does anyone use Body by vi

I want to know if it really works or helps. I have had allot of people try and sell it to me and I have a heart condition and have issues absorbing vitamins and minerals so I have to take a ton of diffrent vitamins and suppliments.
do you get all the nutrition you need does it really work do you have to do certian excersies with it in order for it to work as I can only do certian things and must be careful.
but I can never find true answears from real people who use it I always end up with sales pitch i dont need the pitch just the truth and answears as im already intreasted in it just dont want to spend the money if it isnt going to work for me. thanks everyone and feel free to add me 16lbs down about 160lbs more to go so im on a long journey


  • afgivens4
    afgivens4 Posts: 117
    I use it, as a snack or for the protein, never as a meal replacement. I like it, and it does seem to help curb the appetite and make me wait till dinner.... :smile:
  • Thanks for asking....I have been curious about it too. Can't wait to see what everyone says about it. I feel like it's a little pricey, but if its worth it, I'm willing to spend a lil $$$
  • s0jersgirl143
    s0jersgirl143 Posts: 12 Member
    I bought a trial thing off Amazon of the shape mix, it was enough for 15 shakes. I was actually able to put down the soda for the WHOLE WEEK these gave me so much energy. I could start feeling a difference in my clothes, but of course I was exercising 3+ days a week and had been for the 3 weeks before hand. I actually have been watching my friends who are on week 3 and they're a husband and wife who had lost 8lbs EACH and the wife said she has lost a little over 2 inches so far. I plan to go back and purchase the shakes again I will most likely get the shape kit, but I will NOT be purchasing from a distributor, I will be going through Amazon because I can get the kit for $15 less and I'm all for saving money!

    Also here's a review I just read on them today:
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Completely useless IMO

    I also take a lot of vitamins, and try to get as much from whole food as I can. It is just a glorified meal replacement. for 90 calories you get 12g of soy protein. I would rather get a much cheaper whey protein powder. 100 calories for 25g of protein. And continue to take my vitamins and eat whole food.

    I don't think it is worth the money. It tastes pretty good, but I have had much better and much cheaper meal replacements.
  • awerewka
    awerewka Posts: 151 Member
    Tried it! It did work but drinking two shakes a day got old after a while! I wanted an easy fix ad nothing is easier than 2 shakes a day and a sensible meal right? Well I gained another 10 pounds after I quit cause I missed eating real food! I started doing it the right way with diet and exercise. I do still have a shake every now and then if I'm wanting a quick meal/breakfast on the go.
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    Ive been using it on and off (due to money issues) for almost a year and am down almost 30 lbs.. the first two months i used it i was down 15.. i got down to almost 40.. then my bf moved in and i gained 10 back because of poor eating habits and im still trying to get back on the ball.. if anyone is interested please feel free to contact me!

    Hard to trust people who sell it.

    First off im not a distributer, im a consumer, thank you, im giving my honest opinion on a product that someone (who doesnt happen to be you) has asked about
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Ive been using it on and off (due to money issues) for almost a year and am down almost 30 lbs.. the first two months i used it i was down 15.. i got down to almost 40.. then my bf moved in and i gained 10 back because of poor eating habits and im still trying to get back on the ball.. if anyone is interested please feel free to contact me!

    Hard to trust people who sell it.

    First off im not a distributer, im a consumer, thank you, im giving my honest opinion on a product that someone (who doesnt happen to be you) has asked about

    usually the "feel free to contact me!" is fishy. More from ShakeO people though
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    Ive been using it on and off (due to money issues) for almost a year and am down almost 30 lbs.. the first two months i used it i was down 15.. i got down to almost 40.. then my bf moved in and i gained 10 back because of poor eating habits and im still trying to get back on the ball.. if anyone is interested please feel free to contact me!

    Hard to trust people who sell it.

    First off im not a distributer, im a consumer, thank you, im giving my honest opinion on a product that someone (who doesnt happen to be you) has asked about

    usually the "feel free to contact me!" is fishy. More from ShakeO people though

    Sorry i dont promote things just to benefit myself i promote things that i believe in and that have worked for me.. just as i promote breathing, walking and working out.. lol
  • s0jersgirl143
    s0jersgirl143 Posts: 12 Member
    That is something I have heard though, which I think is why they market the balance kit. It's a way for people to keep that sugary treat going.

    Side note: I have been craving more sweet things after I finished that one week of shakes. Thought it was odd until I realized that I had been having two "sweet" meals a day every day for a week with those shakes...
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    That is something I have heard though, which I think is why they market the balance kit. It's a way for people to keep that sugary treat going.

    Side note: I have been craving more sweet things after I finished that one week of shakes. Thought it was odd until I realized that I had been having two "sweet" meals a day every day for a week with those shakes...

