Cheat day?



  • Kandiii
    We do a "biggest loser" family edition thing in my family. We always do weigh in's on Saturdays. And generally speaking we all cheat on dinner on Saturday. Whether is me who has breakfast (my biggest weakness is hashbrowns) or my mom who has steak and homemade chips at the restaurant. In all the books I've read on dieting (Curves, Atkins, etc.) the only one that suggests a cheat is Curves (I think that's the one). But their cheat is a daily small treat. If you feel like you want something sweet, do 60 cal Jello cups or 1 piece of chocolate (like a kiss or 1 square of a hershey's bar). Really how much could that much chocolate add or put you over? A few calories maybe. There's a study somewhere I heard about that suggests if you eat the 1 Kiss daily it will keep cravings in check. Will power is the thing.

    For me personally, it used to be Dr. Pepper. I lost 20 lbs by quiting soda altogether. Diet didn't do it, so I had to dump it all. Once a week during the football game I would go to 7-11 and buy 1 bottle of Dr. Pepper. I had to wait to drink it during the game. Used to kill me but I did it. I used to drink upwards of a 12pk a day. 1 bottle once a week was horrible. But by the end of the football season, I'd dropped 20lbs and I was weened off the soda. Now I rarely buy a soda and when I do it's a can from the street vendor near work. I used to drive 10 miles (I work in the middle of no where lol) for a can of soda nearly every day. Now I don't.

    Small steps. Anticipation will make that little cheat all the more worth it. You can do it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    The idea that a "Cheat" is a "Treat" sounds like an opposite to me.

    That something we know is bad for us is a reward.

    That a reward of food is good.

    That is a slippery slope.

    ....whoever said (above) that, "Rewarding ourselves with food is not a good idea, that is what got us overweight," - that is what I think is the correct thought here.

    Food is energy and nourishment. Period. Not a reward, or a coping mechanism.

    Good, healthy food replenishes you. Sugary, complex-carbohydrate-laden foods deplete you.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    I have used a cheat meal to break a plateau before (sometime is it good to shock the system a little bit!) but the whole cheat day thing seems like a bad idea. I would think that would just throw off all your efforts for the week, and it would be harder to get back on track. I know for myself, a cheat day can turn into a cheat weekend...cheat week...etc...

    This is very true for me as well. I have found that I hit a plateau about once a month and if I up my calories or "cheat" I break my plateau but I only allow myself a "cheat" meal. Also by being active and changing my lifestyle I have found that I make better decisions when going out, I'm just not tempted anymore which feels so good. :flowerforyou:
  • Amberly10
    Amberly10 Posts: 41 Member
    The idea that a "Cheat" is a "Treat" sounds like an opposite to me.

    That something we know is bad for us is a reward.

    That a reward of food is good.

    That is a slippery slope.

    ....whoever said (above) that, "Rewarding ourselves with food is not a good idea, that is what got us overweight," - that is what I think is the correct thought here.

    Food is energy and nourishment. Period. Not a reward, or a coping mechanism.

    Good, healthy food replenishes you. Sugary, complex-carbohydrate-laden foods deplete you.

    Yes food is energy and nourishment but come on, every once in awhile there is nothing wrong with eating something because it tastes good. All things in moderation, yes?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    The idea that a "Cheat" is a "Treat" sounds like an opposite to me.

    That something we know is bad for us is a reward.

    That a reward of food is good.

    That is a slippery slope.

    ....whoever said (above) that, "Rewarding ourselves with food is not a good idea, that is what got us overweight," - that is what I think is the correct thought here.

    Food is energy and nourishment. Period. Not a reward, or a coping mechanism.

    I didn't get fat because I ate treats. I got fat because I got lazy and stopped exercising. I like a cheeseburger every now and then. Am I going to have it every day? No. So it's a treat. I worked hard all week and ran my miles every day and stayed within my calories every *kitten* yeah I'm gonna give myself a treat today.

    For me it's a treat. I know that having a cheeseburger today isn't going to throw me off the wagon. I have discipline. I have a bikini that I need to look fabulous in by May so tomorrow.....I'll be back on the plan.

    It's called moderation people. Portion control. Don't eat off giant sized plates or bowls. Don't go back for seconds.
  • cdreid2010
    I am not an expert but I really think a cheat day is a good thing. If not, I know for myself I will get easily discourage. But when you cheat DON'T go over board with it. Cheat day for me might mean 1 small piece of cake, NOT A WHOLE DAY OF BAD THINGS. I hope this helps.:wink:

    p.s. I have a really bad sweet tooth so I allow enough daily calories for me to have a sweet treat which really helps. I have a couple of pieces of sour patch kids (my favorite candy & they are fat free) and wash them down with my water. This works for me and I am less likely to eat really fattening sweets.
  • rori20
    rori20 Posts: 61 Member
    The idea that a "Cheat" is a "Treat" sounds like an opposite to me.

    That something we know is bad for us is a reward.

    That a reward of food is good.

    That is a slippery slope.

    ....whoever said (above) that, "Rewarding ourselves with food is not a good idea, that is what got us overweight," - that is what I think is the correct thought here.

    Food is energy and nourishment. Period. Not a reward, or a coping mechanism.

    I didn't get fat because I ate treats. I got fat because I got lazy and stopped exercising. I like a cheeseburger every now and then. Am I going to have it every day? No. So it's a treat. I worked hard all week and ran my miles every day and stayed within my calories every *kitten* yeah I'm gonna give myself a treat today.

