Pizza alternative?



  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    Thank you.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I use a recipe from the flat belly diet cookbook
    it is called White Pita Pizza, I am sure you can look it up online
    very delish!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Portabello mushroom pizza. Replace the pizza dough with a large portabello mushroom cap, top with some of your favorite toppings(being careful to monitor quantities). I can usually do two large caps with sauce, meat and cheese for under 300 calories.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Kashi pizza is the way to go. Even a whole pizza is under 800 calories. Cut it in half and you got a dinner and a breakfast. Or in my case, I eat breakfast, skip lunch, and eat a whole pizza at 4pm. It fills me for the rest of the day.
  • eeweiss
    eeweiss Posts: 6 Member
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I want pizza pretty badly right now. I haven't had it in a month (though I've eaten plenty of other unhealthy things this month). I had a whole wheat English muffin for breakfast, and then did weight lifting for an hour and a half, and had a couple of slices of cantaloupe. I'm planning on having baby spinach with carrots, and chicken and onions for lunch.

    Did I mention I really want some pizza right now?

    Can anyone recommend a healthier (healthy-ish) alternative for pizza that might more or less satisfy the craving?

    I actually got a semi-recipe from my sister to make a quick pizza that satisfies my pizza cravings. It's Matzo pizza (the large crackers used for the Jewish holiday, Passover).

    1 Matzo cracker
    1/8 cup Prego Veggie Smart Pizza Sauce
    1/4 cup shredded cheese (any kind to your liking, I used mozzarella)
    5 pieces of Boar's Head Turkey Pepperoni
    A few sprinkles of Italian seasoning

    You use the Matzo as the crust and cover it with all ingredients. Place in toast-r-oven just long enough to melt cheese and heat toppings. If you don't have a toast-r-oven then place in regular oven, probably at 350 degrees for 5-8 minutes.

    You can of course top this pizza with anything you like, onions, mushrooms, garlic, etc....
  • CaLaurie
    CaLaurie Posts: 178
    English muffin pizza is a staple here. Thomas' makes a high fiber, relatively low cal muffin (100 cals). I top with a little pizza quick sauce and some low-sodium diced tomatoes - or chop your own if you're not as lazy as I am), fat-free mozzarella, and baked chicken for a bit of protein. Turns out to be a little less than 400 cals for 4 little pizzas, and they are really filling. Sooooo good!
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    Thin pita + pasta sauce + pesto + spinach + tomato + deli meat + a bit of cheese = delicious. Its actually so good that my non-dieting SO requests these rather than ordering out... and we live 100 meters from a Papa Johns Pizza.

    Too keep the calories around 300, make sure you use a 130 calorie pita. Some Pitas are like 300.
  • AmandaBlue1
    AmandaBlue1 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of Lean Cuisine, but sometimes the pizzas they have will curtail my cravings. But nothing beats the real thing and I could never give it up, so I just do some extra exercise to work it in!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I use the Flat Out brand wraps for a crust. They are 90 calories and I think they taste great with a little sauce, some cheese and a little 97% fat free ham. Yum :)

    ^^This if you just have too.
    I would have a couple slices thin crust and a salad.
    I don't deprive myself anything.
    Stay within daily goal and you're fine.
    Good luck...
  • allready_gone
    I have to be honest. Pizza is one of the things I've never given up but I did modify it. We went from a pepperoni pizza to a thin crust veggie pizza. It cut the calories and fat in half and I still get to splurge!!! You have to let yourself have the things you really want from time to time to keep yourself from binging and making bad decisions later. :)
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    Bump because I love pizza in all shapes and sizes~ great ideas!!! :love:
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    Since you like English muffins, that's one alternative. Any kind of whole-grain carby-base topped with a fresh tomato slice or some low in calories/fat red sauce and then sprinkled with a little cheese is a great alternative.

    Of course, you could always just change the KIND of pizza you're eating. Making yourself a pizza at home on a whole-wheat mini crust is a lot healthier than ordering Domino's. You can better control how much cheese goes on as well as incorporate fresh veggies. My sister and I are lactose-intolerant, and, although I often eat cheese anyway (whoops!), we make these pizzas using thin honey-wheat crust from the grocery store (it's tasty, and since it's thin, each piece has less cals/fat). We add sauce, spices, fresh herbs from the garden, and any fresh veggies we have around. No cheese, no meat, but it's DELICIOUS. I never crave Domino's or Pizza Hut or anything like that if I have one of these fresh pizzas. :)
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Pizza: there IS no alternative.

    The end.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    There is nothing inherently unhealthy about pizza, it's the grease and quantity that is bad. Make pizza, regular pizza at home, have a slice (or two) and a big salad, freeze the rest in bags with only one or two slices to pull out as a craving hits, just make it fit into your calories.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    When I want pizza...I WANT PIZZA!!!!

    Substitutions just won't work for me on this one. so, I modify!! I now order a thin crust, light sauce, adding veggies to it, and light cheese pizza <smallest they have> but i have a salad as well. No soda....I tell myself that I can have water. If I have pizza no soda, if I have a soda then no pizza.

    I tend to do ok with that that way :) I just make sure I keep track of my food...if I had pizza a night ago, I need to wait And I make sure I don't have leftovers! They go to my husband or to whoever we are with.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm not one to tell someone NOT to eat pizza, but you already have the whole wheat English muffins. Add a thick slice of tomato to each half, a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese, maybe even a slice of pepperoni, toast it in the oven a bit and there's a makeshift pizza.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    if you are exercising properly and have an overall great diet, there is no problem if you eat a real greasy cheesy slice of pizza and every now and then. Just don't make a habit of it.
  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    Pita pizzas are great. I still eat pizza I just work it into my calories.Another thing I like to do is order cheese pizza and top a slice with lots of spinach,artichokes and garlic powder.
  • JodieChampoux
    JodieChampoux Posts: 17 Member
    Spaghetti sauce (even the low-cal) usually has sugar or high fructose corn syrup in it. If you use plain pizza sauce it is very heart/waistline-friendly. It has pretty low sodium, usually no added sugar or hfcs, no fat.