What is your HONEST reason for losing weight??????



  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I wanna wear a bikini, annoy a particular relative, and coming in a close third, feel healthy.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    I refuse to let MS control my life anymore.. I just finished walking my 4th 5k today.. and I have the warrior dash in 14 days. I am down a little over 30 lbs and I feel better than I have in years...
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 549 Member
    One of my many reasons is the only woman fatter than me dropped out of my program and I didn't want to be the fattest one...
  • I used to be the fittest guy I know, now I am the unfittest + sick of being a fat ba$tqrd!
  • rtuffey
    rtuffey Posts: 10
    I'm losing weight to stay alive. I want to be around for my daughter as long as possible. It also feels super good! ;-) No Excuses!:tongue:
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    because I stepped on the scale and weight what I did 9 months pregnant!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Well at first it was because of my first real fat photo I seen of myself. Made me sick. But then the day I really decided to step up my game was the day I looked in the mirror and screamed at myself "I HATE YOU" and sat on my bed and cried because I hated myself and was feeling sorry for myself. I had to ask myself what crying about it was doing, what feeling sorry for myself was doing to fix it. So I cleaned myself up, took this photo and decided on September 22, 2011 that I was going to fix this. I lost 70lbs when I was pregnant because of Gestational Diabetes and had to for my baby. But when it came time for me to do it for me, I had gained 25.5 of that back so I took this photo of myself and haven't stopped yet. I am 15lbs from my ultimate weight loss goal.


    This photo was my "My life is going to change today" photo. And this is where I am now.


    It started out being to change myself, so I could love myself, working hard on me has made me love myself. It's made me appreciate me. However it's also turned into doing it for my kids, setting an example. Just yesterday my 20 month old daughter got on the ground trying to do her pushup's lol. That just shows me that she sees me and she'll follow my example.
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    a small part of it is unhappiness because i know i can't run a mile anymore. most of it is shame and vanity. i looked in a full length mirror naked and cried. that's when i was like, this has got to change.
  • I want to become a Mom. I'm already 30 years old, the clock is ticking. Not only do I want to become pregnant; I want to have the healthiest pregnancy, baby and body I can. I want to be a Mom that has the strength and energy to keep my child active and happy. I truly want a happy, healthy family.
  • TealStar13
    TealStar13 Posts: 165
    I've always wanted to lose weight but I never stuck to my diet/exercise regime. What finally did it for me was my boyfriend of 5 years said lose weight or we break up (please note that I was the same weight when we first got together, so it's not that I gained massive amount of weight or anything). We ended up breaking up over something else but right now that is what is lightening my fire. I want to look good and throw it back in his face... probably petty but well it hurt what he said.

    After a few months of seeing results though I'm loving this new life style. I still want to shove it in his face but it's definitely not the only thing that is keeping me motivated.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Future pregnancies and vanity :). The weight is just not worth putting me back in the high risk category again.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I just think I look better this way. I didn't do it for health reasons... I was already at a healthy weight.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    To be healthier, feel better, have more energy, live longer....so many reasons! :)
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    A few reasons.

    -To know that I can actually finish something that I start and to not feel like the failure that I seem to be most of the time; to feel proud of something that I accomplished.
    -To feel confident enough to wear a bikini (I never have)
    -To look hot and have guys notice me.

    This is not to say that health isn't important to me, because it definitely is and I already feel so much better and I am loving it. But honestly, that's not the only reason.
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    To be healthy and not die way too young.
  • I just want to look nice:)
  • eena56
    eena56 Posts: 1,456 Member
    Thanks for sharing your stories. This is so good to recap what we are all doing it for! Keep it up everyone, whatever your reason don't lose sight of it!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Well at first it was because of my first real fat photo I seen of myself. Made me sick. But then the day I really decided to step up my game was the day I looked in the mirror and screamed at myself "I HATE YOU" and sat on my bed and cried because I hated myself and was feeling sorry for myself. I had to ask myself what crying about it was doing, what feeling sorry for myself was doing to fix it. So I cleaned myself up, took this photo and decided on September 22, 2011 that I was going to fix this. I lost 70lbs when I was pregnant because of Gestational Diabetes and had to for my baby. But when it came time for me to do it for me, I had gained 25.5 of that back so I took this photo of myself and haven't stopped yet. I am 15lbs from my ultimate weight loss goal.


    This photo was my "My life is going to change today" photo. And this is where I am now.


    It started out being to change myself, so I could love myself, working hard on me has made me love myself. It's made me appreciate me. However it's also turned into doing it for my kids, setting an example. Just yesterday my 20 month old daughter got on the ground trying to do her pushup's lol. That just shows me that she sees me and she'll follow my example.

    You look AMAZING!! I am looking forward to being so close to goal! :)
  • eevers
    eevers Posts: 15
    My little sister was always slightly bigger than me (not fat, just like a size 14 while I was a 10) Now she's in the Air Force and I got pregnant. She's lost a lot and I've gained. She offered to give me her old jeans (size 12) for post-preg wear. Well I'm a year after labor and I can't fit into them and now my sister is wearing 8's. Sooooo I'd like to get back down at least to a 10. I love my sister to death, and I'm gad she's fit and healthy, but part of me is definitely jealous of our reversed bodies :P I'd like us to be closer to the same so I don't feel like the fat one haha
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    Honestly: I wanna look good naked.