Is my exercise backfiring?

My question is, can doing too much cardio actually backfire? I am trying to start marathon running now that I am in maintance and have a new passion for running. For many months now I have been doing 2-3hrs cardio every day ( and strength training every-other), while eating 1200-1300 cals (I am 5ft, 103lbs). Recently I have noticed that my weight is sometimes fluctuating up a little, whereas it used to go the other way. I am 100% positive nothing with my eating has changed! I have tried varying my workouts in inclines/resistance/intensity...but that does nothing. I have just worked so hard to get to this point that I am getting a little nervous. Is it at all possible that I could be doing too much? Any advice is very, very appreciated!!!

P.S. - I'm not sure if I have posted about this in the past, so sorry if I have!


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I don't think it's your marathon training - it's more likely that it's your eating. I get that you're petite, but that's likely not enough for person maintaining, and doing endurance athletics training. Have you calculated your TDEE?
  • cyndy71
    cyndy71 Posts: 2 Member
    I too have wondered that. I am a life time member of WW and have noticed on the weeks I seem to exercise more I don't lose or even go up a bit. and sometimes when I exercise less I do better. I don't do well exercising the day before a weigh in either. So have given this a thought as well am I doing too much. Your not alone on this one.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    1200-1300 NET? Or 1200-1300 total, with no eating of exercise calories?

    If the former, you probably need to be eating more. If the latter, you definitely need to be eating more.
  • AirRicka_13
    If you are noticing on the scale that you are gaining weight, perhaps it could b just that you are gaining muscle! I believe you said you do strength training? You are probaly just gaining more muscle. If you notice within yourself, then I dont know whats goin on!
    LOL you should be fine thought, since you work out everyday and eat healthy. There shouldnt be a problem, I never heard anything about doing to much??? Maybe someone else knows more.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    If you are noticing on the scale that you are gaining weight, perhaps it could b just that you are gaining muscle! I believe you said you do strength training? You are probaly just gaining more muscle. If you notice within yourself, then I dont know whats goin on!
    LOL you should be fine thought, since you work out everyday and eat healthy. There shouldnt be a problem, I never heard anything about doing to much??? Maybe someone else knows more.

    No-one gains muscle that fast. Especially not eating 1000-1200 cals a day.

    However, for the OP and the WW lady, it's more likely that your apparent 'gains' after exercise are linked to water retention. In addition to that, the OP is likely not eating anywhere near her TDEE for maintenance.
  • princessd1511
    Thank you all for the feedback! I am considering cutting-back on the exercise by 1/2hr and adding maybe just 100 calories to see what happens. My problem is, I am not good and just having blind faith and waiting to see what happens. I am sooo nervous!