Eating at night



  • lewist90
    lewist90 Posts: 126 Member
    Meal timing does not matter. The reason that's a commonly-mentioned tip is because many people tend to snack mindlessly at night and overeat. But if you're within your calorie intake goal for the day, it doesn't matter at all what time you eat.

    ^^^^ THIS
  • yoobie
    yoobie Posts: 16
    I've heard from various fitness gurus that you shouldn't eat after your dinner hour for max. weight loss
    you won't burn the calories off since you're less active at night, etc.

    Alright, I'm going to be the one saying the opposite of everyone else.

    So not eating after a certain hour is called "intermittent fasting" (IF) or "dietary restriction" (DR). Although it is true that many fitness experts say it is a method to reduce late night snacking/binging, there have been studies done on rats that prove IF & DR are effective.

    These are just two of the research studies I have found:

    The first is from The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, and the second is from the International Journal of Endocrinology.
  • KMBmutt
    KMBmutt Posts: 11 Member
    I was always told never to eat any carbs after 8pm. i tend to eat fruit at night like an apple or strawberries :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I go to bed every night with a 500-600 calorie snack (around 10:30 p.m.) and have lost a few pounds in the process.. It is a total myth, just make sure you hit your macros and caloric intake for that day... Best of Luck......

    Just a few pounds Ed?
    I'd say you're the poster boy for "meal timing doesn't matter"!

    OP: meal timing doesn't matter.
    Eat when it makes you feel good. If you don't sleep well with a full stomach, or you prefer not to eat late at night, then plan your day so you eat more calories earlier on.
    If you like to eat later - go for it!

    To yoobie: sure, intermittent fasting is all about eating all your cals for the day in a restricted "window" of time (I'm sure an IFer will correct me if I'm wrong.
    But, I dont think that even the IFers say that your body clicks a switch at a specific time (is 7pm, or 5.30pm or 11:34:53?) and magically changes the way it digests and processes food.
  • Marchmallow
    Marchmallow Posts: 124 Member
    I have always tried not to eat after 8/9pm because I was always told that eating late is detrimental to weight loss efforts - just goes to show how much contradicting advice if flying around!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I've heard from various fitness gurus that you shouldn't eat after your dinner hour for max. weight loss
    you won't burn the calories off since you're less active at night, etc.

    Alright, I'm going to be the one saying the opposite of everyone else.

    So not eating after a certain hour is called "intermittent fasting" (IF) or "dietary restriction" (DR). Although it is true that many fitness experts say it is a method to reduce late night snacking/binging, there have been studies done on rats that prove IF & DR are effective.

    These are just two of the research studies I have found:

    The first is from The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, and the second is from the International Journal of Endocrinology.

    The first study uses Intermittent fasting and calorie restriction interchangeably in it's effects. I quote:

    "Both methods of DR produced decreases in the low-frequency component of DPV spectra, a marker for sympathetic tone, and the high-frequency component of HRV spectra, a marker for parasympathetic activity, was increased. These parameters required at least 1 month to become maximal, but returned toward baseline values rapidly once rats resumed ad libitum diets."

    So it's as effective for the rat to be on a 40% calorie reduction as it is for the rat to be on an IF regimen. The effects kick in after a month in either case and almost immediately return to normal after stopping.

    The second study shows the effects of IF on diabetic rats. It doesn't really seem a significant effect on weight was seen when compared to the control group. I quote:

    "Over the last 30 days of the experiments, the changes in body weight failed to differ significantly, whether in the control or STZ rats, when comparing IF animals to NF animals, with overall mean values of + 3 3 . 8 ± 2 . 7g (???? = 1 0) in the control rats and − 1 5 . 9 ± 4 . 4 g (???? = 1 1) in the STZ rats. Expressed as a daily change in body weight, these two mean values were not significantly different (???? > 0 . 4 or more) from those recorded in the same type of rats"

    I'm not saying that it doesn't have benefits over and above normal daily calorie restriction, just that experimental biology done on diabetic rats shouldn't be taken as a slam dunk for human beings..... There may be other benefits to pancreatic function, etc. But, I assume that most people reading this thread are thinking "If I eat after 8 pm, will it make me fat?" rather than "what will my pancreatic wet-weight be if I have a late night snack"

    You need to come up with some research that shows in average human adults IF is much more effective than normal calorie restriction (to be worthwhile in it's effects to pursue by an individual) in terms of fat-loss, then post some links..... that's what, I suspect, people are more interested in......
  • Lynwilli
    Lynwilli Posts: 28
    This is interesting because in other countries people will eat late or have a snack and take a nap. Also in those countries they are slender and do not have our overweight problems. In the end calories in calories out.
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    Everyone is different. But so far with me atleast, I can eat when ever I want and still lose weight. I eat late sometimes, Sometimes right before the day is over, and it does not effect my weight loss at all. Though it might effect other people, I guess you'd just have to test it out and see how it works for you.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    Everyone has different opinions, and everyone's body responds differently.

    However for me, I don't eat after 4-5pm - I don't believe that if you had calories to spare, a bowl of pasta with cheese would be a good thing to eat @ 10pm.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    However for me, I don't eat after 4-5pm - I don't believe that if you had calories to spare, a bowl of pasta with cheese would be a good thing to eat @ 10pm.
    Would you consider a bowl of pasta with cheese to be a good thing to eat at any other time of the day?