Motivation...where are you?

RaeBella13 Posts: 153
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So it's the New Year. blah blah, yada yada. I'm supposed to have all this renewed motivation and really get things on track....but I am having the hardest time finding my motivation and even FINDING the track...I have soooo many things to look forward to and a million reasons to lose this weight, but for some reason the food cravings always win. (For example...did I NEED those Reese's Cups out of the vending machine this morning at work? Absolutely not. But judging by the speed of which I determined I would buy them, you'd have thought I was starving for 3 days in the desert.) Sighhhhhh...what is going on with me???!!!! I need a serious kick in the butt. If the things in my life aren't enough to kick me into gear, I'm afraid that I'm waiting on something serious to happen to make me take this seriously. I need to lose a lot of pounds....I don't even wanna imagine the amount of fat-nastiness that is clogging my arteries at this very moment. I watch a lot of Dr. Oz, and you would think that would does for a moment, but then I forget all about it and when that junk food craving hits, I figure the "diet" can wait until tomorrow. Put this on repeat and this has become the last 2 years of my life. Within 2 years, I've managed to pile on about 50 lbs. Ask me how. Go ahead, ask. The answer is I HAVE NO IDEA. I was already heavy, so adding 50 lbs onto an already heavy person is detrimental to my health. I need this weight gone....I need as much support/motivation/tips as possible!!
I weigh a god-awful my heaviest I was 327. I am going skydiving on 6/19/10....that is 5 months away. By that day I need to weigh 240 lbs in order for me to even jump. You would think that would be motivation to get my butt going.....apparently not. I'm going to Italy, Spain, and Portugal for 3 weeks in July with my would think that would be a good enough reason....evidently not. I am a rollercoaster freak, and I've had to worry about fitting into seats and even skipping out on my favorite coasters for about 5 years now...enough is enough!!!! I have to get my life back....or maybe even start my life? I've always been overweight, so I'm not sure how it even feels to be thin.



  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    I'm probably in now position to say anything considering I am usually the worst at goals! I read a lot online lately, watch videos, people vlog about weight loss and I find their success incredibly useful! You can get all kinds of tips online and learn how toxic it is to be overweight from tv shows but doing it never seems as easy, right?! One thing I am keeping by me is nothing but water after breakfast. Water, water! I look at how many calories I drink a day, or used to, it's nuts! Anything is possibly if you have the right attitude and do it for YOU and no one else. Not to look good in your old bikini or make someone think of you differently, you have to do it because it will make you happy. Finding buddies and not letting yourself make excuses. This is all just how I feel! Don't keep bad food around, and use the food diary. When you say your calorie consumption it honestly shocks you!!!! I never knew how many things are just loaded. Avoid temptations and keep a motivating thought in your head. When that's not enough come here! Or a friend you know. It really will become SO easy, and you'll feel amazing. I already do from two day of having a positive attitude and at least trying to live healthy. If you don't make your goal, don't give up, you sound like you really want this.
    Keep going sister!
  • Over the years I have also gained an extremely large amount of weight, my first guess on why it is so hard to loose weight is because you do not see yourself as large as your are. Or when you go up a size in pants you make a little excuse. No body wants to be overweight, no body does it on purpose. I have realized I am my final leg when I try to do things I would have normally done before but its so hard, I went camping last year and it was so hard to make it through the hiking trails. I had to stop and rest so many times, I am sick of it. I want to be able to do what I want and not feel like my weight is going to inhibit it, I have another big trip to Big Sur this June and I will loose as much weight as I can before then.
    It is really hard but persistence and a really strong will is the only way you can do it, my diet is very hard, I dropped most dairy, no sugar, starches, no red meat (I dont eat it anyway), no fast food.
    Are you following any diet plan and logging your food everyday it really helps, you can loose the weight by June if you really try. DO NOT GIVE UP YOU CAN DO IT! IF YOU DO NOT DO IT YOU WILL JUST BECOME DISAPOINTED!
    Good luck with your journey and may you have great success!
  • Motivation
    Motivation Posts: 64 Member
    I AM HERE TO HELP! :flowerforyou:
  • I feel exactly the same way! I cant remember the last time I've even weighed under 200lbs.. Middle school I'd guess and at my worst 230. But you can do it! We can do it. Every time I think about those fried yummy french fries covered in cheese.. my weakness ( i work for outback so you can imagine) I just start thinking about skinny jeans and a bikini, something Ive never been able to wear and i put them down. Just because i ate a few doesn't mean the day is lost. Just try to stay positive, and make better choices and I'm sure the motivation will come! Good luck!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Things that moitvate me are:

    1) Take one day at a time
    2) Go shopping and trying on clothes
    3) Going to Mexico in March and I want to look good
    4) I don't want to have to take lipitor or Zocor on my next MD visit

    Maybe you have the winter blues and are emotionally eating....figure it out and do it one day at a time...It's a lifestyle change

    Why did you go to the vending machine in the first place?
  • Things that moitvate me are:

    1) Take one day at a time
    2) Go shopping and trying on clothes
    3) Going to Mexico in March and I want to look good
    4) I don't want to have to take lipitor or Zocor on my next MD visit

    Maybe you have the winter blues and are emotionally eating....figure it out and do it one day at a time...It's a lifestyle change

    Why did you go to the vending machine in the first place?

    The darn vending machine is right next to the water cooler an ice machine. Figures, right?!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Try not to think of it as "I have so much weight to lose." Just take it one choice at a time. Like next time you're at the vending machine hungry, think, "What will keep me fuller for longer and is healthiest?" Instead of "What will be the tastiest?" Every weightloss journey begins with a single step and choice. It's much less overwhelming for me to look at the small picture in front of me. Every temptation that you overcome will be that much closer to your goal, and before you know it, the temptations won't be there as often. We're all here to support eachother. Sometimes if I'm craving, I hop on here and read a success story to lift me up again. Good luck sweetie, I know you can do this!!

    ps. I can relate about the reese's. I'm addicted to sugar and the first week is always pure hell during detox from it.
  • Hi there! You have found a great support system here with MFP we are all here for you. It seems like you have something coming up in the future that could really motivate you. One thing I did which is a little extreme to some is I took a picture of me at my heaviest and posted on the fridge microwave and pantry at the house. That way I would have to see it and it really helped me to make better choices. I was working toward a goal of being able to go to an amusment park and not have any trouble fitting into the rollercoaster seats so I put a pic of six flags next to my pictures of myself. Maybe beside your pictures you could have something to do with sky diving. I know this approach is not for everyone but I know in my case I had to get aggresive and it really was a kick in the rump everytime I saw the pictures. While I was at work I brought healthy snacks from home so that I would still be able to snack if I were hungry. I hope this helps and I would love to help in any way I can.
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