Girls in ~20's, need some motivational friends!

Hi =) So I'm a 25 year old female looking to lose ~20lbs! I'm very short (5'0) so I feel like every pound on me looks so much worse than taller people! Damn you tall people ;) haha.

To make a long story short, I used to be happy with my weight and never had a problem with portion control. Over the past two years I pretty much "let go" of myself while I was in a really bad relationship. It was clear I wasn't taking care of body, so I wasn't surprised to step on the scale and see the scary number! I was frequenting McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A, WaWa, drinking soda and lots of sugary drinks and foods. I'm ready to not just lose weight, but just be all around healthy. It's all about the mind, it's all about determination and I just want to gain back control over my life and stop giving in to these temptations of bad foods, when it just makes me upset and feel gross. I just want to FEEL toned and healthy, and look great in every outfit and picture, and have that boost of confidence.

I started about 2 weeks ago, so far I'm down 7lbs from my highest weight. I have a huge exam in 2 weeks, so once that's over I will be going back to the gym. (Aiming for that before-work workout, how does that work for anybody?!).

I've been using myfitnesspal to count calories and so far it's been going great! I also look at the beforeandafterweightloss tumblr website for picture comparisons because it really motivates me and reminds me of what I'm doing. I'm looking for people that are in a similar situation as me because I feel like were more relatable, but I'm up for adding ANYONE as a friend, no matter what sex/age/situation, anyone that will be motivating!!



  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Feel free to add me :-) Good luck with your goals!
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Feel free to add me! Went through something quiet similar (and I'm on the average-short side, 5'3", haha, so I feel your pain!), MFP has been great!
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    Added!!! Thanks girls =) Not that this is easy, but it definitely makes it easier when you have people that understand what you're going through!
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    feel free to add me :D
  • emcat352
    emcat352 Posts: 2 Member
    feel free to add me...I'm 5'3" and have always had problems with my weight but I finally got down to a good size and then I had a bad break up and everything went down hill...since then I have gotten married and had 2 children and now am more determined than ever to live healthier and be a good example for my kids!
  • almart007
    almart007 Posts: 71 Member
    Stalyn go to the gym while preparing for the exam maybe not a marathon workout but enough to burn some stress out about the exam. Your brain needs a break and by exercising your stimulating increased oxygenated blood flow to all organs including the brain. Iused to pull all nighters but found that taking a break getting away from the books by walking gave me a chance to better organize my thoughts Good luck on your Exams.
  • rberry313
    rberry313 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm new to MFP but what you said in your post totally describes my desire to lose around 15 pounds. I'm 5'1, 20 years old, and currently 129 pounds, and I feel like every pound shows on short women (especially in the hip/thigh area - at least for me). 129 pounds for a 5'6 woman is wonderful, but unfortunately, I'm not 5'6. Just mentally I feel like losing weight would help boost my confidence and not make me look so chubby. Anyways, feel free to add me! Would love having motivation from someone with a similar situation.
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    That's good advice almart, thanks! I'm sure it will help me out in the long run (no pun intended) and I should at least be able to squeeze in a small workout, believe me I'm not even one to make excuses, but my schedule right now is completely nuts with this exam! I've been studying non-stop for about 2months. However I don't want to fry my brain, so I think I'll have to just find the time to get to the gym, and maybe it will even help me feel better about the test!

    Thanks for the advice!!
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    Added rberry! It's definitely going to help having others here that are going through the same thing, so you never feel like you're alone and be more tempted to give up! I think were both right about the height thing, I swear a lb makes a difference! I'd love to be taller, but I wasn't made that way, so oh well! We just have to be very strict with ourselves.

    Some of things that have worked for me so far have just been MFP, the before and after tumblr website, and I have this old trick from back 2 years ago when I stopped drinking soda. Well with food now, I just look at the size that's on the plate, and I know how small the stomach is (about the size of a closed fist - I study biology), so I just imagine the size of the all of that food forcing it's way into my stomach! It might sound silly, but it really works! Before I would never even think about it, I'd be like woohoo greasy food, give me more! Now I'm like well actually, this small size is what my stomach needs to be full, anything larger than that size is too much, and then it's going to start requiring more food. I don't believe in cutting anything out or depriving yourself of what you want either. If you want a cookie, eat a cookie, if you want a donut, get a donut. Just make smarter decisions and watch the amount that you eat. As I gained weight I don't really know how many calories I was eating per day (I didn't really care to be honest) but I think it was about 2000-2500, so now I'm staying under 1200 and i've been totally fine (except hungry at night!!).

    Just thought I'd share some of my tips =) By no means am I completely correct or know it all, because obviously I'm having weight issues myself. But I'm working on it ;)
  • Ray50296
    Ray50296 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! I'm Rachel and I'm 27. I also want to get healthy and lose weight. So far I've lost 8 lbs, 2 inches from my waist and 3" form my hips. I am on here everyday, but I only started July 12th. Feel free to add me :happy:
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Hi =) So I'm a 25 year old female looking to lose ~20lbs! I'm very short (5'0) so I feel like every pound on me looks so much worse than taller people! Damn you tall people ;) haha.

