Face thinning, too much



  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    Opposite problem -- even at low BF %, I still have a chubby face : ( Always have... and sadly, I probably always will.

    I think I need lipo in my face, lol
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I think we're just used to seeing everyone with heavier looking faces. When people see a really thin face, they think of it as unhealthy when really - it's healthy. I suspect that once you loose all the weight, the ladies will just say you look sharp. Oh, I don't know if you use face conditioner but that might be an option. You may just need to start caring for your skin. Sometimes, a little facial cream will make your skin feel and look nice. I know that there are lots of great products out there (Burt's Bee's Aubrey's) that have nice mild face creams. :) Who know, maybe one of the gentlemen here have a suggestion for a cream they use?
  • kazoooo8
    kazoooo8 Posts: 71

    I'd like to congratulate you on your fantastic weight loss so far! I've looked at your photo's and I think that maybe it's a matter of getting used to your new look. I have felt the same way ( happier with the body but not sure about the face!) It isn't about looking older - it's about looking more distinguished and healthier :happy:

    I agree with her. I think you just need to get used to your new look. You've done a fantastic job. You look great! I have just the opposite problem.... I was always thin growing up, then got heavy and everytime I look in the mirror, this heavy older woman look back at me and I think "who the hell is that?" :noway: lol I'm working on that woman now!!
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    You look good my man. I don't think the weight loss is hurting you. I personally am trying to lose weight so that my face will thin out. I think I look better that way. Good luck to you!
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    I think that you look great thinner! ((You just changed your hairstyle!))
  • sukaber
    sukaber Posts: 7
    Ahh whatever we do, we want different/more/less!! I think you look amazing! i only wish I were ten or so years younger :). I'd concentrate on weights and tone your body now, see how it is in a year before even contemplating doing anything to that lovely face of yours!!
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    Hey, I am facing the same thing here. I think it is aging related and honestly I think people, especially women, do look older when they loose a lot of weight. I am heading towards 40 also and it's difficult because facing the aging process is hard, especially when we have worked so hard to lose weight. I am trying to focus on healthy instead of looks, but let's face it, we all do.

    I never ever thought of medical interventions for looks in my life, but just recently I have. I actually have an appt with a dematologist soon to discuss options that are not extreme that may help. I have also re-adjusted my goals and have decided to stop at 130 rather than down to 125 or 120. Also focusing more on weightlifting also, which I think is the way to go once you get closer to goal.

    You can add me if you would like because it sounds like we are in the exact same place!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    So, I looked through your pictures. I gotta say, you are a seriously handsome dude, even more so with the weight loss. Maybe part of it is just getting used to looking different than before? People identify each other by face, so suddenly looking different must be kind of trippy, I would imagine.
  • Same problem here, I hadn't noticed but my wife said "everyone" thought I was looking too thin in my face and that it was making me look older. I've ended up putting some weight back on (about 10 pounds) and lost a lot of definition in my abs. Not sure what I'm going to do from here. Sucks getting older.

    For comparison - in the "save the ta-tas" shirt (last Oct) I was probably 180 lbs, in the green shirt (March) I was probably about 170, in the gym pics (May) I was 160, in the purple shirt (July) I was about 165. I'm now back to about 170.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I'd say aim to build muscle. It's amazing to watch the transformation in my husband's face between starting, then low point before building muscle, and now. Plus time will likely help. So maybe just change up your goals a bit. I think it's kind of funny how some of us become so self conscious of little things after losing weight. I have certain things that I obsess about that I didn't even notice or care about before.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Just my opinion and personal observations, people:

    I've noticed that people who eat a low-fat diet sometimes have faces that look gaunt and unhealthy.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I did go peek at your photos, too - you do look good. I don't see it. Sometimes I catch myself off guard in the mirror though - I don't even recognize myself some of the time. You look incredible and have made quite a change! And I think you look younger, personally.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I haven't had a look to see if your diary is open but when it comes to wrinkles in particular, partly its genetics but you can help by making sure you have good amounts of healthy fats in your diet - olive oil, nuts, avocados, oily fish kind of stuff. Not extreme amounts but maybe 25-30% of your calories.


    I did look at your diary and your fat is really low. In addition to the healthy fats mentioned above, you might consider coconut oil. Contrary to some ill-informed advice out there, coconut oil is VERY healthy. My ratios are 65 fat, 35 protein, 10 carb (not that I always achieve it perfectly!). I don't suggest that for everyone, but it is big time healthy for ME.

    My diary is open to everyone.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Hey, I am facing the same thing here. I think it is aging related and honestly I think people, especially women, do look older when they loose a lot of weight. I am heading towards 40 also and it's difficult because facing the aging process is hard, especially when we have worked so hard to lose weight. I am trying to focus on healthy instead of looks, but let's face it, we all do.

    I never ever thought of medical interventions for looks in my life, but just recently I have. I actually have an appt with a dematologist soon to discuss options that are not extreme that may help. I have also re-adjusted my goals and have decided to stop at 130 rather than down to 125 or 120. Also focusing more on weightlifting also, which I think is the way to go once you get closer to goal.

    You can add me if you would like because it sounds like we are in the exact same place!

    My friends mom is like on her mid 60's and I known her for a while .When she lost weight she look like 10 years older. Wonder why that happens. Maybe the fat gives the skin a younger apperance?
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    You've gotten some great advice already so I just wanted to say I think you look great!!!
  • chantalM613
    chantalM613 Posts: 23 Member
    this is a big issue for me... when i am at my goal weight everyone thinks its their job to let me know that my face looks awful... it's true, my face looks better when i am 20 lbs over my goal - but what am i supposed to do??? I need to drop these 30 lbs and too bad about my face... my overall appearance looks better when i'm thin.... people should leave their negative comments to themselves!
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Mae West used to say "your face or your figure."
    Good ole Mae… Need to remember that one!
  • I need some advice I started my weight loss challenge 2 years ago at 9st7
    In a year I lost a stone just by exercising and reached 8st7 .. I was so much happier and then I started eating healthy and lost more weight dropping to 7st11 I was also put on an exercise plan by my personal trainer at the gym ..
    Recently I've become more strict with my diet and fell to 7st5 and now I am scared of gaining weight! ..
    I am happy with my body but people keep telling my I am too slim and don't eat enough I aim to not exceed 800kcal counting food and drink and currently exercise 6 days a week with a daily burn goal of 500kcal .. Recently I've been told to eat more and I've increased my diet to 5 meals a day eg, breakfast, fruit, lunch, fruit and main meal, sometimes a low kcal hot chocolate and I feel so guilty I'm now consuming about 1000kcal a day and I'm scared ill gain .. Cause anyone advise me on what's best eat less stick to my 3 meals 800kcal limit or increase to 1000kcal 5 meal? :)
  • SFBarbear
    SFBarbear Posts: 146
    The fat displacement will even out after a little while and things will readjust from the weightlosss. Drink a lot of water and apply a good quality face cream for a week or two.
  • maro_p
    maro_p Posts: 57 Member
    It is a concern that I have too... I have heard people before commenting on other people losing weight (including myself for losing something like 4kgs in the past) by saying stuff like, oh they look much older, or they look ill etc. I think it is normal (although really disheartening) because it is a change and they do not know necessarily what has been going on.

    So in your case I did the following test. I looked at your pictures (sorry a bit indiscreet) and then based on that I tried to guess how old you were. I said between 30 and 35 most likely 32. Then I checked your age and you are 37.

    So to me you look younger than you are. Also bear in mind that with people that are overweight or obese it is very hard to tell their age so some people might have thought that you were in your 20s beforehand.