

  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Because I want to and it works.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    1. Because being so cranky from hunger that not even your family wants to be around you is a bad thing.

    2. Because passing out on the treadmill at the gym causes a ruckus.

    3. Because brain fog at work can get you fired.

    4. Because a constantly gurgling tummy is rude.

    5. Because MFP can be set to sedentary and if you're not sedentary the calculation of 1200 calories a day doesn't apply to you.

    Wow that sucks if all of that happened to someone.. can't settings be adjusted on here to different activity levels? I'm pretty sure I switched mine to Very Active or something like that
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    1. Because being so cranky from hunger that not even your family wants to be around you is a bad thing.

    2. Because passing out on the treadmill at the gym causes a ruckus.

    3. Because brain fog at work can get you fired.

    4. Because a constantly gurgling tummy is rude.

    5. Because MFP can be set to sedentary and if you're not sedentary the calculation of 1200 calories a day doesn't apply to you.

    Wow that sucks if all of that happened to someone.. can't settings be adjusted on here to different activity levels? I'm pretty sure I switched mine to Very Active or something like that

    Yes they can be. I also edited my post to mention the HRM innaccuracy issue. That one does have me determined to leave a cushion when I start working out again. But if I get any of the above issues, I'll eat those calories, too. I don't do well at all when I'm hungry! Fortunately, low carb helps me. But it might not work for everyone.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    And yes, I think not factoring in workout regimens seems like a flaw to me. Fitday, sparkpeople and weightwatchers all factors in fitness level. MFP does not. I only left Fitday for MFP because there was a group for Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. The fact that this debate isn't raging on in other sites, but is a weekly topic is an indicator that their is a kink in the MFP system.

    I don't think it's a flaw at all and is actually one of my favorite parts of the MFP system. The flaw is the people coming from other sites and using Sparkpeople's (or what have you) process on MFP. Just because 7 other sites do it one way means nothing. MFP explicitly spells out the instructions when you create your profile. If people don't want to adhere to those instructions, that's their prerogative, but it's not MFP's fault. And MFP is not the only diet program to do it. WW has active points. Fitbit has a daily "zone" that can increase or decrease based on how much you've moved that day. And no, YOU doing it one way does not stop or hinder the rest of us, but all of these, "omg I don't get it you all are so stupid" threads are getting redundant because if you don't like the process then FIND ANOTHER PROCESS. But don't bang on the people who follow the program the way it's meant to be followed.

    So why is there this huge confusion and thread after thread about this topic? Why are so many people on of different heights, weights, body compositions, and goals are on the same 1200 deficit out of the gate? I have never in my life in thought this was an issue and never experienced it in any system, not even WWs until coming to this site. Something is missing. Some much debate and confusion.

    That, I think, is why there is so much confusion. People come to this site and say, "oh, well the other sites didn't do that" and it throws them. Instead of just reading the explanation and trusting the plan they have set up for you (which, admittedly, it can be a little daunting to just let some website dictate your daily plan and then trusting it blindly), they bring in their own preconceptions and ideas of what it SHOULD be doing or what other sites did. And I think it's not quite accurate to say that the system is flawed just because X percentage of people don't quite understand it, because there are still plenty of people who do get it and it does work for them.

    And hey, if people don't want to eat their calories back, that's fine by me. I'm not here to convince anyone else what to do and if it works for you, great! Seriously. I like to eat, and I would rather have slow and steady weight loss eating 1800 cals a day and stick to it, versus trying to stay at 1200 and then quitting because it's too hard.

    My problem is we see tons of these topics on a weekly basis. And no, I'm not talking about real, grown-up conversation on what works for person A versus what works for person B, I'm talking about knock down, drag out fights over which system works better and really, it's getting ridic.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I think the solution to this endless debate would be for MFP to work out a clear flaw in its system.

    I don't think there's a flaw in the MFP system, I think there's a flaw in the way people think about their bodies. And if people continue to eat/live that way, they will die out, leaving the smarter, healtheir, eatinger segment of the population to thrive.

    So smarter, heathlier people eat back their exercise calories? Is that the point you are trying to make. Sounds like the only flawed mindset is yours since you think it should apply to all. I believe in different strokes for different folks. Me choosing not to eat back my exercise calories unless I'm hungry does not stop you from doing it or hinder your journey in anyway.

