Face thinning, too much

Hi guys and gals.

So thus far I've lost 22 kilograms. I've had this set goal in mind to get to about 72kgs from my starting weight of 100kg.. Well, I've readjusted my goal to 74, but now I'm thinking maybe even that is a bit too low. The reason for this is because I feel as if my thinning face is making me look older. I never thought as a guy, that I would ever start to check out stuff like collagen, and other face filling solutions... So, I don't know.. I feel that if I lost those last 4kgs, it would be great for diminishing my gut, but I don't want to lose anymore from my face!

Any input would be greatly appreciate it... I suppose my answer should be to stop losing more weight, and just focus on building lean muscle... :) what do you guys and gals think?


  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    Generally we all look much younger when we lose weight, just look at all the comments when people put before and after photos. Having said that, a friend the other day told me she would say when my face got too thin and I looked gaunt (so not there yet). It can of course happen.

    I think maybe slow down on the losing weight and work really hard on toning, and see how it goes. Really it is going to be a matter of see how it goes. Get some trusted, honest friends to let you know what they think.

    And good luck with it!

    PS. Your face looks fine in your photo.
  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member
    Well 1st I took the liberty of looking at your photos and I personally don't think it makes you look older but you don't have very many close ups so I could be wrong. At any rate its what you think that matters.

    The thing is short of surgery I don't think you can finish losing your gut without losing weight. Even if you work out your abs the fat will still be over top of the muscle.

    It is possible that you may not have much fat left to lose in your face and this may be as thin as it gets. after all our faces don't tend to gain as much as the rest of our bodies.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I was really surpised by this as well. Even while I still have a WAYS more to go goal.. My face is REALLY thin.

    What are you doing for strength training?

    I keep referencing this courtney cox quote

    I don't think I'm too thin at all. I understand when people say, 'Well your face gets gaunt,' but to get your bottom half to be the right size, your face might have to be a little gaunt. You choose your battles.
    Courteney Cox
  • ndev777
    ndev777 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks very much to both of you, very good advice... I'll tone, and slow down the weight loss and hopefully as mentioned, I won't lose anymore in my face..
  • Hope502012
    Hope502012 Posts: 98 Member

    I'd like to congratulate you on your fantastic weight loss so far! I've looked at your photo's and I think that maybe it's a matter of getting used to your new look. I have felt the same way ( happier with the body but not sure about the face!) It isn't about looking older - it's about looking more distinguished and healthier :happy:
  • ndev777
    ndev777 Posts: 44 Member
    I was really surpised by this as well. Even while I still have a WAYS more to go goal.. My face is REALLY thin.

    What are you doing for strength training?

    I keep referencing this courtney cox quote

    I don't think I'm too thin at all. I understand when people say, 'Well your face gets gaunt,' but to get your bottom half to be the right size, your face might have to be a little gaunt. You choose your battles.
    Courteney Cox

    Yup, I guess there's always Sculptra to the rescue if I'm not happy in the end.. Lol, I never would of thought it would get to that.. And I hope it won't..
  • ndev777
    ndev777 Posts: 44 Member

    I'd like to congratulate you on your fantastic weight loss so far! I've looked at your photo's and I think that maybe it's a matter of getting used to your new look. I have felt the same way ( happier with the body but not sure about the face!) It isn't about looking older - it's about looking more distinguished and healthier :happy:

    Thank you Hope :)
  • veganlad
    veganlad Posts: 21 Member
    Mae West used to say "your face or your figure."
  • veganlad
    veganlad Posts: 21 Member
    p.s. I looked at your pics and you look great.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I started to notice that about myself when I saw Christmas photos last year. Just like everywhere else on the body, sometimes it takes a while for skin on the face to catch up.

    Give it time.

