How can i be less stressed?

I don't have a lot going on in my life but i still stress easily. I worry about little things and i'm a huge over thinker!

I've been getting a few spots lately and my skin is normally clear apart from maybe 1 spot. I've reduced my dairy intake because i know that can set it off so my partner suggested it could be stress. I think he's right.

How do you stay calm? What do you do?

Anyone from the UK, please recommend some products for clear skin! Wasted so much money on products that apparently work! (But don't)

Thanks :smile:


  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I pray.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I pray.

    used to pray when i was a little girl but it didn't work so i don't believe in it now lol :/
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    Try apple cider vinegar tablets for you skin. Has worked wonders for me.
    For stress....
    1) Make sure you always get enough sleep, plan your life so you can get enough sleep! Many people are stressed because they are tired and this results in feeling overwhelmed.
    2) Maybe try a yoga or meditation class?
    3) Find something you can enjoy and you can be distracted at. Riding my horse is a total escape for me, I forget about everything! And it gives me something to channel my nervous energy into!
  • I dunnow, do they have Clearasil over there? It used to work wonders for me, but my skin got too dry from it >.<
    As on remaining calm... I have no clue =/ I'm a very relaxed person by nature, so I don't have a lot of stress issues. I guess reading your fave book/watching fave movie/ doing something you like doing could help?
  • When I get stressed (or any other negative emotional trigger), I do push-ups. Slow, good form push-ups with deep breathing. It feels great afterwards.

    It was hard in the beginning, but I can do a lot of push-ups now!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    sleep good, yoga, eat right, exercise does it for me, don't sweat the small stuff.
  • HamsterNut
    HamsterNut Posts: 78 Member
    Pilates or Yoga :-) never done Yoga myself but I have done Pilates and its great so relaxing!
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I don't know if you're more concerned about stress or skin care. For the latter, I just use wheat germ oil and coconut oil. But for stress, from which I've suffered greatly all my life, I have my own form of stress management that works extremely well. I do slow breathing at least once a day - usually after supper. I do that for 15 minutes. I also exercise in short bursts, which helps a lot. The slow breathing can also be used in conjunction with meditation if you like. And, I listen to brain waves that I get on my ipod and ipad and they also help.
  • lipsticknlattes
    lipsticknlattes Posts: 49 Member
    If you are very stressed, then try to take it out in your workouts. That's what works for me. Also, try to eliminate any sources of stress in your life that you don't need. I hate yoga, but people swear that it is amazingly calming.
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    yoga, massage, or just going to spa for anything really.
  • BrokenBarbiexoxo
    BrokenBarbiexoxo Posts: 91 Member
    i've started doing yoga for stress (a class) and always feel great afterwards.

    also a nice long soak in the bath :)
  • MissLynne10
    MissLynne10 Posts: 64 Member
    My boyfriend is the same way, just think about WHY you're stressing, is it realistic, is stressing over it worth the potential damage to your body.

    What works best for me is taking a few DEEP breaths and realizing that no matter what happens, everything WILL be okay.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Witch hazel is an awesome astringent. Good luck! I run to be less stressed.
  • Me, personally, I'm just getting over it quicker. It's like the older I get the less I give a crap. As someone else mentioned, when something really bothers me, I just take it out on my own body.
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    I don't have a lot going on in my life but i still stress easily. I worry about little things and i'm a huge over thinker!

    I've been getting a few spots lately and my skin is normally clear apart from maybe 1 spot. I've reduced my dairy intake because i know that can set it off so my partner suggested it could be stress. I think he's right.

    How do you stay calm? What do you do?

    Anyone from the UK, please recommend some products for clear skin! Wasted so much money on products that apparently work! (But don't)
    Thanks :smile:

    To be honest the best thing you can do for clear skin is lay off the products especially make up and just soap and water and a good moisturizer. If you are getting spots , some rose water (which is very easy to make) kept in the fridge and put on a cotton wool pad then held against it every couple of hours will help bring it out and reduce the swelling . (Check for allergic reactions first though x)
    As far as stress goes, break whats worrying you down into manageable chunks and then try and tackle it, if its a bad case of the what ifs (ie what if I invite the parents over but then what if that offends so and so and then what if the parents have a row and then they drive off and have a major car accident and what if ..) (yes this is basically what I can do for HOURS) then theres a couple of options like having a good partner who will tell you to stop , distracting yourself , acknowledging the worries maybe by writing them down but then put that in a drawer and step away from it .
    However with all of this , it's easy to say, not so easy to do which again trust me I know so best of luck and hope you find something that helps :)
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    The best way to be less stressed is to remove the stressors from your life if possible - whether they are mental or physical.

    Remember that physical exercise causes stress as well, your body responds to both mental and physical stress by releasing cortisol. Cortisol levels jump from both cardio and strength training, and take several hours to return to normal levels. (This is also why it's better to not exercise/get stressed out right before bed as cortisol interferes with fat oxidation while you are sleeping).

    If you are stressing about minor things, you may need a distraction/hobby/activity to keep you from worrying needlessly.

    Alternatively, maybe you need to spend time alone with your thoughts and let them come to rest. Yoga and/or meditation are two great ways to "center" and reduce stress.

