Young woman trying to lose 57 pounds. Any buddies?

I just signed up and am hoping to find some buddies. I'm 18 and vowed by my next birthday I'd be at my ideal weight. It'd be soooo much easier with a few encouraging buddies!
Also I am committing to a life without meat.


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Hello and welcome!! :) You will love this site, lots of encouragement! Good luck to you with your goals
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    thanks :)
  • ro74
    ro74 Posts: 14 Member
    :smile: Good luck!!
  • romneks
    romneks Posts: 12
    I'm new too! We can encourage each other. My husband has been on here since Jan. 1, and he's getting me into it! Is that picture your pup?
  • kaytee1
    Hey there =) I'm hoping to do exactly the same as you, minus being a vegetarian. I wish you all the best! I'm sure we'll get there!! xx
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    yes, that is my puppy romneks! She is quite an encouragement, always beside me when I'm working out at home.
    Thank you. :) One step at a time! Feel free to chat if you need some encouragement of your own, I know I always do.
  • ptf9
    ptf9 Posts: 12 Member
    Not eating meat is fine but the fact is our bodies are set up to live on meat and while I applaud your principles - you can 't get around our need for protein so you need to eat fish & chicken or something else with prfotein in it. Grains are one source but they also have high sugar & carb content that is not ideal (although at your age likely not an issue yet).
    Our bodies also regular cardio (at least) for 30 minutes a day (5 or 6 days a week).
    It's all math - by combining lower calorie intake and increasing those burned by 3500 will lead to a loss of 1 pound.
    If one stick to calories per day planed and works out one will loose weight.
  • Emma1811
    Hiya, I'm 19 and like you, promised myself I'd be at my ideal weight by the end of this year. I started on this site on 31st Dec and have already lost 3lbs :)

    Keep up the good work, and don't weigh yourself too often. Today was my very first weigh in, and it was such a nice surprise!

  • leighoconnell
    I am 22 and I also was trying to loose 57 lbs. :) So far I've lost 29! This website is an amazing tool! Stay strong! And good luck!
  • romneks
    romneks Posts: 12
    We had a CS but he passed away a few months ago. We now have a mixed border collie who loves to watch me ride the exercise bike! Pups can definitely be an encouragement!
  • pattitricia85
    Welcome mouseme! Good for you for being a vegetarian! I try to eat meat free as much as possible but i cook chicken and fish for me and my hubby since i run out of ideas a lot!
    As long as you are getting enough whole grains and fresh veggies you should not have a protein issue! Alot of people on here may believe otherwise but our bodies are actually made to run on complex carbohydrates! Protein is important too but as long as you are eating balanced you should not be deficient! Most Americans eat TOO much protein, from too much meat and dairy.
    Good luck!!!!
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    Thank you all so much. I fully intend to stay strong. Congrats on losing 29! wow. I'm doing at least 45 minutes of cardio a day and sticking to my calorie intake goal! I've only lost 2 pounds so far but that feels good to know something is going right. :)
    The vegetarian aspect isn't hard so far but yes protein is an issue! Also iron since I am anemic.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    I am 27 and trying to lose 20 pounds:smile: I have lost 5 pounds so far. It has been a lot of work but made a lot easier with all the people on here. Good luck
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Welcome, as long as you commit and find the help you need when your struggling, you will do great! I will be 24 on uh the 17th, lol. (Fell much older) And gained much of my weight with the pregnancy of our daughter. I didn't really commit until September, all of my weight loss is from September. If I can do it, you can do it! This website and the people on it are great!!
  • countrybabe
    Hi I just joined today and to be honest feel a bit frazzled by the time i've added all deatails in. Thought writiing daily food was hard but hope it gets easier. It's gonna take me a while to work out what I can and can't eat so that i don't use up all my calories by lunch !!!!

    Think I should add re-jioned today as last time found it all a bit much but I'm hoping to stick at it this time! The time displayed is different to what it really is, it's 9pm here in England is this an american site?
  • thica03
    thica03 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I'm 28yr. trying to lose 65lbs. :blushing:

    I absolutely love this site, you will find that you become more aware and honest about what you put in your body. make sure to balance out your meals, since you are not eating meat. Especially since you are anemic! Drink lot's and lot's of water.

    With strong determination you can do it!!!!

    Good luck
  • leighoconnell
    Hi I just joined today and to be honest feel a bit frazzled by the time i've added all deatails in. Thought writiing daily food was hard but hope it gets easier. It's gonna take me a while to work out what I can and can't eat so that i don't use up all my calories by lunch !!!!

    Think I should add re-jioned today as last time found it all a bit much but I'm hoping to stick at it this time! The time displayed is different to what it really is, it's 9pm here in England is this an american site?

    yep. american. though we love people from every country!! :)
  • rajekred
    Wow 57 pounds in one year? That's a lot, I'm not sure that's safe. But you are young yet and that will help you out a lot. If your looking for a friend, feel free to add me. I also just started and I'm highly motivated. I've been at it for a week and have been kicking but with working out. No weight loss yet, but I'm not upset yet. Its only been 6 days and I'm always under my calorie goal and about my work out goal. So if you ever need a pep talk, let me know!

    The biggest thing I looked at is its not just losing weight, its a life change. You want to be healthy, fit and look good, but be happy too. Do something fun, reward yourself with a pedicure or manicure when you hit a certain goal. Or a girls weekend at a spa! Somehting to motivate you.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • nessie994
    Hi. I'm Vanessa. I'm 21 and I'm trying to lose about 50-55lbs too! Any help I can offer I will happily give!
  • SkinnyCate
    Hi ladies!

    I am 24 and I am GOING to loose 40 pounds! Hooray for determination! :happy:

    I find it easy and fun to log in everything I eat, it's very eye opening and I cannot/will not go back to the way I was before. Just eating whatever you want is completely unrealistic. As a culture of overweight people, we are all a bit in denile about what we are actually putting into our bodies, and this site helps us do just that -- pay attention to what we are fueling our bodies with! We deserve more than french fries and chicken wings... because after all, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Woooo hooo! :flowerforyou: