How do you feel after your cardio work out?



  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Right after I'm tired, ready to sit down, happy I'm finished. When I get calmed down, I feel good. If I workout while I'm upset, after my workout I typically feel better. It brings my mood up. I can tel I stay happier when I workout.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I get quite a "runner's high" from my morning jog, even though I'm not going fast at all. I *love* cardio! But I know people who hate cardio the way I hate weight training. Some of us just do better with one or the other. Makes sense to me to do what works best for you.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I usually feel tired, relieved and a sense of accomplishment. Depending on how hard/long I went I sometimes I'll feel tired for .5-1 hr afterward.

    What are you doing? I would suggest that if you are slugging it out in a gym on machines that you try some walking or running outside. Also, a good cool down, I usually walk around my culdesac, and streches make me feel ready to move on.

    From your ticker you are obviously experiencing success. Keep it up.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I want to add one more pointer to cardio workout. In the course of 1 year, I worked myself to a 60 minute Precor 465 elliptical session. I found myself unable to do any more exercises, as I was totally drenched and tired. I recently (2 months ago) changed my routine. by splitting cardio into 2 30-minute sessions. After first cardio session, I stop for 20 minutes and perform a weight routine, alternating daily with pushing and pulling exercises, Then I complete my workout with the second 30 minute session.

    It worked for me.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I feel immediately a little tired, but by the time I'm out of the shower and dressed I feel like a rock-star. If it didn't make me feel good I would stop, because it is grueling!

    Keep at it, you'll be fine and you'll find it makes you feel better the longer you stick to it!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    On another thought. Have you checked your blood sugar? my husband gets real bad moods when it drops too low.

    I've read somewhere that you should keep a diary on occurrences around your exercise, what you ate, when, how much you slept, how you felt during and after, weather conditions etc. so you can look back and decide which patterns work best for you.
  • pippaw21
    pippaw21 Posts: 22 Member
    for me, it depends. i like to finish a workout drenched in sweat, with aching quads and jelly legs. if i'm like that at the end of a workout then i get such a workout high and am really, really positive.

    today was a rubbish workout tho, even tho i burned more than the usual amount of cals. i didn't push myself as hard as i normally would in the first half of cardio, which meant that although i pushed harder than normal in the second half as i had more energy and therefore burned more cals overall, i didn't feel like i had a proper workout. quads barely ache, legs are fine, not drenched :( i think my head just really wasn't in the zone. so i feel pretty frustrated post-workout today.
  • Your muscles aren't cursing at you! Their happy muscles :)

    I feel great after a workout! I feel everybody should feel amazing after a workout. You just made your body stronger and healthier. Though I'm not a fan of the sweat, at least I'm getting rid of toxins.

    Eventually you will feel great after a workout! Just keep it up :)
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Since changing up my routine, after my workouts I feel a-mazing. My workouts are really short, twenty minutes long, but I push myself throughout. I enjoy my workouts though, I enjoy challenging myself and pushing myself harder, if you don't enjoy your workouts then that may be why you don't feel upbeat about it? I'm one of those people who are always happy but after my workouts I'm happier than usual, literally can't stop smiling.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I feel energized and "healthier" like I know I did something good for me and it makes me happy. I rarely get muscle soreness and if I do I feel it the next day, not the day I've worked out overly hard.
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    I always feel really great! But then I only do what I enjoy, which is dancing. I'm not that good at it, but it's great cardio and loads of fun!

    Perhaps you need to find something which you can enjoy and won't find a chore, then you might feel better about it after?
  • zen82
    zen82 Posts: 81 Member
    I usually feel good after I exercise (though can feel completely awful during!) *but* have had a few episodes of wanting to punch everyone afterwards and feeling really crap. The last time, looking back I think it was several things: I hadn't had enough water (I later learned you need to drink more *before* you work out as well as during / after -- oops!), I hadn't eaten very much earlier that day, and after I finished I had that same grumpy feeling that my boyfriend tells me I get when he recognises I have low blood sugar crabbiness!

