Quitting Smoking and need help!!!



  • Skye_Light
    Thanks for all the tips, I'll start trying and see which one helps!!
  • bogo_baby
    bogo_baby Posts: 82 Member
    I quit August 1, and I have been fighting cravings EVERY day like no other... I gave up fast food the day I quit so that I don't gain weight by my other biggest weakness...

    When I get a craving, I usually drink a bottle of cold water (bonus: hydrating and filling!!!)... if I still want a smoke, then I'll chew an Altoid, which is really gross, but it helps me to not eat anything before the craving passes.

    They say it gets easier... but 12 days in it's not THAT much easier (a little, though, I guess). It's easy not to go to the store and pay $7 for a pack... but I was at a party today with a BUNCH of smokers, and it was quite a task not to bum one... or a hundred... lol...

    Stay motivated. You quit for a reason, just try to remember that (especially in this case) the ends justify the means... and you are NOT alone!!!
  • morgan_mfit
    morgan_mfit Posts: 60 Member
    One thing that I found helped me to think they are gross is to imagine the tobacco as earwigs and the filter as bug eggs. When I see it that way, I think it's so disgusting
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    Drinking cold water can help ease the cravings for many people.

    This definitely works for me. It's about doing something until the craving dies down. Each craving lasts around 10 seconds and if you can overcome it for that 10 seconds that one less smoke you'll have. The cravings will come less and less. The beauty of water is that it doesn't have calories but it does make you pee more.
    Good luck with it. I'm on week 3 now. I had one on the weekend but happy to say it was not enjoyable and in no rush to start up again.
  • PunkyG210
    PunkyG210 Posts: 94 Member
    I know someone who quit and dealt with the cravings by always having a bottle of water with her. When she wanted to smoke or eat something instead of smoking she just drank water. She quit cold turkey that way. And since it's good to drink lots of water, it's better than eating junk.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Good luck!! I'm quitting next week too. I ordered an e-cig. I used it before and it worked wonders! I quit smoking cigarettes and after about 3 months of the e-cig, I quit that too (you can wean yourself down to 0 nicotine strength). I know some people think that it's just replacing one bad habit with another, but it really, truly worked for me. And I didn't have any food cravings. Unfortunately, like an idiot, I started smoking again a month ago when a friend of mine offered me a cigarette (peer pressure, lol), so here I go again!
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member

    Here's what helped me get through it:

    Water, water, and more water. It helps flush the toxins.
    Celery. Cucumbers.
    Really, anything alkiline will help.
    Lemon water.
    Add apple cider vinegar to your water.

  • Chipmunk222
    Chipmunk222 Posts: 240 Member
    Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (raw), put a capful in your water bottle, drink straight like a shot for strong cravings that won't break... I smoked for years, it was the only thing that got me through the first 2 weeks... no joke, it really does work.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Its been over a year since I smoked! YOU CAN DO IT! Do not give in to it! Get some sugar free candies to suck on, or if you can do 20 jumping jacks every time you are going crazy for one! Your goal right now is to take your bad habit and replace it with a new one and we all know you don't want to do that with food. Yes candies are ok and jumping jacks are great even sit ups or planks until you feel better! You can get through this! Think about how much that stupid cancer stick holds on you! You can STOP! You already did just by saying you won't pick up another one! GREAT FOR YOU! KEEP IT UP!
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Drinking cold water can help ease the cravings for many people.

    This definitely works for me. It's about doing something until the craving dies down. Each craving lasts around 10 seconds and if you can overcome it for that 10 seconds that one less smoke you'll have. The cravings will come less and less. The beauty of water is that it doesn't have calories but it does make you pee more.
    Good luck with it. I'm on week 3 now. I had one on the weekend but happy to say it was not enjoyable and in no rush to start up again.

    What I don't like is you can have cravings over and over one after another! No one tells you that! I tried to break my schedule, change it up a bit so I did not have the same light up points as well as suck on candy and walk walk walk :)
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    Red hots, water & meditation. I got went through a quit smoking class and it had a meditation CD that also sort of convinces you that you don't want to smoke. I used that along with another meditation CD I have. Then when I had a craving I'd close my eyes and meditate a bit... but I also packed on a good bit of weight, it's natural and if you watch it temporary.
    The extra energy & oxygen for your body is worth it so don't give up even if there is a bit of weight gain.
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    Oh yeah, and bubbles, weird I know but it gave me the hand to mouth motion plus blowing and had 0 calories. Kept a little bottle at my desk, luckily my cubicle neighbors were not bothered, and my son loved it lol.
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    oranges. peeling keeps you busy and the vitamin c and citrus help for reason i dont understand but they work and they are good for you
  • dfair1967
    I have heard that drinking orange juice will help your body get rid of residue nicotine that is in your body helping to give you cravings.