

  • leereyn39
    Well I guess i was wrong then. I was always told that growing up. if its wrong i am sorry
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Well I guess i was wrong then. I was always told that growing up. if its wrong i am sorry

    It isn't that you were wrong, it is the fact that it is often misrepresented. 1 cubic inch of muscle does weigh more than 1 cubic inch of fat. But most people only hear "muscle weighs more than fat!" and respond "You must be gaining muscle!". As you can see from the picture, muscle takes up less space. This is why measurements are so important. If you don't see the scale move you will be able to tell via measurements that you are losing fat (the important part, not just losing weight).
  • cathy1678
    I completely understand how you feel!! I have so much weight to lose, more than 100 pounds. My husband was just a little overweight. I ate well, tracked everything, exercised, etc., during this one memorable week. My husband didn't do nearly as much. Not as much exercise and he ate more. On weigh in day, I'd gained 2-3 pounds. He not only lost 3 pounds, but he hit that magic number that says you are within a normal weight range instead of being over weight.

    I feel terrible that I wasn't happy for him like I should have been. Instead, I just sat and cried...and cried. I was trying so hard. And I not only didn't have anything to show for it, I went in the opposite direction. It all seemed so pointless. If I'm going to gain weight, I might as well order a pizza!

    I let that derail me for a while. It was such a kick in the gut.

    I finally decided that I was not just making lifestyle changes to lose weight. My main goal was to be more healthy. I decided that even if I was not losing weight, I was becoming a much healthier fat. If I stick with that, the weightloss will come.
    OMG thats how i felt yesturday i cried after getting on the scale 3 times and it kept showing me the same husband gets on and shows almost 3lbs lost..i am happy of his weight loss,he has lost nearly 20lbs in a month as i have not even reached my 5lb..but i know i have been loosing inches cause my clothes feel looser and every1 tells me they see a difference..but my problem is that i dont see it and when i get on the scale and the numbers dont go down makes me feel like im failing..but i was having an emotional day yesturday cause of my upcoming TOM..i do feel better then i did a month ago and i will keep at it i know it takes time and patience.
  • cathy1678
    Gooooooooooooooooooood. Let the hate* flow through you~

    * hate burns calories
  • cathy1678
    I'll just second what a couple of others have said about watching sodium and accurately tracking your intake and exercise. I took a peak at your diary and a mistake I made for awhile was not measuring my portions properly. Food scales are very cheap and really help you get better at just eyeballing portion size when you can't use it e.g. at work or in a restaurant. Don't give up.
    I measure and weigh everything..I started with weight watchers but now doing on my own on here instead of counting points, but I still measure and weight almost everything
  • Andrea2315
    Andrea2315 Posts: 22 Member
    Lots of good advice & support for replies. Just wanted to add that I totally feel your frustration. I had joined weight watchers about a year ago. Followed it 100% and didn't use my extra points or "eat" my exercise points. I gained on average 2lbs a week. for the first month. So frustrating! I haven't lost weight until MFP. I would either stay the same or gain. Extremely demotivating. But hang in there, try different things and it will happen :)