Calling anyone who needs a friend on this journey

:smile: Hi everyone I’m 34 and the mother of two a little girl whose is 6 and a little boy who is 20 months. I just joined this sight tonight. I am working to start my weight loss journey and to get in shape to run a 10K in April. My weight has yoyo up and down since I had my daughter six years ago. I have the problem of either restricting or overeating. I am looking for people who want to work together on this weight loss journey as a team. I could really use some support at the same time I am excellent and offering support. If anyone wants to join me on this journey please feel free to friend me. Thanks everyone for the support, help and friendship you can offer. Have a wonderful night.


  • Welcome to MFP! Great bunch of people here always willing to support others.

    Depending on your level of fitness, you might want to check out C25K and they also have C210K now as well, great apps for training.
  • PlntLdy
    PlntLdy Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined two days ago. This seems like a pretty good site to stay motivated. good luck.
  • wendula
    wendula Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, just sent you a request! My name is Wendy and I've been on here actively for a month now. It's a great way to keep on track!
  • Hi there! I just signed up a few hours ago. I also have a little girl, and loosing weight has been a little harder then expected. I'll send you a request!
  • Great Job on the 6 pounds lost thats fantastics.
  • Harder to lose weight with children because I think we do not have nearly as much time as we once did. Great hopefully we can help each other stay motivated. So nice to meet you
  • I just added you :) I could always do with a friend on this journey. Feel free to add me anyone. X
  • nmleisa
    nmleisa Posts: 93 Member
    I'll send you a request :) im 34 and my kids are almost the same age as yours...6 and 15 months...both boys :) I'm currently training for a 5k now and would love to work up 10k's :) I'd love to have you as a buddy! :)
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    Good luck in your efforts! I started about a month and a half ago, and am loving MFP! I am a teacher and am getting a little nervous about how going back to school is going to impact my workouts. While on summer vacation, I had time to really work hard! Feel free to add me, the support and motivation from my friends is what keeps me going...Would love to help motivate you as well! :)
  • Jomo63
    Jomo63 Posts: 4
    Just learning this new program. I've been participating for almost 2 weeks. I'm trying to use the fit bit and my fitness pal combined to its fullest. I want to get in shape and loose pounds. I'm interested in support from folks who are active and motivated to go the long haul. I don't give up easily and am determined.
  • DMH58
    DMH58 Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm Dorothy and I'm 58. I need to get serious about losing weight and I could use a weight loss friend. This is my first time on this site and I must say I'm impressed.
  • KarenNancy
    KarenNancy Posts: 11 Member
    I have an 8year old and 2 1/2 year old I'll request you!
  • I would love the support on my journey and will offer support as well! Feel free to add me!