    And yes, I think not factoring in workout regimens seems like a flaw to me. Fitday, sparkpeople and weightwatchers all factors in fitness level. MFP does not. I only left Fitday for MFP because there was a group for Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. The fact that this debate isn't raging on in other sites, but is a weekly topic is an indicator that their is a kink in the MFP system.

    No offense but looking at your join date and your ticker maybe its what you need to lose the weight.
    If thats your goal.

    Going by previous posts you workout almost every day and you under eat.
    Its no shocker that you've lost almost nothing.
    Then you debate the reasons why?

    1) You under eat creating stress
    2) you workout every day creating more stress
    3) you almost never have a chance to recover from your workouts

    I'll explain:
    Food = recovery.

    People who workout every day and eat right and get the proper sleep will recover faster than people who dont.

    You eat too little food for recovery.
    Then you do the same thing the next day.
    And the day after that.

    If you were to eat the proper amount of nutrients daily and workout 3-4x a week giving proper time for rest and recovery, you will see better results.
    Thats why I said guarantee.

    And JM 30DS isnt a true resistance program so you wont get the proper training from it and you wont break the insulin resistance

    You have 2 main culprits from your condition:

    1) Hormones. You eat better and youll regulate most of these BTW.
    2) insulin resistance. You break this by periodically fasting and resistance training.

    Stop arguing over something that you cant even make work for yourself.

    See there you go making assumptions, and you know what they say about assuming. Also you don't read well since I have told you several times I am not doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. My join date and start date are not even close to being the same. I started in June and actually took two weeks off from everything due to family issues. As a woman with PCOS I am proud of my 10.5lb weight loss because it is harder for me than others. That was 4lbs lost in June and 6.5lbs lost in July.

    You think you are so informed with your guaranteed program that works for all. Your profile says you are not a nutritionist, a trainer, a medical professional or have any training in this area at all other than your personal experience. Moreover you are a MAN, who the hell are you to dictate what will work for women with PCOS. Even doctors can't figure that out, but you know better than them all. Exercise less and eat more, are you serious. Why not stick to what you know and that obviously not this.
  • Morgan803
    Morgan803 Posts: 56 Member
    No 1000 calories is one pound so if you want to lose 2 pounds per week you need to burn 2000 a week not 7000
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    No 1000 calories is one pound so if you want to lose 2 pounds per week you need to burn 2000 a week not 7000

    I believe you have to cut 3500 cals to lose a pound. I know you'd have to overeat by 3500 cals to gain a pound, right? You can google this info if you like...
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    No 1000 calories is one pound so if you want to lose 2 pounds per week you need to burn 2000 a week not 7000

    I believe you have to cut 3500 cals to lose a pound. I know you'd have to overeat by 3500 cals to gain a pound, right?

    3500 calories = 1 pound. So if you cut 1000 cals a day, you will lose 7000 calories in a week, which is 2 lbs.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    On another site I use, my cals are set between 1200-1500, so eat anywhere in that range. Exercise cals aren't eaten back, that's why you have that range to begin with I guess.

    I've always thought that as long as your daily deficit doesn't exceed 1000 then it's okay, and not unhealthy, and don't eat below 1200.

    Oh my goodness.....
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    No 1000 calories is one pound so if you want to lose 2 pounds per week you need to burn 2000 a week not 7000

    I believe you have to cut 3500 cals to lose a pound. I know you'd have to overeat by 3500 cals to gain a pound, right?

    3500 calories = 1 pound. So if you cut 1000 cals a day, you will lose 7000 calories in a week, which is 2 lbs.

    Thanks that's a little clearer. :smile:
  • AMC4x4
    AMC4x4 Posts: 37 Member
    Ive noticed lot of people do either or.. i was just wondering why the people who do eat them back do it to begin with! I just dont get it!
    The only way i can understand them doing this is if they went WAY over their calories to begin with and needed to work them off. Then technically they "ate" their exercise cals

    For me, it's a matter of balance. I've set up MFP with a "sedentary" profile and configured it so I will lose 2 lbs a week. Working out ALLOWS me to eat a little more,and keep my energy up. I figure my regular meals according to MFP are just what keep me going during the day, without a workout, and target my 2lbs a week.