    For me it's a treat. I know that having a cheeseburger today isn't going to throw me off the wagon. I have discipline. I have a bikini that I need to look fabulous in by May so tomorrow.....I'll be back on the plan.

    It's called moderation people. Portion control. Don't eat off giant sized plates or bowls. Don't go back for seconds.

    I agree. My weight gain was a due to two years of depression, which led to my becoming VERY sedentary and starting a drinking habit. Alcohol is INSANELY caloric!

    My friend and I called our day a "cheat day" but in reality it was a Saturday night meal. Even then we pre-portioned out our drinks and food so that we wouldn't go too crazy.

    I also totally agree that moderation is the key. We all need to live a healthy lifestyle and treat food as fuel for our bodies, but I don't want to live a life where I can't allow myself a VERY occasional snack or drink or food that isn't good for me.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I (used to) do a cheat meal once a week...and I truly like the idea of calling it a "treat meal" instead of a "cheat meal." For me (and I mean exactly that, For Me..) it takes the negative connotations away. It was something I can look forward to each week, usually Friday night after a long week of working out and eating well. One meal. And I go back to eating the right way the very next meal.
    You know what I've found since I bought my heart rate monitor? I'm seeing exactly how many cals I'm burning at the gym and it is pushing me harder, to work out longer, etc. and then I don't want to have the treat meal because I know I've worked hard all week. Before when I didn't have the HRM and couldn't trust the numbers on the cardio equipment, it was always a guess at how much I burned. It made it much easier to have the treat meal Friday nights. Now I see exactly how much I burn and a huge meal becomes not worth it.
    Can I say that this coming Friday I won't want a cheeseburger dripping with mayo and ketchup? Nope. And I might have it too. Hard to say. I'm not depriving myself of those kinds of things. Just cutting back and trying to find a way to fit them in once in a while.
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hi, i try not to do the cheat day thing or even a meal! i really like the idea of finding healthier versions of all the naughty things i enjoy eating, it makes it a challenge and im left feeling happy that i can still take enjoyment from the meals i make with my family without suffering on the scales later! :smile:
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    I believe in a cheat MEAL, hehe, usually once a week, usually sat or sunday, the only day the family is together to eat dinner, but its not really a BAD meal, its like spaghetti or lasagna or something that I dont count every calorie (but I guess or try to control portion for the most part) orrrrr we go out, or have pizza night.. or whatever.. and i enjoy it and dont feel bad...

    BUT, I cant have leftovers in the house, and it definately cant be dessert thats laying around... so its best to go AWAY to eat it or make sure theres only enough for that meal or that somebody else will eat the rest up tmrw that wont be me...

    Christmas was rough because there was so much stuff AROUNDD so it turned into cheat week... but i find one day/meal a week keeps me going, also I lose weight more because my body doesnt get "stuck" at the set amount of lower calories...

    It gives me something to look forward to the week and I can tell myself "just gotta get through the next few days and then Ill get a reward!!" and helps me not binge or misbehaive in the middle of the week!! and then monday rolls back around and im back on track.

    However if i had been "bad" during the week or hadnt lost weight I would probably cancel my cheat meal.

    Tonight was to the extreme and went out for dinner and am way over my calories... but I'll try and make up for it with exercise!

    If your somebody who after one "taste" of bad has to keep eating and eating, i dont think its for you, not yet anyways.. I think after a while you get so used to eating healthy and that one "bad" meal doesnt ruin you =)
  • pelizares
    pelizares Posts: 6 Member
    I completey agree at Cheat Meal... Not a whole day. You dont want to deprieve your body of everything you enjoy. So bring on that special meal just dont overdo it until you can not move. I know if me and my husband are going on a date. I will cut back on my snacks earlier in the day then order what I would like. It works. :drinker:
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    To My Knowledge, You should not believe in cheat days or do them. I would switch it to cheat meals. I pick one meal a week i can cheat on. Its usually either breakfast homemade french toast or dinner fettuchini alfreado. I don't do this every week but every other week. If i were you i would go for 1 cheat meal a week.
  • Davilee
    Davilee Posts: 13
    I think a cheat day on occasion is okay. I will have a day when I might have an extra cookie or a rib-eye steak, but I do that on days I know I will or have worked out a bit extra. I try to burn the calories first before I indulge in extra. Also a "cheat day" for me is not doing any form of exercise at all other than the usual work around the house. :smile:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    If you look at this as a lifestyle change. There is no such thing as cheating. You plan for times that you may not eat the healthiet. For those meals, you exercise a lot more and cut back on other meals in the day. The following day you are right back on track with eating healthy.

    Cheating has such a negative connotation. Why make it sound do bad?
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    ???? :noway:

    II think that to schedule a "cheat day" is like premeditated sabatoge of your own diet! To schedule a "cheat day" is NOT the same thing as allowing yourself a hamburger for dinner as a treat, expecially if you keep your calorie count for the day under control. But to me, the whole concept of pre-planning a day of cheating is like pre-planning to fail.

    But, to each their own. What works for one will not always work for everyone. Whatever works for you, as long as it is working toward your success, then that is right for you. :smile:
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    I did body for life about 2 yrs ago and lost 30 lbs. I loved it and it made me work harder for my cheat day. I am thinking about giving my self a cheat day again but I plan to only get the cheat day if I lose 3 lbs that week.