    To make a long story short, I used to be happy with my weight and never had a problem with portion control. Over the past two years I pretty much "let go" of myself while I was in a really bad relationship. It was clear I wasn't taking care of body, so I wasn't surprised to step on the scale and see the scary number! I was frequenting McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A, WaWa, drinking soda and lots of sugary drinks and foods. I'm ready to not just lose weight, but just be all around healthy. It's all about the mind, it's all about determination and I just want to gain back control over my life and stop giving in to these temptations of bad foods, when it just makes me upset and feel gross. I just want to FEEL toned and healthy, and look great in every outfit and picture, and have that boost of confidence.

    I started about 2 weeks ago, so far I'm down 7lbs from my highest weight. I have a huge exam in 2 weeks, so once that's over I will be going back to the gym. (Aiming for that before-work workout, how does that work for anybody?!).

    I've been using myfitnesspal to count calories and so far it's been going great! I also look at the beforeandafterweightloss tumblr website for picture comparisons because it really motivates me and reminds me of what I'm doing. I'm looking for people that are in a similar situation as me because I feel like were more relatable, but I'm up for adding ANYONE as a friend, no matter what sex/age/situation, anyone that will be motivating!!


    Love to have a chick with brains in my friends list.
  • Ray50296
    Ray50296 Posts: 58 Member
    Added rberry! It's definitely going to help having others here that are going through the same thing, so you never feel like you're alone and be more tempted to give up! I think were both right about the height thing, I swear a lb makes a difference! I'd love to be taller, but I wasn't made that way, so oh well! We just have to be very strict with ourselves.

    Some of things that have worked for me so far have just been MFP, the before and after tumblr website, and I have this old trick from back 2 years ago when I stopped drinking soda. Well with food now, I just look at the size that's on the plate, and I know how small the stomach is (about the size of a closed fist - I study biology), so I just imagine the size of the all of that food forcing it's way into my stomach! It might sound silly, but it really works! Before I would never even think about it, I'd be like woohoo greasy food, give me more! Now I'm like well actually, this small size is what my stomach needs to be full, anything larger than that size is too much, and then it's going to start requiring more food. I don't believe in cutting anything out or depriving yourself of what you want either. If you want a cookie, eat a cookie, if you want a donut, get a donut. Just make smarter decisions and watch the amount that you eat. As I gained weight I don't really know how many calories I was eating per day (I didn't really care to be honest) but I think it was about 2000-2500, so now I'm staying under 1200 and i've been totally fine (except hungry at night!!).

    Just thought I'd share some of my tips =) By no means am I completely correct or know it all, because obviously I'm having weight issues myself. But I'm working on it ;)
    I also am in college and know this "trick". I am making it work for me! I'm only 5'6" and the shortest person in my family...So I feel really short. Good luck with your Exam!
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 127 Member
    I would like some more motivational friends myself! I have quite a few "friends" but only a handful that actually comment. I'm 28 and currently 133 at 5'7". I've lost about 45 pounds overall, with the last 15 done here on MFP. I'm currently focusing on strengthening/toning but wouldnt mind losing a few more pounds. Motivational/active people can feel free to add me!
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    Hey Ray! Thank you so much!! Being in college is tricky with dieting, I guess that's why the "freshman 15" came about! What was hard with me was my hectic schedule, and soon came to realize that yes, I worked multiple jobs and was a full-time student, did extracurricular and sports and volunteering, but I was putting more emphasis on all those things when I should have been paying attention to my body and health! Planning ahead is KEY. That's more of a struggle for me than portion control! I have to do the grocery shopping, prepare my snacks and meals for the week, and just be ready to tackle the week and have food with me that way I avoid running to get something fast (and bad!). I usually have half of my MFP meal for the next day filled out the night before, does anyone else do that?! I don't like filling it out at work, I'm not really trying to show off at work I don't want people thinking that I'm doing it purposely in front of them.
  • sonia6570
    sonia6570 Posts: 3 Member
    im 4 ft 11" so I know how it feels when you gain a bit of weight and end up looking like an oompa loompa lol. Feel free to add me too :)
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    Already getting so much support from you guys, love it!!!

    Tomorrow is a brand new day! If you ate something bad today, or didn't exercise as much/at all, don't dwell! Your body doesn't hate you, and it's ready for a new day! And if you were awesome day, way to go!!!

    I've got to get some sleep, so I can have another super productive day tomorrow of studying and eating right! Gotta keep my body healthy so my brain can be healthy for my test!

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with everyone, even tho we all come from different backgrounds, I think were pretty much on MFP for the same reason, and that brings us together!
  • Smurftastic
    Smurftastic Posts: 36 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I'm 21 and in College too, so I know how hard it can be sometimes! :smile:
  • Samstudent88
    Anyone can add me too!
    23 College student
    Mother of an evil little 1 year old boy that bites. hehe.
  • nyYankeesGirl2012
    im 18, and have a long ways to go on the weightloss... at least 100lbs, and i could use all the motivation i can get... feel free to add me :)
  • justmarried15
    justmarried15 Posts: 60 Member
    you can add me! i'm also in my 20's and just 5 feet tall. happy to motivate!