    Let's say during a typical workout (for me) I burn 250-400 calories, depending on what power 90 workout I'm doing. I have a pre-workout shake and a post-workout recovery drink that's around 300 calories total. To me, it feels like I'm giving my body specific fuel for the workout, and then a specific formula to maximize recovery and keep me healthy.

    Before I did it like this, every time I'd start a workout program, I'd get sick within a couple days, or I just felt awful during a workout. Some people can workout with their regular calories for the day, or fasting. I guess I'm just not one of those people.

    So as long as I'm on target with MFP, and still targeting 2lbs a week, I'm good with eating back my workout calories. it's a marathon for me, not a sprint. I'm not denying myself too much, although I am keeping much better track of what's going in my body with MFP.
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    I exercise because I want to eat. I reached my goal weight today.

    Haven't been obese, or overweight, a day in my life.

    Smart girl! Proactive!
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    This entire thread has kept me reading during me elliptical workout. Thanks.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I think the solution to this endless debate would be for MFP to work out a clear flaw in its system.

    I don't think there's a flaw in the MFP system, I think there's a flaw in the way people think about their bodies. And if people continue to eat/live that way, they will die out, leaving the smarter, healtheir, eatinger segment of the population to thrive.

    So smarter, heathlier people eat back their exercise calories? Is that the point you are trying to make. Sounds like the only flawed mindset is yours since you think it should apply to all. I believe in different strokes for different folks. Me choosing not to eat back my exercise calories unless I'm hungry does not stop you from doing it or hinder your journey in anyway.

    And yes, I think not factoring in workout regimens seems like a flaw to me. Fitday, sparkpeople and weightwatchers all factors in fitness level. MFP does not. I only left Fitday for MFP because there was a group for Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. The fact that this debate isn't raging on in other sites, but is a weekly topic is an indicator that their is a kink in the MFP system.

    No offense but looking at your join date and your ticker maybe its what you need to lose the weight.
    If thats your goal.

    Going by previous posts you workout almost every day and you under eat.
    Its no shocker that you've lost almost nothing.
    Then you debate the reasons why?

    1) You under eat creating stress
    2) you workout every day creating more stress
    3) you almost never have a chance to recover from your workouts

    I'll explain:
    Food = recovery.

    People who workout every day and eat right and get the proper sleep will recover faster than people who dont.

    You eat too little food for recovery.
    Then you do the same thing the next day.
    And the day after that.

    If you were to eat the proper amount of nutrients daily and workout 3-4x a week giving proper time for rest and recovery, you will see better results.
    Thats why I said guarantee.

    And JM 30DS isnt a true resistance program so you wont get the proper training from it and you wont break the insulin resistance

    You have 2 main culprits from your condition:

    1) Hormones. You eat better and youll regulate most of these BTW.
    2) insulin resistance. You break this by periodically fasting and resistance training.

    Stop arguing over something that you cant even make work for yourself.

    See there you go making assumptions, and you know what they say about assuming. Also you don't read well since I have told you several times I am not doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. My join date and start date are not even close to being the same. I started in June and actually took two weeks off from everything due to family issues. As a woman with PCOS I am proud of my 10.5lb weight loss because it is harder for me than others. That was 4lbs lost in June and 6.5lbs lost in July.

    You think you are so informed with your guaranteed program that works for all. Your profile says you are not a nutritionist, a trainer, a medical professional or have any training in this area at all other than your personal experience. Moreover you are a MAN, who the hell are you to dictate what will work for women with PCOS. Even doctors can't figure that out, but you know better than them all. Exercise less and eat more, are you serious. Why not stick to what you know and that obviously not this.

    Okay okay settle down.
    You do your thing but keep in mind that again your 2 biggest issues are hormones and insulin resistance.

    Once you find a way to beat that you'll have better results.

    I won't get into the 100s of people on my plans that have succeeded where ****ty dietary advice like "Eat less and move more" have failed.

    These are people like you.
    My doors are always open.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    I think the solution to this endless debate would be for MFP to work out a clear flaw in its system.

