Healthy diary?

Hey guys, I've been going through a bad binging period the past few weeks, managed to make it 3 days binge free though (today is my fourth)
I was wondering if you could all look at my diary for the past few days and tell me if I'm eating healthy?
Thanks y'all! :D


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    For ME, a high carb and low fat/protein diet will keep me binging all the time. You can look at my diary if you like. :smile:
  • midgetio
    midgetio Posts: 57
    I try to cut down on carbs and increase protein, I just struggle to :/ Thank you! :)
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'm doing the Eat to LIve approach which focuses on eating whole plants and lots of green veggies. Beans, fruits, nuts, seeds are all part of it, too. I get plenty of protein and feel great without cravings. My food diaries are open too if you want a peek.
  • midgetio
    midgetio Posts: 57
    Thank you!!
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    Looks great! I see plenty of fruit.. (strawberries, bananas apple) some healthy grain( meusli, whole wheat fusili) , and plenty of dairy( yogurt), some good veggies too! It looks like upping your protein( good choices on that- chicken and tuna are great) goal and eating close to your cal goal have contributed to your success of being binge free.. that and not deriving yourself of small treats.. It looks good to me .. and if it works for keeping you binge free( congrats on that!)- here's to your continued success!
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I'm doing the Eat to LIve approach which focuses on eating whole plants and lots of green veggies. Beans, fruits, nuts, seeds are all part of it, too. I get plenty of protein and feel great without cravings. My food diaries are open too if you want a peek.

    good advice. i don't care much for protein shakes and stuff. i'd rather get it from food. i eat beans a lot. i make dry beans in a small crock.

    to the op, it looks like you do make quite a few good choices usually. i saw fruit and vegetables and a lot of people don't have any so keep that up and add more. try eating a few foods instead of shakes to feel full. don't walk around hungry. eat when you want, just try to choose real food. try eating fruit with the peanut butter if not doing so already. sometimes it's a matter of putting a few things together at one time.

    my advice to everyone is always the same, pile on the veggies. lol.
  • midgetio
    midgetio Posts: 57
    Thanks guys! :D
  • Nhymeria
    Nhymeria Posts: 9 Member
    I would try keeping your carbs down. Also you should try to make the beginning of your days have the higher calorie count and the middle to end should get smaller :)