    Also, the pissed offyness really happens for me if I'm in a very busy gym and people in it are behaving discourteously (eg not wiping down machines, leaving weights all over the place, generally being arrogant idiots etc) so I have started to try and go in "off peak" times, and am breaking it up with exercise outside when weather allows. You can burn up a surprising amount of energy going on a brisk walk or a slow jog and it's a nice way to see some countryside if you live in/near a suitable place. I also think that while it's good to push yourself, it's important to have "rest days" -- you can still be active (eg walking to the shops or doing some gardening or something) but without pushing yourself to the limit. Your body *needs* recovery time so that the micro-tears in the muscle can repair --that's what makes them stronger. So be nice to yourself, and maybe take a small banana in your gym back for after the workout to replace some potassium and get a bit of an energy boost?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Immediately after? I'm just glad it's over.

    After I catch my breath? I'm as relaxed and serene as if I just had a bubble bath.

    Better than Xanax.
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    I am on level 2 of the 30 day shred and lately feel relieved that it's over, I feel beat and just wannt sit for like an hour!! lol I am only 2 weeks into my journey, so I know my body is still adjusting.
  • Taryn1627
    Taryn1627 Posts: 118 Member
    I always feel AMAZING when I'm done working out. I'm happy that I finished my workout and I know I'm healthier for it. Plus the endorphins are probably helping me feel pretty good too! Usually if I'm pissed off I'll go work out to feel better! :-)
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    i feel great after a workout when i do really well with my cardio , if not a great cardio or weight lift session, I still feel good that i did work out and not slouched on couch or fed with junk food.
    I like workin out everyday if possible to keep myself within my range for calorie intake, i've been with mpf since early july and I'm really enjoying this site.

    stick with the work outs it will help, with you reaching your goals of being a healthy person
  • When I'm done working out i feel happy that it is over and happy that i accomplished another class. I also have lots of energy and usually come home and finish all my cleaning, and it improves my mood. If i have had a stressfull day at work or is just a little down in the dumps in general cardio really picks up my mood, almost like I took a happy pill. Sometimes though if i have been in the gym for consecutive days and have not gotten enough sleep: working out, juggling the house, husband,work,church and the baby does make me really tired and generally not in the best mood . So make sure you are getting enough sleep and keep up the good work. Once you start seeing the results you won't be able to wait until the next time you can work out!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question, it's definitely given me some things to think about.
    CLCinNOLA Posts: 82 Member
    Like froeschli above, I wonder if it has something to do with blood sugar swings.

    Other possibilities are that maybe you resent that you have to work out, when some people can stay skinny without working out at all. That's just one of those things that is hard to accept but we have to.

    Or, maybe you don't feel successful in your workout compared with other people for some reason. I love weight lifting because I have NO idea what would be considered good for a 64 year old woman like me to do in weight lifting. I don't even WANT to know. I define success as just doing as well as or better than I did before. Competing with myself (only) has worked well for me.

    As for how I feel after a workout, .I am breathless, drenched, my face is bright red, my muscles are tired and while I don't feel like I could do another thing physically, still I feel like I am on top of the world. I want to tell everyone I see what a great workout I just had. LOL But that is just me. Now, before a workout is a different matter. I tend to be crabby and grumpy until I get to the gym. No matter how much I love to work out, going to the gym is the hardest part for me.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I feel tired but good. It feels like i have a kind of 'glow', like my muscles are alive. True, i come in, take off my workout gear, and sit on the couch and dont move for 20 or 30 mins, but after that im fine and get up and go make dinner, ect (i do my cardio in the evening).

    Emotionally, i feel really good. Like i'm in control of my life, and DOING something about being overweight and unhappy.

    I'm also happy i burned some cals so i can eat more :>. I dont eat all my exercise calories back tho-usually 1/3 to a half. Once in a while ill eat them all.

    Before the ladt few months i hadnt exercised in years, but strangely enough, i'm enjoying it.