    I don't think there's a flaw in the MFP system, I think there's a flaw in the way people think about their bodies. And if people continue to eat/live that way, they will die out, leaving the smarter, healtheir, eatinger segment of the population to thrive.

    So smarter, heathlier people eat back their exercise calories? Is that the point you are trying to make. Sounds like the only flawed mindset is yours since you think it should apply to all. I believe in different strokes for different folks. Me choosing not to eat back my exercise calories unless I'm hungry does not stop you from doing it or hinder your journey in anyway.

    And yes, I think not factoring in workout regimens seems like a flaw to me. Fitday, sparkpeople and weightwatchers all factors in fitness level. MFP does not. I only left Fitday for MFP because there was a group for Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. The fact that this debate isn't raging on in other sites, but is a weekly topic is an indicator that their is a kink in the MFP system.

    No offense but looking at your join date and your ticker maybe its what you need to lose the weight.
    If thats your goal.

    Going by previous posts you workout almost every day and you under eat.
    Its no shocker that you've lost almost nothing.
    Then you debate the reasons why?

    1) You under eat creating stress
    2) you workout every day creating more stress
    3) you almost never have a chance to recover from your workouts

    I'll explain:
    Food = recovery.

    People who workout every day and eat right and get the proper sleep will recover faster than people who dont.

    You eat too little food for recovery.
    Then you do the same thing the next day.
    And the day after that.

    If you were to eat the proper amount of nutrients daily and workout 3-4x a week giving proper time for rest and recovery, you will see better results.
    Thats why I said guarantee.

    And JM 30DS isnt a true resistance program so you wont get the proper training from it and you wont break the insulin resistance

    You have 2 main culprits from your condition:

    1) Hormones. You eat better and youll regulate most of these BTW.
    2) insulin resistance. You break this by periodically fasting and resistance training.

    Stop arguing over something that you cant even make work for yourself.

    See there you go making assumptions, and you know what they say about assuming. Also you don't read well since I have told you several times I am not doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. My join date and start date are not even close to being the same. I started in June and actually took two weeks off from everything due to family issues. As a woman with PCOS I am proud of my 10.5lb weight loss because it is harder for me than others. That was 4lbs lost in June and 6.5lbs lost in July.

    You think you are so informed with your guaranteed program that works for all. Your profile says you are not a nutritionist, a trainer, a medical professional or have any training in this area at all other than your personal experience. Moreover you are a MAN, who the hell are you to dictate what will work for women with PCOS. Even doctors can't figure that out, but you know better than them all. Exercise less and eat more, are you serious. Why not stick to what you know and that obviously not this.

    Okay okay settle down.
    You do your thing but keep in mind that again your 2 biggest issues are hormones and insulin resistance.

    Once you find a way to beat that you'll have better results.

    I won't get into the 100s of people on my plans that have succeeded where ****ty dietary advice like "Eat less and move more" have failed.

    These are people like you.
    My doors are always open.

    To be honest how could you expect someone to go outside of their personal plan and doctors advice and follows some random person on the internet? I'm new here, but what are your credential exactly?
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I think the solution to this endless debate would be for MFP to work out a clear flaw in its system.

    I don't think there's a flaw in the MFP system, I think there's a flaw in the way people think about their bodies. And if people continue to eat/live that way, they will die out, leaving the smarter, healtheir, eatinger segment of the population to thrive.

    So smarter, heathlier people eat back their exercise calories? Is that the point you are trying to make. Sounds like the only flawed mindset is yours since you think it should apply to all. I believe in different strokes for different folks. Me choosing not to eat back my exercise calories unless I'm hungry does not stop you from doing it or hinder your journey in anyway.

    And yes, I think not factoring in workout regimens seems like a flaw to me. Fitday, sparkpeople and weightwatchers all factors in fitness level. MFP does not. I only left Fitday for MFP because there was a group for Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. The fact that this debate isn't raging on in other sites, but is a weekly topic is an indicator that their is a kink in the MFP system.

    No offense but looking at your join date and your ticker maybe its what you need to lose the weight.
    If thats your goal.

    Going by previous posts you workout almost every day and you under eat.
    Its no shocker that you've lost almost nothing.
    Then you debate the reasons why?

    1) You under eat creating stress
    2) you workout every day creating more stress
    3) you almost never have a chance to recover from your workouts

    I'll explain:
    Food = recovery.

