does body by vi work?



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    i did a meal plan done by my personal trainer that consisted of 3 meals a day of boneless skinless chicken breast, lots of veggies, protein shakes flax seed fish oils and NO Fruit. It cost me over 100$ a week to buy this food and i did it for 6 weeks with NO results! i am NOT looking for a quick fix or i would accept my doctors offer on the free surgery to take the 100lbs of fat off! I don't want a quick fix i want to do it on my own But nothing so far has worked. Just looking for something i can do without surgery to lose the weight. I am 22 years old and im a single mother and i would like to stay alive to see my 2 year old grow up. I have COPD and have had half of my lung removed due to it collapsing and almost killing me, I also have alot of stress on my heart and at a high risk of heart attack due to a weak heart. So Please if you know something that will work let me know.

    I wasn't trying to be mean, please don't take offense. I simply don't think that the shakes will be the magic thing to do it if you've followed other strict diets. I'm not an expert on losing weight or your medical conditions. My suggestion would be to get active. Start slowly and attempt to build on it.

    Edit to add: I started out over two years ago at 217 pounds, unemployed single mom of a 1 year old and an infant. Broken pelvis, migraines, anxiety, depression. I wasn't in your shoes, but I was far from healthy.
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    i did a meal plan done by my personal trainer that consisted of 3 meals a day of boneless skinless chicken breast, lots of veggies, protein shakes flax seed fish oils and NO Fruit. It cost me over 100$ a week to buy this food and i did it for 6 weeks with NO results! i am NOT looking for a quick fix or i would accept my doctors offer on the free surgery to take the 100lbs of fat off! I don't want a quick fix i want to do it on my own But nothing so far has worked. Just looking for something i can do without surgery to lose the weight. I am 22 years old and im a single mother and i would like to stay alive to see my 2 year old grow up. I have COPD and have had half of my lung removed due to it collapsing and almost killing me, I also have alot of stress on my heart and at a high risk of heart attack due to a weak heart. So Please if you know something that will work let me know.

    I wasn't trying to be mean, please don't take offense. I simply don't think that the shakes will be the magic thing to do it if you've followed other strict diets. I'm not an expert on losing weight or your medical conditions. My suggestion would be to get active. Start slowly and attempt to build on it.

    Edit to add: I started out over two years ago at 217 pounds, unemployed single mom of a 1 year old and an infant. Broken pelvis, migraines, anxiety, depression. I wasn't in your shoes, but I was far from healthy.

    i dont expect it to be magic im just wondering if it works, if it does maybe it can boost my system onto the right track to lose, i play my wii fit dance games and i love to walk, im not aloud to bike run jog (tho i have started jogging 1 min walk to slow my heart rate a bit jog another min)
  • msperkey3
    msperkey3 Posts: 93 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR to see what that is? I agree with all the posters who said to eat more.. I up'd my calories from 1200 to 1480, and finally am doing better.. And, the closer you get to goal, the harder it is to lose it
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR to see what that is? I agree with all the posters who said to eat more.. I up'd my calories from 1200 to 1480, and finally am doing better.. And, the closer you get to goal, the harder it is to lose it

    im 250lbs so i should be able to lose pretty easy lol. i was 110lbs 4 years ago before my lung collapsed twice and i had to have the top half of my left lung removed, then i got pregnant, now my daughter is 2 and i still cant get the weight off
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member

    i dont expect it to be magic im just wondering if it works, if it does maybe it can boost my system onto the right track to lose, i play my wii fit dance games and i love to walk, im not aloud to bike run jog (tho i have started jogging 1 min walk to slow my heart rate a bit jog another min)

    It just replaces calories, that's it. It's like having eggs instead of chicken. The reason it works for some people is because it is lower calories than what they would have eaten. Nothing special about it.

    Cardio doesn't work for me. I tried walking, jogging, swimming, elliptical and none of it helped my weight loss. Lifting weights did but only when I learned proper form and starting lifting heavy.
  • elds2000
    elds2000 Posts: 3 Member
    Along these same lines, has anyone tried the Advocare line of products?

    I have done their 24 Day Challenge and continue to use the MNS products and Spark. I really like it! I watch what I eat and it replaces any nutritional gaps I might miss since my calories are lower. And I have tons of energy, which I need with 3 small kids and a disabled parent.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    i dont expect it to be magic im just wondering if it works, if it does maybe it can boost my system onto the right track to lose, i play my wii fit dance games and i love to walk, im not aloud to bike run jog (tho i have started jogging 1 min walk to slow my heart rate a bit jog another min)
    Read the rest of the replies on this post and the links for the reasons why it is not the shake that makes you lose weight. In sumnary a small deficit makes you lose...a large one can do weird and unusual things and those shakes are the devil and not the kind of devil that has answers. Someone could just as easily say eat a chicken breast with some lettuce every meal 3 times a would still work out to be dangerously low in cals for many people. Its not the shake, its the lack of cals. Its not the shake...its the lack of cals. Also not trying to be mean, just fed up that companies are feeding off peoples lack of knowledge and insecurities. Just found out that my sister is losing hair basically because she is doing herbal magic.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    Hows your protein intake?? I just upped my calories to 1700 and eat alot of protein, egg whites, lean chicken, fish, and turkey. I also take a fat burner to help burn off the calories. I don't eat 1700 cals a day but the more you eat the more you lose

    This is not accurate. People say "eat more to lose" but that refers to eating closer to your TDEE/maintenance level rather than eating under your BMR. This method works for some but not others. But, by no means does it mean that the more you eat the more weight you lose. If that was the case none of us would need to lose weight in the first place!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
  • smilingselena
    smilingselena Posts: 141 Member
    If you actually look at the ingredients that are in Body by Vi it's kind of scary. For instance one of the ingredients that scares me the most is MSG. Look it up!