    I only do one shake a day.. have been doing that from the start
  • rcalvert1
    rcalvert1 Posts: 117 Member
    Ive been doing BBV for 12 wks now. I have two shakes, 2-3 snacks and a healthy meal in the evening. I dont find doing the BBV has changed how much I eat. Actually, I think I eat more now, but in a healthy way. Just like anything, its all what you put into it. Its not a magic fix. If you drink the shakes and continue to eat un-healthy, you wont lose. Its about getting the nutrients that it gives you plus eating healthy (within a weightloss amount of calories) and fitness. I think Ive done great with it (20lbs loss). I've averaged 1.5-2lbs/wk loss. Which is healthy. Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle change not a quick fix. I would suggest you get the info off the website and take it to your doctor and see if it will work for you. PS. Yes, it does seem expensive but ... if you do the math its roughly 3.63 a day. Which if you spent $5 a day 5 days a week for lunch for a month, its about even. So, is having 2 shakes a day for 30 days really all the much more expensive? IMO
  • rcalvert1
    rcalvert1 Posts: 117 Member
    One more thing. The BBV product doesnt have to be consumed as a shake. There are receipes out there that could include it as an ingredient such as, in your oatmeal or making muffins, etc.
  • i just bought it last week...i think it tastes good...i havent lost any weight but its bc i havent been that dedicated to it. my friend lost 8lbs on it in 2 weeks. it doesnt seem that expensive to me bc im using it as a meal replacement which saves me money at a grocery store.
  • s0jersgirl143
    s0jersgirl143 Posts: 12 Member
    Is everyone that's using it going through a Rep or what? I'm just curious cause I can find it less expensive on but I know I wont have access to their challange website and well is it useful?
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Ive been using it on and off (due to money issues) for almost a year and am down almost 30 lbs.. the first two months i used it i was down 15.. i got down to almost 40.. then my bf moved in and i gained 10 back because of poor eating habits and im still trying to get back on the ball.. if anyone is interested please feel free to contact me!

    Hard to trust people who sell it.

    First off im not a distributer, im a consumer, thank you, im giving my honest opinion on a product that someone (who doesnt happen to be you) has asked about

    usually the "feel free to contact me!" is fishy. More from ShakeO people though

    Sorry i dont promote things just to benefit myself i promote things that i believe in and that have worked for me.. just as i promote breathing, walking and working out.. lol

    You are one of the few then. Good for you
  • Libb3C
    Libb3C Posts: 56 Member
    Completely agree! If it's protein you're looking for, much better options out there!
    Completely useless IMO

    I also take a lot of vitamins, and try to get as much from whole food as I can. It is just a glorified meal replacement. for 90 calories you get 12g of soy protein. I would rather get a much cheaper whey protein powder. 100 calories for 25g of protein. And continue to take my vitamins and eat whole food.

    I don't think it is worth the money. It tastes pretty good, but I have had much better and much cheaper meal replacements.
  • I get really disappointed when people look for the easy way out ... i want you to succeed and be HEALTHY
    fads or easy ways out will not make you healthy and when you stop doing it the weight will come back

    exercise to the best of your ability 30 minutes 3 times a week.. eat 1500 calories (or how ever many MFP tells you) of REAL food for break fast lunch and dinner drink all the water you want and you will lose weight ... you put the work in to get fat... you have to put the work in to get fit...

    good luck on your journey .. it might be hard but you are worth it!
  • rcalvert1
    rcalvert1 Posts: 117 Member
    Is everyone that's using it going through a Rep or what? I'm just curious cause I can find it less expensive on but I know I wont have access to their challange website and well is it useful?
    I joined under a friend of mine. The key to getting the product for free is to get 3 other people to join under you. Kinda of pyrimidish but it works. I dont use their website really. Not as much as this site. So, to give my opinion, I dont think you are missing much with their website. But then again, it is what you make it. My 2 cents.
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    Is everyone that's using it going through a Rep or what? I'm just curious cause I can find it less expensive on but I know I wont have access to their challange website and well is it useful?

    Its the same price whether you go thru a rep or on the site i dont think you get access to the site if you buy it on amazon though.. the only thing that could change you to a rep is if you sign up 3 of your friends under you, you can get your product for free
  • s0jersgirl143
    s0jersgirl143 Posts: 12 Member
    Bah, I was part of Avon after my first son was born and I am NOT down with MLM stuff anymore. I just ordered the Balance kit off Amazon and got it for $44.50 and don't have to worry about that autoship stuff! I'm giving it a shot based on what I felt when I tried it for a week just the week before last and the results my friends are seeing in just 3 weeks (without exercise). I am hoping to see something similar since I usually hit the gym at least 3 days a week!