    There's no one true answer because everyone is different, but I hope this info helps. :)
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    Try apple cider vinegar tablets for you skin. Has worked wonders for me.
    For stress....
    1) Make sure you always get enough sleep, plan your life so you can get enough sleep! Many people are stressed because they are tired and this results in feeling overwhelmed.
    2) Maybe try a yoga or meditation class?
    3) Find something you can enjoy and you can be distracted at. Riding my horse is a total escape for me, I forget about everything! And it gives me something to channel my nervous energy into!

    never been horse riding but i would love to start! Trouble is, it's a bit costly. Guess i'll have to save a bit. Love horses :) I try and get 8 hours but i wake up a lot which is annoying.
  • kattbyrd67
    kattbyrd67 Posts: 39 Member
    I doubt that any product will work if your skin problems are due to stress. Make sure you drink plenty of water. When you're feeling stressed, go for a walk and try to relax. Remember, things usually work out...maybe not a quickly as we'd like...but they work out....
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I get a monthly massage. That helps! I also relax with a yummy cup of tea(you should try Tisano cacao tea! YUM! It relaxes me so much)
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I don't have a lot going on in my life but i still stress easily. I worry about little things and i'm a huge over thinker!

    I've been getting a few spots lately and my skin is normally clear apart from maybe 1 spot. I've reduced my dairy intake because i know that can set it off so my partner suggested it could be stress. I think he's right.

    How do you stay calm? What do you do?

    Anyone from the UK, please recommend some products for clear skin! Wasted so much money on products that apparently work! (But don't)
    Thanks :smile:

    To be honest the best thing you can do for clear skin is lay off the products especially make up and just soap and water and a good moisturizer. If you are getting spots , some rose water (which is very easy to make) kept in the fridge and put on a cotton wool pad then held against it every couple of hours will help bring it out and reduce the swelling . (Check for allergic reactions first though x)
    As far as stress goes, break whats worrying you down into manageable chunks and then try and tackle it, if its a bad case of the what ifs (ie what if I invite the parents over but then what if that offends so and so and then what if the parents have a row and then they drive off and have a major car accident and what if ..) (yes this is basically what I can do for HOURS) then theres a couple of options like having a good partner who will tell you to stop , distracting yourself , acknowledging the worries maybe by writing them down but then put that in a drawer and step away from it .
    However with all of this , it's easy to say, not so easy to do which again trust me I know so best of luck and hope you find something that helps :)

    My partner is a saint to put up with me! I need to learn to stop stressing.

    I totally understand about the no make up and crap on the face, but i feel uncomfortable. I'm using a mineral foundation at the moment but i'm fine with that as i have used it before. I'll try the rose water :) thank you
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I get a monthly massage. That helps! I also relax with a yummy cup of tea(you should try Tisano cacao tea! YUM! It relaxes me so much)

    i will see if i can get that :) thank you
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    The best way to be less stressed is to remove the stressors from your life if possible - whether they are mental or physical.

    Remember that physical exercise causes stress as well, your body responds to both mental and physical stress by releasing cortisol. Cortisol levels jump from both cardio and strength training, and take several hours to return to normal levels. (This is also why it's better to not exercise/get stressed out right before bed as cortisol interferes with fat oxidation while you are sleeping).

    If you are stressing about minor things, you may need a distraction/hobby/activity to keep you from worrying needlessly.

    Alternatively, maybe you need to spend time alone with your thoughts and let them come to rest. Yoga and/or meditation are two great ways to "center" and reduce stress.

    There's no one true answer because everyone is different, but I hope this info helps. :)

    I may have to try yoga. Seems popular!

    So all this exericse is causing spots? Knew weight loss had cons! lol I exercise in the morning/early afternoon. I like to relax in the evenings.

    I do like to read and that takes me away from "real life" but i don't do it often enough. I'll see if that works too
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    thanks to everyone who replied. Great answers :)
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    For clear skin....find some tea tree oil. Put some one a cotton swab and dab on. It's strong so you don't need a lot. Regular washing with soap and moisturizing is all you really need.

    As far as stress...I'm still working on this one. Lots going on here I'm afraid. But I've found that nice quiet alone hobbies are good to have. If you're active, try taking up hiking. Something where you either have to push your body to focus on other things, or quiet your mind to focus (like knitting....I hear all the counting is helpful).

    They sell lavender infused chocolate. They also sell many products for relaxation including lavender pillow sprays, ect. Chamomile tea really helps some people. Consider getting a massage or doing a couples massage class with your partner so you can help each other.
  • klynn81
    klynn81 Posts: 178 Member
    Well I used to smoke...that always seemed to make me feel better. lol. momentarily anyways.

    But I quit that recently, so now I exercise more, and pilates and especially yoga are great for bringing a sense of calmness over me.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    For clear skin....find some tea tree oil. Put some one a cotton swab and dab on. It's strong so you don't need a lot. Regular washing with soap and moisturizing is all you really need.

    As far as stress...I'm still working on this one. Lots going on here I'm afraid. But I've found that nice quiet alone hobbies are good to have. If you're active, try taking up hiking. Something where you either have to push your body to focus on other things, or quiet your mind to focus (like knitting....I hear all the counting is helpful).

    They sell lavender infused chocolate. They also sell many products for relaxation including lavender pillow sprays, ect. Chamomile tea really helps some people. Consider getting a massage or doing a couples massage class with your partner so you can help each other.

    love the smell of lavendar. I will have to get a spray :) thanks for reminding me of that!

    i do like having time by myself but sometimes there's too many people around which i can't stand! It's so nice when they go but i still feel stressed
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    Like somebody else mentioned above, TEA TREE OIL! That stuff is godly. I use it for everything.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    Like somebody else mentioned above, TEA TREE OIL! That stuff is godly. I use it for everything.

    i will get it on my next shopping trip! :)