Need help understanding the food report

tcaines Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
hello everyone
My name is Mecka and I am new to this site. My goal is to lose 15 pounds however when I input my daily meals and I am under my calorie goal of 1700 each time, when I click the finish button I receive a different weight in 5 weeks instead of the target weight goal that I am seeking. Could someone please explian to me why this happens. Thank you.


  • 4healys
    4healys Posts: 44
    Basically, don't pay attention to that. I don't anyway. All it's saying is that if you had the exact calorie intake and exercise everyday for 5 weeks as you do today (or whatever day it happens to be), you would weigh whatever weight it's telling you in 5 weeks. It's all in theory though. Everyone is different. Like I said, I don't pay attention to it.
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