I need to know how to get more Iron!

I never get enough Iron and I know it is extremely essential, please help. I'm a vegetarian also :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Spinach, beans... Or just take a supplement?
  • I take a natural supplement called iron extra. You can find it at our local health food store.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    are they cheap enough the supplements? I'm a student with a very tight wallet as to say :p
  • Veronicacaca
    Veronicacaca Posts: 11 Member
    Thyme - fresh or dried
    Spinach- I think baby leaf spinach tastes better.
    Beans, lentils, chickpeas
    A lot of nuts contain iron
    Some breakfast cereals have high iron, check the labels

    I normally take a supplement- you need vitamin c to absorb iron properly, so I take one that combines both :) And when you eat iron rich foods, try and have some Vit C (orange juice etc) at the same time :)
    Coffee and alcohol are supposed to block iron absorption so bear that in mind when planning iron rich meals :)

    Hope this helps
  • Veronicacaca
    Veronicacaca Posts: 11 Member
    I get a cheap supplement from the supermarket own brand :)
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    The iron from meat is the best absorbed iron. The one from plants, not so much. Even if spinach has a lot, it still doesn't work as well as the one from beef. :(
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    Thyme - fresh or dried
    Spinach- I think baby leaf spinach tastes better.
    Beans, lentils, chickpeas
    A lot of nuts contain iron
    Some breakfast cereals have high iron, check the labels

    I normally take a supplement- you need vitamin c to absorb iron properly, so I take one that combines both :) And when you eat iron rich foods, try and have some Vit C (orange juice etc) at the same time :)
    Coffee and alcohol are supposed to block iron absorption so bear that in mind when planning iron rich meals :)

    Hope this helps

    thank you, i didn't know that about coffee!! Is it the same with green tea??? I only drink it.
  • the best way is to take a supplement....n its not dat expensive....u'l find one in amy supermarket or rite aid...try it....dat will be d best
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Me too!
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Try the Middle Eastern spice za'atar. In 2 tbsp, you get 160% of your iron. I'm anemic, so I'm with you, always trying to increase my intake.
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 256 Member
    My daughter has low iron. Supplements can be very hard on your stomach.

    The best way to get iron is from eating iron rich foods such as spinach and beans combined with vitamin C rich foods such as tomatoes and strawberries. This allows for easy absorption. A favorite of my daughter is strawberries wrapped in spinach and beans in tomato sauce.
  • angbunny22
    angbunny22 Posts: 54 Member
    I actually take "Slow Fe"....it is a supplement and isn't harsh on your system.
  • kllyeve
    kllyeve Posts: 18 Member
    I eat rice baby pablum. It is very high in iron and easy to digest - I have Crohn's and IBS so my tummy can be very finnicky. Red Meat doesn't agree with me any more.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Unlike what others suggest, iron is not to be taken as a supplement OTC. Do not use iron supplements without the advice of your physician after a blood test for iron levels.
  • AmandaInGA
    AmandaInGA Posts: 122 Member
    I never get enough Iron and I know it is extremely essential, please help. I'm a vegetarian also :)

    I take prenatal vitamins.. I am not pregnant, but it makes sure I get what nutrients I need.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    I sneak my spinach into my smoothies and protein drinks!
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    Unlike what others suggest, iron is not to be taken as a supplement OTC. Do not use iron supplements without the advice of your physician after a blood test for iron levels.

    Good to know. Thank you. My wife and daughter both have Iron definiciencies so I found this interesting. Especially about the Indian spice. I will look into that.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Do you like grits? They have a lot of iron.
  • Veronicacaca
    Veronicacaca Posts: 11 Member
    I don't know about green tea... but if it is to do with caffeine then I would think it was a similar story to coffee because green tea has got quite a lot of caffeine in....maybe make sure you don't have your green tea with meals :)
  • Oh, this is all so extremely helpful. Whenever I don't get enough iron, I end up with a whole bunch of random little bruises, usually on my thighs, and I get really dizzy. I'm going to have to keep all of these things in mind.