Fell while running - when can I run again?

I am sure I can't be the first person to ask this but I can't figure out what search terms to use.

I've been doing the c25k and on Friday night I wiped out at the end of my fifth interval (of six). At that time I knew I'd abraded my palms and knees but I wasn't worried - it was dark out so I couldn't see too many details of the injury on my knee, but I felt okay - okay enough to proceed to run my sixth and last interval with no issues.

When I got home I was starting to realize it was worse than I thought; during the cooldown walk it had started to be more painful to walk. At home in good light I realized I had abrasions on the right knees and both palms but the left knee took the brunt of the impact - the skin was badly abraded and the knee was already swollen.

Fast forward to my question, I rested yesterday - taking my other workout off too - and today should be day 3 of the c25k for this week. My knee is still swollen but it can bear my weight...after a fall like that, how long should I be waiting before I run again? Do I push through it, or do I need to wait for all the swelling to go away? This might be a stupid question, but I've never gotten injured while having to worry about exercise before mostly because I never bothered to care if I was active or not before. Now I care, a lot!


  • rukcus
    rukcus Posts: 58
    I am not a doctor, but I know that if you had a physical injury there is no pushing through it. Your body needs to heal. You can do something else while it heals such as some stretching, sit ups, light weight lifting.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Ice it to help with the swelling. Try an easy run. If it still hurts while running stop and rest another day. If it feels ok then keep going.
  • ChangeYourPace
    ChangeYourPace Posts: 127 Member
    Your knees take a pounding when running, so pushing them too far when they're already swollen can make the situation even worse. Rest, ice, compression, elevation. Start with a short walk, then build back up as it starts feeling better.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Sounds more like surface damage then actual damage to your knee. If it doesn't hurt to run, I'd run right away. If pain, then more treatment until you can go again.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    To to your doctor and ask them.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    RICE it (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) for another day or two. If it's still painful or you cannot bear weight on it, make an appointment with a doctor. Don't try to run today, or tomorrow. Maybe on Tuesday? Listen to your body. Once it's no longer swollen and you can bear weight and touch it without pain (other than from the healing open skin), you should be okay.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    RICE it (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) for another day or two. If it's still painful or you cannot bear weight on it, make an appointment with a doctor. Don't try to run today, or tomorrow. Maybe on Tuesday? Listen to your body. Once it's no longer swollen and you can bear weight and touch it without pain (other than from the healing open skin), you should be okay.

    That's pretty much what I've been doing; the swelling looks pretty much gone and it's just the abrasians that are painful I think - I noticed I'm not limping any more. I'm going to give it another day just to be safe but I think most of the swelling was from the degree of abrasian rather than impact, which makes me feel a lot better about it. Thank you!

    To to your doctor and ask them.

    If I thought I hurt myself severely I would definitely call my doc but I felt silly enough posting here; calling my doc to let her know I'm a clutz wouldn't even be news to her, lol.

    Sounds more like surface damage then actual damage to your knee. If it doesn't hurt to run, I'd run right away. If pain, then more treatment until you can go again.

    Thank you - that's what I think looking at it tonight. I think the swelling was mostly due to the abrasions rather than actual damage because it went away pretty quickly.

    Your knees take a pounding when running, so pushing them too far when they're already swollen can make the situation even worse. Rest, ice, compression, elevation. Start with a short walk, then build back up as it starts feeling better.

    Thank you! I'll definitely be careful, I wouldn't run while it was swollen.

    Ice it to help with the swelling. Try an easy run. If it still hurts while running stop and rest another day. If it feels ok then keep going.

    Thank you, appreciate it!

    I am not a doctor, but I know that if you had a physical injury there is no pushing through it. Your body needs to heal. You can do something else while it heals such as some stretching, sit ups, light weight lifting.

    I think I worded my first post wrong, I wouldn't go out running or even walking if it was too swollen to move :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ best use of quotes in MFP history