    People who workout every day and eat right and get the proper sleep will recover faster than people who dont.

    You eat too little food for recovery.
    Then you do the same thing the next day.
    And the day after that.

    If you were to eat the proper amount of nutrients daily and workout 3-4x a week giving proper time for rest and recovery, you will see better results.
    Thats why I said guarantee.

    And JM 30DS isnt a true resistance program so you wont get the proper training from it and you wont break the insulin resistance

    You have 2 main culprits from your condition:

    1) Hormones. You eat better and youll regulate most of these BTW.
    2) insulin resistance. You break this by periodically fasting and resistance training.

    Stop arguing over something that you cant even make work for yourself.

    See there you go making assumptions, and you know what they say about assuming. Also you don't read well since I have told you several times I am not doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. My join date and start date are not even close to being the same. I started in June and actually took two weeks off from everything due to family issues. As a woman with PCOS I am proud of my 10.5lb weight loss because it is harder for me than others. That was 4lbs lost in June and 6.5lbs lost in July.

    You think you are so informed with your guaranteed program that works for all. Your profile says you are not a nutritionist, a trainer, a medical professional or have any training in this area at all other than your personal experience. Moreover you are a MAN, who the hell are you to dictate what will work for women with PCOS. Even doctors can't figure that out, but you know better than them all. Exercise less and eat more, are you serious. Why not stick to what you know and that obviously not this.

    Okay okay settle down.
    You do your thing but keep in mind that again your 2 biggest issues are hormones and insulin resistance.

    Once you find a way to beat that you'll have better results.

    I won't get into the 100s of people on my plans that have succeeded where ****ty dietary advice like "Eat less and move more" have failed.

    These are people like you.
    My doors are always open.

    Mr. Informed, Did you know that not everyone with PCOS has insulin resistance. And regardless if a PCOS woman has IR or not, studies have shown that we have a lower BMR than women who do not have PCOS. Congratulations if you have helped 100s with what appears to be anecdotal advice. Since you can guarantee results, perhaps you should start selling your plan since you obviously know more than doctors, nutritionists and trainers. You have solved the PCOS problem that even those with years of education and practice could not. . Next you are going to say you have fool proof way for people with thyroid disorders to lose as well. Forget metabolic testing, who needs that. Blood work, unnecessary because we have Helloitsdan. Helloitsdan can give guaranteed advice without seeing my diary, without knowing my health history, without seeing my blood work or even my workout plan. Just stop while you are ahead because you are making yourself look ridiculous. You are no more an expert in PCOS weight loss than I am Beyonce. Sure I think I'm Beyonce in my mind when her song comes on and I start dancing, but in reality I'm not and never will be. So in your mind you have convinced yourself you know things that clearly you don't. So don't be surprised if others don't abandon their programs and take your "challenge,"
  • 150bound
    No 1000 calories is one pound so if you want to lose 2 pounds per week you need to burn 2000 a week not 7000

  • 150bound
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just with my eating changes, I'm set to lose about a pound a week. I used to not eat back my exercise calories, but 1250 calories a day (and then exercising on top of that!) just doesn't feel like enough food. So I exercise to get extra food, and am less miserable, and therefore stay on a diet longer and with less frustration. In the meantime, the exercise is helping my heart and toning my body.
  • dailyguy
    dailyguy Posts: 11 Member
    No 1000 calories is one pound so if you want to lose 2 pounds per week you need to burn 2000 a week not 7000


    That's actually incorrect. It takes 3500 calories to burn 1 lb of fat, so you need a calorie deficit of 500/day.

    As far as eating back the calories you burned, experts say that you should not go below 1200 cals/day. So if you only ate 1200 and burned 400, you are left with only 800 calories...which they say is unhealthy. So you need to feed your body to go back up to 1200, and still burn fat. Your body needs a certain number of calories to function on a daily basis outside the workout routine. Find out what your calorie needs are per day based on age, gender, and weight then go from there.

    This topic is pretty long but really a simple science as cals in vs cals out. You'd hear people saying they are loosing weight with less than 1200 calories and never eat back the cals burned from a work. Of course they would loose weight! The question is, is it the healthy way?