    And strength training can do a LOT for changing your body shape without losing more weight.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I haven't had a look to see if your diary is open but when it comes to wrinkles in particular, partly its genetics but you can help by making sure you have good amounts of healthy fats in your diet - olive oil, nuts, avocados, oily fish kind of stuff. Not extreme amounts but maybe 25-30% of your calories.
  • ndev777
    ndev777 Posts: 44 Member
    I haven't had a look to see if your diary is open but when it comes to wrinkles in particular, partly its genetics but you can help by making sure you have good amounts of healthy fats in your diet - olive oil, nuts, avocados, oily fish kind of stuff. Not extreme amounts but maybe 25-30% of your calories.
    To be honest, I've not had much of those in my diet... Time to change that I think :) thank you..
    And strength training can do a LOT for changing your body shape without losing more weight.
    I haven't done any strength training except for cardio, that will also soon change :) Ty
    Mae West used to say "your face or your figure."
    lol, I want both! But I'm greedy that way :) thanks veganlad for the compliment ..
  • Stephanie2167
    I also think you look great. Not too thin. Great work.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I think different parts of our body look different at different stages of weight loss.

    I've seen people get gaunt faces - especially when the body still looks bigger than it should. But then it seems as if when the bodies get to the right place, the face fills out again.

    My husband always loses weight in his face first and his gut last (much to his chagrin). He looks older to start with, but then starts looking really striking (to me anyway). And then it just looks like he still has to lose the gut.

    Give it all time to settle before you make decisions. If your face is still to thin AFTER you hit the final weight goal, then I'd worry about it.

    And, BTW, I think you look healthy and terrific. When people say someone has a babyface, they mean they look chubby!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    overall it is all about balance. You want to look fit, healthy, and your best. I think you look fine..but get that great friend who has your back to let you know what they think. Heck..you might want to take a close up pic of your face and ask us.. you know we'll tell you the truth. lol.

    It could be that you are overreacting and you are just not used to your new look. Most people look younger thinner and weight gain ages almost everyone. I think you look great.

    - What you eat will impact your skin and face. Higher fat does make facial tone and skin quality better ( I read about this all the time on my low carb forum) also. eating lots of greens or green smoothies does amazing things for skin radiance. I always notice that girls on low fat diets have haggard faces ... the difference between the face and body almost makes them look odd...and old. One of my older very thin female friends goes on and on about her strict diet and her face looks like a roadmap over bones. Pass the olive oil please!

    - I have only seen one guy I know who ..to me..looks worse thin. His face looks so tiny... and if he were to ask me..I'd tell him to gain 15 pounds to make his face look better. But that is one single person...and I know a lot of people.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Build it back up by doing face-pulls.

    (not srs).
  • konamouse
    Unfortunately we cannot spot reduce or keep. Where we lose the fat is genetically encoded.
    My weight loss was mostly upper body. Lost my boobs. My shoulder bones are showing. My cheeks/jaw more defined. But my butt/thighs still appear 'fatty'.

    Be healthy, be happy, be fit!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Time to start the strength training - look at starting strength or string lifts 5x5.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Hi guys and gals.

    So thus far I've lost 22 kilograms. I've had this set goal in mind to get to about 72kgs from my starting weight of 100kg.. Well, I've readjusted my goal to 74, but now I'm thinking maybe even that is a bit too low. The reason for this is because I feel as if my thinning face is making me look older. I never thought as a guy, that I would ever start to check out stuff like collagen, and other face filling solutions... So, I don't know.. I feel that if I lost those last 4kgs, it would be great for diminishing my gut, but I don't want to lose anymore from my face!

    Any input would be greatly appreciate it... I suppose my answer should be to stop losing more weight, and just focus on building lean muscle... :) what do you guys and gals think?

    When you drop water weight and fat your face will also somehow will happen to lose that as well. Check out my first face profile pic and compare it to the others. They are about 5-6 weeks apart just like my back one. Since you can't spot reduce your body will just lose where it wants to. Extra fat on your face and water makes anyone look younger cause it gives them that baby fat look. You look great bro and everyone in here is agreeing that you do.
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    I think you look amazing! Your face is not to thin and you don't look old at all!! Congrats on your weight loss!!