
  • wisters
    wisters Posts: 84 Member
    If exercise is new to you and you've been exercising and dieting for a month now, how are you FEELING? Muscle definitely weighs more than fat and you may be getting in shape with new muscle, keep at it and see if the new muscle helps burn the fat :smile:
  • Your time of the month can make you put on as much as 8lbs, so don't worry! I had the same worry last week but it passed when the monthly terror did and I'd actually lost more than expected.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    yea i think i am bloated also since its almost time for the monthly...but im just pissed 2lb is alot, meanwhile my husband lost 3 and pisses me off even more..and i cook and he eats what i make and he dont even count UGH MEN im headed to the gym and will keep doing it.
    Men lose weight quicker because they have more muscle mass which burns more calories. If you are lifting then it could be that you are replacing muscle with fat. Have you taken you measurements? If not then take your measurements, that is usually a better indicator of losing fat when you first start trying to lose. A pound of muscle and fat weigh the same, but muscle takes of less space. Are your clothes feeling looser??? if so then you are losing fat. Don't give up.
  • You mentioned you were spending a lot of time at the gym. Sometimes you build muscle tissue at the same time that you are losing fat (adipose tissue), and this cancels out any weight loss that would have shown up on the scale. Because muscle tissue is heavier than fat tissue, you might even gain weight. The amount of sodium (salt) in your food might also be a factor. Sometimes you will gain water weight because salt is causing you to retain water.Losing weight is not the only measure of success. Try measuring yourself accurately with a tape measure. If you are losing inches on your hips, waist neck, and wrists you are probably losing. Sometimes your biological cycles can cause you to get a slight weight gain too, by retaining water, etc. The key thing is don't get bummed out, stick to your weight loss plan and you will succeed.
  • Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. so if you working out 3-4 times a day. you are changing the fat into muscle. it may take a bit to see loss. Do not give up.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    How bout your measurements? Are you losing inches? How do your clothes fit? And if you're doing any strength training your muscles could be retaining water. And I can gain up to 5lbs when I have PMS...
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    i will tell you the same things i tell everyone else. make sure you are checking your inches too because they are a better indicator of fat loss than the scale.

    Also, if you are on any medications sometimes those can hinder your progress, (this has been the case for me) and you should talk to your doctor about any possible changes you can make to avoid that problem (do not stop taking any medications without consulting your doctor).
  • :smile: you r all great as im reading every1 replys i feel much better and u are all right,i do see a change in my clothes they do feel looser,i feel good/better then i did a month ago...i do work out and lift and see definition in my muscles..but i want to see numbers go down on the gonna do as suggested and get measurments ..thank u all again
  • I've been at this for 2 months now and the first month, I gained too....but, it's starting to come off now...don't give up. If you are feeling better with what you are doing, then it's worth it. You could be gaining could be retaining could be having too much sodium in your diet (which is what my problem always is). But, the point what makes you feel good. Exercising and eating healthier will make you feel better...and the weight will come off. Unfortunately, it doesn't ever happen as quick as any of us would like.

    This was me too
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    No open diary...? Makes me wonder about your actual calorie/food consumption.
  • opened diary..theres was 1 day i went over ..other then that ive been under
  • knitknutc
    knitknutc Posts: 5 Member
    I find that when I eat more veggies it helps me to lose. Sometimes I do get tired of them. But then I find something I haven't had in a while, so change up with them. Do you get enough of veggies in? hang in there, it will work out. We are here for you to vent.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I took a look at your diary and from my POV you need to be tracking sodium. For one thing all that weight watchers stuff has crazy amounts of sodium. Also, you are not eating enough "real food" ie: fruits veggies etc. Your protein seems to be great. I would also not suggest eating 1200 calories. I assume you have your weight set to 2lb a week loss, and you don't have a lot of weight to lose, possible try 0.5-1lb a week. Also unless you're using an HRM remember that MFP calorie burns are high. Good luck on your journey
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    I know how you feel. I gained like a pound the other week and thought I was gonna kick someones butt, lol. I was really upset because like you I had been working out and eating well and thought what gives? But I looked back on my diary and I had some days where I was eating way too much sodium. As you know, too much sodium retains water and therefore your scale will say your heavier than you actually are. So this week, I aimed to really watch my sodium intake and drink lots of water. So far so good.

    It also could be that you are gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat which is a good thing. Everyone likes to see what the scale says but ultimately go by how your clothes fit, how you feel. At the end of the day, would you want to be a person who weighs 150lbs of muscle and is toned with energy? Or someone who is 130lbs and doesn't have as much muscle and feels sluggish all the time?
  • yroma
    yroma Posts: 74 Member
    It is frustrating not to see the scale move when you are working so hard. But, on the bright side, you've stayed on a diet for a month and worked out consistently. I try to focus on the positives, thinking about how I feel stronger and that I'm actually doing something good for my health and well-being. Weight loss is slow--there's no magic bullet. Try to be patient with yourself and you will see results.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    Two pounds really isn't a lot. My weight fluctuates by 3 pounds easy, depending on sodium intake, alcohol, and period. That's like 2.5% of my weight! Don't fret.

    Just keep an eye on your logging, make sure you're counting everything properly. I noticed you had some "homemade" entries in your journal with breaded meat and potatoes and oil. I find it's better to log all those ingredients separately instead of finding something in mfp that "looks right" (and maybe you did calculate it separately and enter it yourself, and that's fine too). I find that some of those generic or homemade entries on here aren't very accurate and are misleadingly low.

    It's more work, but you get a better grip on your intake that way. I like kitchen scales and measuring things out.

    Exercise helps, too.

    You don't actually have to get super crazy and do everything by the book, you just have to keep your intake below your output. Even 20 min of cardio is better than 0 exercise. People on here will tell you to lift. It's good advice, but if you hate lifting or aren't ready for that yet, cardio is still better than channel surfing.

    People will tell you to eat healthier (not that you're doing terrible). It's good advice, again, but baby steps are fine. If you find that all you can do for now is cut back on alcohol or sugar, fine. Any little bit is better than going back to old habits.

    Slow loss is better than no loss. Even if you lost .2 pounds per week, in a year you'd be 10 1/2 pounds lighter. That's still better than dropping your diet and possibly being heavier next year, isn't it?

    Baby steps. Don't freak out. Fluctuations happen.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I looked at your diary and I would recommend that you add sugar to the nutrition tracking info. Sugar keeps me bloated like nothing else. I also noticed a lot of WW foods- lots of sugar and salt :/

    My diary is open if you want to take a look. I also used to be all about WW but ate too much sugar. My sugar is still in the red every day because of my fruit and coffee creamer but it is so. much. better than it was. No sweet ice cream, fudge bars, or snack bars for me. At least not daily, for sure! I also have some great recipes for homemade sweet snacks that are really great with bonus nutrition. Friend me and message me if you want more info. Don't want to overwhelm you :)

    Don't give up!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I'd add sugar and sodium to your tracking. You might be retaining from the sodium.
  • MissLynne10
    MissLynne10 Posts: 64 Member
    Don't stress! I had a week where I gained 3lbs. I know it's TMI but I hadn't been "going" as often as I should have, plus there was some water retention going on.

    If you're working hard, it'll show soon. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Dear Pissed, the standard is, " if you eat less, or healthier than you did, and you increase your cardio, you will start the trent down. So if you are doing a hard work-out with weights and cardio, then there must be something in what you are eating. Be sure that people can look at what you are eating daily so we can help. But don't give up. Be sure that your calorie count is as accurate as possible and that you are including EVERYTHING you eat on your daily summary!!

    Good luck Girl and add me to you list!!

