Weight Watchers to MFP



  • Mrshunts
    Mrshunts Posts: 160 Member
    Steve my friend!!!!! welcome!!!!


    I have done MFP before and stopped it.

    Now that i have my fitbit, i'm back to MFP and LOVING IT!!!

    I actually just cancelled my WW membership last night!!!!!!!!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    WW and MFP are not exclusive. You could do both at once.

    I prefer MFP's emphasis on fitness and health. My goal isn't to be skinny, it's to be healthy. (Thinner is a good "side-effect". :smile:)

    edited to fix a formatting mistake

    P.S. There are many other sites that may be useful to check nutrition information, find recipes, exercise instructions, etc. Use what helps you. One other site I like is the USDA's Choose My Plate (http://www.choosemyplate.gov). It is a bit harder to use, but helps you check many more nutrients than MFP. It also doesn't have the social aspects, so I don't find it as motivating. But it's useful for checking occasionally to see how balanced your diet is in term of many vitamins and minerals.
  • wfnugent
    wfnugent Posts: 30 Member
    I did WW twice with good results. I made progress when I truly started thinking about what was going in my mouth and how much sweat I left on the gym floor. When I stopped playing WW points games, I put the weight back on.

    With MFP I feel like I am control and I get immediate feedback for my efforts in measurements that I can understand and compare. (This might be the engineer in me sneaking out.) There are no tricks or magic power bars or 1 point snacks in MFP. Eat right and exercise. Write down what you ate and what you did. Do it every day. MFP is a tool that will help you do these things AND lose weight and become more fit but it does not claim to do the work for you. MFP can be successful because you are honest with what you log.

    Good luck and spend the money you've saved with WW on a decent heart rate monitor and a pair of gym shoes!
  • misundrztood
    I did WW for 3 months and it worked well. Then I found MFP and fell in love. There are many more options and I love reading the message boards everyday. The only thing I liked better at WW is the weight lose graphs. I know they have them on here but i like the layout better on WW. Trivial, I know but its the only thing I could think of.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    i used to do WW, and like this sooooooooooo much better! I think long term watching calories vs points will make long term success easier. But what i like more is the support here. Sure, you had the accountability of weighing in to a stranger once a week that you don't have here, but you have everybody looking at your diary to see what you're eating, and i find that much more motivational. Plus, the WW meetings once a week weren't much more than listening to a leader talk for an hour about what only works with WW and a few peeps here and there from others in the room, this is much more supportive.
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    I was on WW for two months. I lost about a pound a week, sometimes less. The friend who joined with me did not lose weight. Even though we were about the same height and weight, so we had the same amount of points, we had very different eating styles.

    Switching to MFP has definitely sped up my loss a little. I have been losing a consistent 2lbs a week since I made the switch. I only managed that the first week of WW. I like being aware of my macro-nutrients, I feel like it helps to keep my carbs from getting out of control. I had a penchant for munching "free" bananas, which are awesome in moderation, but a carb bomb when taken too far. I am definitely doing better without the "free" fruit, and the occasional half a point they would round down. I feel like all that rounding down could really add up sometimes.

    That said, I think WW was a step in the right direction for me. It got me to be consistent about tracking and made me more aware of what I put in my body. It definitely helped end mindless snacking for me.
  • wilkinsonlk
    wilkinsonlk Posts: 9 Member
    I lost 128 lbs on WW in my 30's before the points plus. I gained it all back and was never able to loose weight on the newer plans they have offered. I felt like there was no real support unless I had money to pay for the support. The plan is a good concept, but trying to figure out the points was just an extra step and I always felt like I had this open ended amount of points so if I wanted to cheat, it was no problem because of the "extra" points you get for the week.
    MFP is cut and dry. You get this many calories and if you go over, you gain weight, if you don't you loose. The only thing you have to remember when not around a computer or your phone is the amount you ate and the name of the food. I have yet to find something that isn't listed in the food search. I am doing so much better on this plan already and I am only a week into it. I can't wait for it all to start taking effect. I love all the support and the success pictures on this site. Talk about motivation! I am so grateful for the people who created it.
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    Yes there are wonderful groups and message boards. Also, I have been floored by the items I have been traditionally eating and their actual sodium.
  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    I was on WW and it worked, but never reached goal. I did lose 42lbs on it.Then, there was always a plateau and then I eventually stopped going. Meetings once a week doesn't cut it for me. I need constant reinforcement multiple times throughout the day. This is something I'm very "needy" with. Almost as if I need someone to hold my hand along my journey til I get to where I want to be. There isn't anything that you put in your mouth that you won't be held accountable for. And exercise.....you need to fuel your body and exercise.
  • HoneyIShrunktheMom
    I love WW because the Points + plan really DID teach me HOW to eat. I try to get in the good health guidelines on a daily basis (of course I do not always succeed with that, but it's a goal I shoot for every day).

    I recently ended my W W subscription and am tracking solely on MFP now. I feel like it's working for me AND it doesn't cost me $$$ every month.

    But still, I do love WW and think it's a great program and I know I wouldn't be so far along on this journey without having joined WW. I don't feel like it was money wasted but I do feel like it's something I no longer need to pay for. If that makes sense.

    I would love to be friends with anyone who has been through the same so feel free to send a friend request. :)
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I've done WW and lost weight. It did help me look at food differently. It's a great program. But, honestly, it all depends on how you look at food!!! On WW it was so easy to tell yourself "Oh, I can have that piece of cake and it's only __ points" and not think of the calories or fat. Because, honestly, 14 points sounds a heck of a whole lot better that 350 calories!!! :happy: With MFP, it forces you to know the calories... I was coming to MFP while I did WW just to get nutrition facts on foods that I ate while doing WW. I had to stop WW for financial reasons and decided to continue with MFP and am sticking with it. I've lost over 60 lbs since the first of the year and am at the lowest weight I've been in over 15 years!!! Now that is what I call progress... :smile:

    You have lost 60lbs since the beginning of the year?! That's so amazing!!! I must add you as a friend!!!
  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm actually on the opposite end, I love MFP but i also love WW, I joined WW in april and have lost 22 lbs since then. I still count cals on here just to see the difference and bc i like this website/community, BUT i feel like WW helps you realize what you're actually eating better, some one said in a early post something about having cake and being like "oh i can have it bc its only 14 points" but on here you see its 350 cals and then youre like oh wait no i dont want it now bc thats too many, For me I would be more likely to use 350 cals than 14 pts lol like today I had to have a quick lunch so i had a mcchicken its only 360 cals, but its 11 points to me 350 isnt too bad, but 11 points is....and to me the fruit being 0, i think thats awesome, and i dont think any ones gained weight or hasn't lost because they ate too many bananas lol My insurance gives 200 dollars back from whatever i pay for weight watchers so the moneys not a big deal for me, but i really do enjoy it and it has made me look at food different and its done me some good. :)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I lost all my weight on the momentum plan. I was maintaining when the PP plan came out. I did go back as a lifetime member to learn the new plan. I followed it for a while but gained weight. So I stopped and came back to MFP. I understand that WW has modified it some, so it may work better than the original PP plan.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I did last year when I joined MFP. I have had alot more success here.
    Add me if you would like :)
  • shesquats
    shesquats Posts: 91 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me if you'd like. I did WW for about a yr and a half and lost weight; it also got me into exercise. When I stopped tracking my points because they changed the program, I gained some weight back. I continued to exercise but ate what I want when I wanted. Then I found this website and I'm hooked!! Can't beat the price and so many people with such good info and support to share. Loving it! Good luck! :)