Fat and Pregnant

bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone. Just fishing for some opinions here.

Any ladies been over 250 and pregnant? Everything is right in our lives to start trying again for a baby, EXCEPT for my weight. With my first baby I was 245 when I got pregnant. I'm over that now, but was just wondering.

Also, If I take the time to try to lose weight it could be a year or even 2 before we can try and that is way too much time between our children. Our son is already 4. If we go ahead and have one now, I think I can finally convince myself to get the rest of my weight off afterwards, since I won't be having any more children after that. It's just so darn embarrassing at the doctor when you are so fat!

Anyone have experiences to share?


  • Anumie23
    Anumie23 Posts: 33 Member
    I was 245 when I became pregnant with my son. During the pregnancy I tipped the scales at 265lbs but my doctor gave me a clean bill of health. I delivered a healthy baby boy who will be three this March. I didn't have any complications, he was actually two weeks over due so I had to be induced (he just was so comfy he didn't want to come out, lol). But everything is completely fine. I healed nicely and just tried to keep myself active during the pregnancy. I walked a couple miles each day all the way up to my 9th month and watched my salt/sugar intake which I sometimes failed at. But everything turned out fine in the end.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I was heavier with both my kids and yeah it definitely sucks going to the dr! I actually thought I was pregnant until a couple days ago..THANK GOD lol. Both my kids were fine and I actually lost weight when I was pregnant b/c I paid more attention to what i ate. I imagine as long as your dr says its ok and you aren't dieting you can lose weight by sticking to your My fitness pal, of course you have to add in a few extra calories (100 or 200ish) for the baby but you can walk, use the elliptical, stationary bike, etc.
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    Why not start trying to lose weight and try for a baby at the same time? Making healthy changes to your lifestyle may even make it easier to conceive...two birds, one stone!

    Good luck with both your goals. I'm actually planning to start trying for a baby at the end of this year, so I'm hoping to reach my goal weight before then.
  • bleachcse
    bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks. I have already started trying to lose some and have been doing good. I do want to continue with my healthy lifestyle while pregnant so that I don't have to work so hard to lose all that extra weight. I would actually love to maintain or not gain more than 15 pounds, which they say is ok for very heavy women during pregnancy. Long story short, I have difficulty with successful pregnancies due to a blood clotting disorder. I lost my first one to stillbirth, had my son who is 4 now, we tried again and got pregnant last summer and I had a miscarriage in August. So we are finally ready to start trying again!!!! I'm just nervous about my weight. But hey 9 months of misery is worth it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I was about 270 with both of my pregancies. I had healthy pregancies for both of them. The 2nd one we were going through fertility treatments, and the month we got pregant, the specialest told me that i may need to loose weigh before we tried again, luckily i got pregers that month.

    ZBut anyway, i had good pregancies, no problems (besides my baby was 10 1/2 lbs), but i didn't have ges diabetes or anything, she was just healthy.

    Agree just teka ecare of yourself and eat good during pregancy and you will be fine. Larger women have babies everyday.

    Both of my pregnancies i ended up like 25 lbs less than i started, but unfortuently i didn't continue my eating good and stuff, because I gained it all back + more.
  • dizzy4donuts
    dizzy4donuts Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely start an exercise program (get your Dr.'s OK first). Walking is good. So is the elliptical (which is easier on your joints). At your weight you run the risk of more complications like gestational diabetes or even hypertension. I had gestational diabetes with my 2nd baby & was told not to have another. We wanted a 3rd baby so I did an hour on the elliptical 6 days a week (I read a magazine while I did it to prevent boredom) at moderate intensity. No gestational diabetes! I gained only 20 pounds and lost it within 2 weeks of the birth. The birth lasted about 15 minutes compared to hours with my 1st two. Continued to exercise afterwards and lost a few more. Eating right is important (lots of fruits, veggies & dairy) but exercise is probably the best thing you can do before during and after your pregnancy.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Why not start trying to lose weight and try for a baby at the same time? Making healthy changes to your lifestyle may even make it easier to conceive...two birds, one stone!

    Good luck with both your goals. I'm actually planning to start trying for a baby at the end of this year, so I'm hoping to reach my goal weight before then.
    Exactly what I was going to say. Don't over think it. Work on both at the same time. It is actually fine to lose weight while pregnant if you are overweight to start. Use MFP to track calories while you are pregnant. You will also be able to see where you are lacking in nutrients by doing this. It will help you make more thoughtful decisions about what you eat while you are pregnant.

    Best of luck.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Also if you start an exercise routine now that is not too high impact there is absolutely no reason why you can't keep it up while pregnant. Being in shape makes delivery and recover MUCH easier.
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