. I have gained over 100lbs in those 12 years ! I've tried everything as well & with the same results. So far I've lost 7lbs this week so I'm feeling pretty motivated - lol! This is definitely the place to be - welcome:)