Insanity...less to lose

I'm starting my first round of Insanity next week. I'm only looking to lose about 10lbs and tone up. I'm 5'3", 132lbs.

Are there any ladies out there who are in my range that can post your result/experience? Post pics?



  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Hey girl -- I'll be starting at the end of april with less than 10 pounds to lose :-) Just make sure to fuel yourself enough so you don't lose too much weight and you'll be good to go!
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm 5'6" and was 154lbs when I started insanity. When I finished in February, I was down to 135lbs. So 19 lbs and 9.3 inches lost! My link below has some pics of my before and after if you want to take a look. I LOVED the program and am now doing the Insanity/P90Xhybrid since I can't get enough. Just make sure you are giving yourself the proper nutrients to fuel yourself for the workouts. Good luck!

    Follow my FB Fitness Page!
    Be stronger than your excuses: Recipes and inspiration for a healthier life
  • RynoSada15
    RynoSada15 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 5'6" and was 154lbs when I started insanity. When I finished in February, I was down to 135lbs. So 19 lbs and 9.3 inches lost! My link below has some pics of my before and after if you want to take a look. I LOVED the program and am now doing the Insanity/P90Xhybrid since I can't get enough. Just make sure you are giving yourself the proper nutrients to fuel yourself for the workouts. Good luck!

    When did you start the insanity work outs? My starting weight is 154 and my goal 135... just wondering how long it took you to see those results. Congrats on the acheivement!
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks ladies.
    Bumping for anyone else
  • jennifer11203
    jennifer11203 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ladies... I will be starting insanity today and also started doing their nutrition plan.. i feel like i am eating to many calories.. I usually eat less then 1200 a day but insanity calls for 1500 a day. I was also interested in seeing if anyone else followed their meal plans or just did your own thing?

  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Hey ladies... I will be starting insanity today and also started doing their nutrition plan.. i feel like i am eating to many calories.. I usually eat less then 1200 a day but insanity calls for 1500 a day. I was also interested in seeing if anyone else followed their meal plans or just did your own thing?


    Uh... EAT!
    Eating less than 1200 calories a day is just plain ridiculous... What's your height? Your age? And your current weight... I'd love to help you calculate your BMR which is the number of calories it takes JUST TO SLEEP ALL DAY... as soon as you start moving, you need to eat more... and most people have a base that's more than 1200... Just sayin.
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    I haven't even started Insanity and found that while doing TurboFire I'm happiest at 1500 calories/day. I get moody if I'm much below that and I'm bloated/full if I eat higher than that.

    I'm sure I'll need at least that or may be even 1600-1700 for Insanity. Not sure thought?!
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    bump...anyone else?
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    I just started Friday, could use the motivation to keep with it when I would rather be crying on the floor in my puddle of sweat. :wink:
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Definitely eat more while doing Insanity. I was eating at 1400 and it wasn't enough. I was getting really, really tired.

    Now I moved up to 1600 and am feeling MUCH better.

    I'm 5'1" and 122 and only looking to lose 8 more pounds.

    I'm only two weeks in and I've lost a little more than a pound and also two inches off hip and waist. So, Im happy with my start!
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    I haven't even started Insanity and found that while doing TurboFire I'm happiest at 1500 calories/day. I get moody if I'm much below that and I'm bloated/full if I eat higher than that.

    I'm sure I'll need at least that or may be even 1600-1700 for Insanity. Not sure thought?!

    Hi! I have done three rounds of Insanity. I started it to lose 30lbs from having my baby. I started at 148 and I am now 129-125 ( fluctuate). All I can say is make sure you are eating enough. I found that at 143 & 135 I stopped losing and I upped my calories and started back up again.

    Also, don't be intimidated by the workouts, don't try and kept up with the people in the DVD's and stop to take a break if you needed. You will notice that they also don't get through a whole workout with stopping either. Shaun T is awesome and I love this workout. I go back to it often.

  • hpage84
    hpage84 Posts: 20 Member
    This is my situation too. I started insanity in order to lose 10 lbs, though of course 15 would be nice. My beginning weight was around 140-145lbs (the same weight I've been for the last 5 years) - fairly normal for 5'7", but I'd like to be trimmer. This is my first diet/exercise program in 5 years, so my fitness level was basically nil before I started.

    I'm halfway through the program now (Day 31), and while the results aren't massive yet, they're there. I don't have a scale, so I'm not sure about poundage, but I've lost an inch off my waist (29" to 28") and a little more than an inch off my 'pouch' (35" to 33.75"). Hips and thighs are the same circumference, but are WAY tauter and there's a noticeable decrease in cellulite (as in, it's approaching disappearance).

    I have not followed the meal plan, but I'm eating more protein than I was before and averaging the recommended amount of calories from Insanity's nutrition plan - 1750 for weight loss. I started out lower, maybe 1500-1600, but I was just way too tired - it was hard to slog through the workouts. I'm very comfortable with the number of calories I take in now and feel satisfied when I go to bed.

    I've taken some progress pics but I'm too shy to put them up yet - maybe when I finish :)
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    Awesome results!!! I would be happy with losing 2in from my waist and 3inches from my pooch. That would be too unrealistic for insanity. I'd love to see your final pics when you complete the program. Good luck!
  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I just started insanity and find it very challenging. I am on day 4 today. I am currently eating 1545 day, but may have to increase it as I find I am tired after the workouts. I also rest when needed during the program. would love to see an insanity group on here so we can all support each other
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    I just started insanity and find it very challenging. I am on day 4 today. I am currently eating 1545 day, but may have to increase it as I find I am tired after the workouts. I also rest when needed during the program. would love to see an insanity group on here so we can all support each other

    Be sure to get plenty of protein and water! I drink at least a gallon of water a day and have upped my protein and it has really helped.
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    I just finished round 3 of insanity last's my favorite workout & i am addicted, my 1st round led me AMAZING results.. i lost 25lbs & dropped 2 pants sizes in the 1st month!! if you need any tips or motivation feel free to add or message me! drink A LOT of water, up your calorie intake a bit and i'd recommend a protein shake after you workout... u don't need shakeology, i went to GNC and got a wheybolic one and it's delicous mixed w/ skim milk. good luck to you.... insanity is amazing! (:
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm going to start insanity soon I hope I get good results like y'all did
  • jjean905
    jjean905 Posts: 175
  • I'm on week 7 of insanity and i'm 5'4 119 pounds now. (I started at about 123 but I was looking to tone up more than lose weight). I've definitely had great results with the program and I loved it so much that I signed up to be a coach so I can help myself while helping others! : ]

    I didn't follow the nutrition guide at first but I was soooo tired and wasn't getting results the first two weeks so I decided to go all in and commit. When I started I was eating about 1200 calories (maybe less...I was only eating 1 or 2 meals a day at times...terrible idea). I looked at the nutrition guide and did the equation which said I should be eating 1800 calories a day and 5 meals a day. So I tried it. At first it was really hard to keep up with and I felt like I was eating too much, but I actually started having more energy, putting more effort into my workouts, and being more successful. And it's great because with the meal plan, every time I start feeling's time to eat. So I never feel like I'm starving myself or following a real diet. I get to eat when I'm hungry, I eat healthy, and it works.

    I don't know how to add pictures here or I would post my before and "during" pictures so you can actually see...I have my pictures posted on my teambeachbody profile if you want to take a look (you should be able to see it without signing up for the site or anything):
  • Hy guys i m 5 ft 1" and 105 lbs .i want to drop 4 kgs only..m planning to start insanity anyone plz help me with ny calories cz i eat always less dan 1200 plz do tell me how many calories i need to eat with insanity ????