    i posted link for the info on the shakes!!! very scary
  • _Courtney
    _Courtney Posts: 4
    I took the package to my doctor to make sure it was not a scam and was a healthy choice. She had never heard of it before and reviewed all the ingredients and said it looked amazing! The only thing that was not as good was the glucose but that did not out weight the benefits of body by vi at all ! She said it was an amazing meal replacement and a great idea..just to remember to eat your healthy snacks in between :)
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    I took the package to my doctor to make sure it was not a scam and was a healthy choice. She had never heard of it before and reviewed all the ingredients and said it looked amazing! The only thing that was not as good was the glucose but that did not out weight the benefits of body by vi at all ! She said it was an amazing meal replacement and a great idea..just to remember to eat your healthy snacks in between :)
    i got to see my fam dr tomorrow, i think i may ask her about it as well, thank you for commenting :)
  • chardori
    chardori Posts: 1 Member
    I am on BBV and I have lost weight healthy and my diabetes are in controlled now. I replace two meals a day with a shake and you can flavor your shake how you like. I love it I went from an A1C of 10.2 to 6.4 in 3 months
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I am on BBV and I have lost weight healthy and my diabetes are in controlled now. I replace two meals a day with a shake and you can flavor your shake how you like. I love it I went from an A1C of 10.2 to 6.4 in 3 months

    You can control diabetes with real food, it has nothing to do with the shake, it has to do with the fact you stopped eating all the other crap.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    First off there's like a million different definitions of what starvation mode is so I'm not even going to go there or claim it's true but...

    I read the first part and it's beyond stupid that I stopped...yes...if you kept eating at 0, your metabolism would be zero, and you would be dead...

    Yes, you can gain weight on a calorie deficit, females prove this all the time.

    An anorexic friend of mine has also proved this when she was panicing that she was gaining weight and refusing to eat.

    The fact that I lost at the same rate when I was eating 1200 calories and 2000 calories leads to this.

    The fact that a friend of mine has been eating 1200 calories for an extended time and hasn't lost any weight so I told her to start eating more and she's already losing proves this.

    The fact that there's threads upon threads about how people were stalled and started eating more and started losing proves this. It's not a mythical creature. Yes, eating below a persons tdee will work, and some people like those with thyroid problems have slowed energy expenditure. This does not mean you should eat half of a normal persons food intake. You can also speed up your metabolism. Eating sensibly seems to be working for a few of my friends who do have metabolic problems, and a lot of metabolism problems can be fixed.

    I'm not going to argue with the fact people claim to be eating a certain amount are usually eating something drastically different, I completely believe that part. But their logic is flawed everywhere else. What if you didn't have a thyroid problem and while your on a low calorie diet you end up with one? Your metabolism is already slowed down, gets worse, bingo thats one of many explanations of why people start gaining while eating very little. Obscure example but my point is if you eat oddly, your metabolism will behave oddly.

    You people make me mad.
  • snowsan
    snowsan Posts: 1 Member
    what kind of fat burner do you take?
  • Does Body By Vi Work? For some, yes and for some, no. I'm a health and fitness consultant in the Lake Tahoe area, as of today I have around 8 of my clients out of 37 currently on the 90 day body by vi challenge. It,s definitely working for 5 of them and other 3 not so much which leads me to believe they are cheating on their diet, how do I know? They told me. My perspective on the product is a definite positive, the nutrition in one 12 ounce shake is amazing however if you cheat on the program then what,s the point. People need to take a step back and understand the big picture which is obesity in America and the health care cost associated with it, we are paying for it and it,s only going worse, I guess what I,m trying to say is that any company that promote,s a healthy lifestyle and weight loss get,s my vote with a big thumbs up.

    Google "obesity in America" and you might have a different opinion on weight loss products.
  • s0jersgirl143
    s0jersgirl143 Posts: 12 Member
    People need to take a step back and understand the big picture which is obesity in America and the health care cost associated with it, we are paying for it and it,s only going worse, I guess what I,m trying to say is that any company that promote,s a healthy lifestyle and weight loss get,s my vote with a big thumbs up.

    Great point! People tend to forget as American's most of us are about the quickest, easiest way to get things done therefore if there's a way to help someone, even just give them the confidence needed to take control of their eating habits and make small changes, then that is a great thing. Not everyone can just wake up one day and decide I'm going to eat clean and I'm done with soda, or I will always eat my proper servings of fruits and veggies everyday. Why do you think people still buy V8 juice?! I think that Visalus (which I am in NO way shape or form associated with) as a company has a great idea and I am all for finding something to get people motivated if nothing else. :)
    [steps off soapbox]
  • yngone
    yngone Posts: 52 Member

    HMMMM.....On the other hand,.... here is an article from Elite fitness an online bodybuilding magazine yet promoting soy protein isolate for weight loss, building muscle, and its health benefits....

    There are many opinions out there on which product is best, even if they have no actual experience with it themselves, or true medical knowledge. You cant believe everything that's posted online after all.

    Body by Vi has so far been working for me, 25 lbs loss so far.... & as far a scam and promoting it for my own benefit,... I have not signed up one person..

    Everyone is individual, and have their own physical needs for reaching their own weight loss goals, before entering in any weight loss program especially if there are other health issues involved, should consult their physician first, and get their educated medical opinion.

    Just my 2 cents
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    i just wanted to post that i have been taking the shakes for over a month now and i find they have been working. also with saying that.... before i started taking them i brought it into my doctor to check out and she recommended it after that due to all the nutrients in the shakes, her thought was, even if i dont lose weight from it, the nutrients are only going to do good for my body!