New Michiana Area guy needs support.

Hi. I'm Jason. I'm 5 feet 9 1/2 inches tall. I weigh about 320 pounds.

You can see where this is a problem. I'm also 28. I have a diabetic mother and a 3 1/2 year old daughter. I want to be alive for her.

but I'm miserable. I work in a job where everyone else is attractive and I feel horrible compared to them.

Yes, I'm weak. I won't deny it. I can't get started and keep the motivation.

All my weight is really centered in my stomach and manboobs.

I live in Niles, Michigan and I need help before I become a statistic. the app is helpful, but I forget so often to use it. I admit I'm the type who wants a person to push and push and push me until I take the reigns and keep going without them as my pusher and more as my partner.

What sort of advice or things can I draw on? I used to believe my daughter was enough. Even that's failed me. I can't keep giving up.


  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • nyYankeesGirl2012
    HII!! i understand completely where you are coming from... heres what i do that may help you. i tried to figure out what my main problem was when i ate normal... i drank way more calories that i ate!! so i cut pop out altogether, and cut juices and stuff like that. then i decided that before i ate, id drink a glass of ice water or a cold bottle of water. then eat, i dont really eat that much healthier honestly, but i do try to eat less... like i said DRINK WATER!! it really helps. good luck :) and you can talk to me whenever you feel down, believe me, im 5ft 7 and weight 270, but its a journey you shouldnt have to take a lone and i understand its embarassing talking to friends and family. GOOD LUCK :)
  • Nakrius
    Nakrius Posts: 5
    I'll be glad to add anyone. But the issue isn't not having support...I have plenty of people online. But online is one thing.

    Looking me in the eyes and being my spotter, my partner, what have you. I don't have that.

    I hate that feeling.
  • Nakrius
    Nakrius Posts: 5
    I drink a gallon of water a day and then some, and I rarely if ever drink soda. But it keeps slowly climbing. I haven't even been under 250 since high school. I've always hovered around this.

    Food's my coping, I guess. I don't know. I just can't get off the ground.
  • Ouckat2
    Ouckat2 Posts: 23 Member
    Howdy neighbor! I live in Granger, IN and you can add me for support. I have just lost 18 lbs in here. Be true to yourself and add EVERYTHING you eat, even if it is a bite of candy or a whole gallon of iced cream. lol. You will perfect this as you go and you will learn things that I have learned and cant believe. So much salt and sugar in everything. My family too, has diabetic problems. My dad died of it. Set up your page so it tracks your calories, carbs, sugar , fat and cholesterol. At first I went over in everything but Im getting better at it now. Except for today, in which we went to Ponderosa for dinner. Ugh. Sometimes I take a free day but I try not to overdo it too much. I just ate little bits of things I liked. I dont really like eating out anymore because I lose control more. I found out 2 mths ago that I am prediabetic and also border line high cholesterol and high bp. Im working on reversing that and I go back to be retested next month. Good luck and I know you can do it!
  • Nakrius
    Nakrius Posts: 5
    I'll add you, that would be appreciated. Yeah, I'm just to that point of where it does almost no good for anything. I mean, I'd love to say oh hey it's my thyroid or win the lotto and have it sucked away.

    But it's not. It is my fault, and I have a hard time breaking the cycle. It's just bad that I feel like I can't get it down and off the ground. Once I'm in the swing of it that's different. After that, it's good.

    Getting there is my challenge. I never record anything because I don't think about it. There have been days I sit and will be at my desk eating a bowl of cereal. I'll be done reading the news and everything else to notice I ate the whole box. The whole box without thinking.

    That's what I live with. Never paying attention, never being able to stop myself.
  • stepgingerly
    Hi, I'm a 'local' too (St. Joe MI) You can add me if you want. I only started yesterday on here, so I don't know how much help I can be, but I lost a bit in the past 3 months and I can totally relate to not being able to even remember 5 minutes later what I put into my body. I'm hoping this helps me with that. Food's my coping mechanism too, so what's helped for me is finding recipes that will take care of certain sudden cravings. I've got a 'hot n sour soup' for when I really crave chinese, and I do the Martin's salad bar a lot with my own little kids when I want mexican (I can heap up the lettuce, use lots of salsa and beans only a little sour cream and skip the cheese)... And I got one of those fast/easy egg cookers and keep Hard Boiled eggs in my fridge now for snacking. It helps to have things totally 'on hand' at home, or else I find myself making excuses to go run errands (really stop by McD's...) As much as I want to do this 'for my kids', I REALLY want to do this for myself. My kids are 5 and 6 now and it's impossible for me to keep up. The training wheels came off my girl's bike and I can't jog, or ride a bike myself to go down the road with her. I'M missing out!
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    You just need to change the mindset first and foremost, then the rest is much easier. When you flood your subconscious with negativity you sabotage your effort from the beginning. Try posting motivational sayings/picture around your home and office and flood your mind with the positive. I look at my pictures/sayings all throughout the day and really welcome my workouts now. It wasn't always that way, trust me. Read my profile for assurance. This is one of my very favorites that I created just for me. You should make your own.


    It's not easy, but you have to care enough about yourself to do this! I really think you do!
    Good luck. Feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • Nakrius
    Nakrius Posts: 5
    Thank you, Laurie.

    Yes, I want to do it for me and my child. I'm the only person not in their ideal weight at my job. It's tough too when they all want to do employee meetings like the beach or a pool party. I skip it and find excuses. I'm not ashamed so much as when in comparison?

    I want to find a trainer as much as a good diet/eating regimen. With a trainer pushing me at first I have someone who believes as much as me. then they become my partner as time goes on.
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    Fabulous idea! Call a trainer today! It may just be the push you need. Also a great idea to have nutrition counseling. Good luck! I know you will do this! Always remember - You are a great person well deserving of great health. Try not to compare yourself to others - I know it's hard, but do your healthy eating and exercise every day and just wait and people will notice and give you the positive reinforcement you need.

    You are worth it!!!!! :smile: