How do you drink 8 glasses of water a day??

I have tried drinking 8 glasses of water and I physically cannot do it. In the past it has left me feeling so full and bloated that I could not eat enough food for the day. I usually get in 3 glasses of 10oz each, so about 30 oz a day. In my whole life I have never been able to consume large amounts of liquids, even though I can eat large amounts of food! What's the deal? And how do you do it?


  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 241 Member
    I have tried drinking 8 glasses of water and I physically cannot do it. In the past it has left me feeling so full and bloated that I could not eat enough food for the day. I usually get in 3 glasses of 10oz each, so about 30 oz a day. In my whole life I have never been able to consume large amounts of liquids, even though I can eat large amounts of food! What's the deal? And how do you do it?

    I think it helps to up it over time. I usually drink 3 just during my workout and right after..and boy, do I appreciate it. At first, it helped to add some sugar free flavors. I drink a lot at work. Mindlessly. Just like i used to drink diet pop. I fill a 32 oz bottle and that's half the day right there, check.
  • mehaffeymk
    mehaffeymk Posts: 154 Member
    the mindless constant sipping is what works for me. i have alot of those double walled cups with lids and straws. for some reason the straw is key for me. it makes it less painful (lol) to be drinking so much water in a day. and you kinda have to commit to drinking a ton everyday until it becomes second nature!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    get four water bottles, keep them filled

    I started with just one bottle a day, forced to two, then four.
    I find cutting out all other drinks helps SO much.
    I really ONLY drink water. I just had a cup of milk and that's seriously the only beverage I've had, other than water, for weeks
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I gave up all other liquids and found it was really easy to consume water. Oh....still have my coffee. No soda's, juices, or other liquids. I found that when dieting I would rather chew my fruit than drink it.
  • rottiegirl22
    rottiegirl22 Posts: 19 Member
    What else are you drinking all day? I drink at least 100 ounces of water every day. I would be so thirsty if I only had 30 ounces of fluid in an entire day!
  • rbaubonis
    I use propel mix packs with zero calories and it adds flavor to my 16.9 oz bottles of water. I drink at least 6 bottles a day, or 12 8 oz glasses. They go down wayyyyy easier when it isn't just water. I drink with meals and I'll chug a bottle when I feel hungry first before eating. You gotta give water taste, or I agree there is no way to drink that much water. :)
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    you have to make it a habit....most days its easy for me especially in summer when its so hot. I fill 24oz or 32oz water bottles few times a day and then try to mostly just drink water verses other drinks.
  • ljsedam
    ljsedam Posts: 2
    I just keep a glass of water near me at all times. It can take a long time to build up to drinking 8 glasses a day. I also didn't allow myself to drink anything but water when I started increasing. Good luck!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Wow, I drink 7.5 glasses of water before noon. By the end of the day I'm pushing 15 glasses.
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    I drink unbelievable amounts of water a day. It is not unusual for me to drink 5 or 6 16.9 oz bottles a day. One thing I do is I never go anywhere without a couple bottles with me. Even if I am not thirsty I will grab the bottle and drink about 1/4 of it. Don't try to drink a full bottle at once and you won't have the bloated feeling as bad. Also, I have had a lot of stomach and digestion issues due to food allergies, so I started taking the Walgreens generic for Align probiotic. Since I started them about a month ago, I don't have any bloating issues with anything, its unreal. From my experience if you chew a lot of gum, you don't drink as much water because gum prevents any dry mouth. I am the opposite of you, i eat several small meals a day because when I have an actual full meal I get the full feeling you mentioned. When I first increased my water consumption I went to the bathroom CONSTANTLY. just keep in mind, this will go away in several days. One reason you might feel bloated is that if you aren't drinking enough water you are already bloated from retaining water. Your body will adjust to this as well and you will lose the water weight. Give it a few weeks to adjust and increase over about a week and you should be okay.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Before I started this journey I didn't drink water...maybe a bottle or two a month...if that - seriously. I drank lots of diet soda and coffee, but literally no water. When I joined MFP, I decided to try to drink 8 glasses of water, epic just didn't happen. I started with a glass a day, then replaced a diet coke with water, then another...and now I drink at least 9-10 glasses a day like clock work. On really hot and active days sometimes more.

    Best advice....up your consumption slowly. Water is good to hydrate, flush your system and move the toxins out, and boosts your brain power and metabolism. Like anything else that is takes time to learn the skill!

    Good luck to you!
  • sleonardbranson
    Try and drink most of it during your workouts, depending how hard your working of course...I drink at least 4 glasses during my workouts.....and water is all I drink..... you get use to it, just start off slowly and work into it:)
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I drink 8 oz upon waking...I then drink 8oz every hour I am awake before work (2nd shifter)... 8oz each break at work plus trips to fountain. I also get an extra one in when I take vitamins so it adds up to 9 cups measurable workdays. on week ends I still do the whole 8oz each waking hour till a few hours before bed. works beautifully for me. in the beginning trips to restroom are very frequent. I notice though I don't need to "go" every 10 minutes anymore. trips are frequent but maybe more like every 1 1/2-2hours now.
  • PaleoRDH
    PaleoRDH Posts: 266
    wow that's interesting, just some physiology about you i guess.............. i, on the other hand, have my whole day's worth by about 10:00am so end up doubling or tripling the requirements..... once i get in the pure water though i sometimes switch to iced unsweetened tea or vitamin water zero. i guess some of us are chuggers and some aren't. straws work well, but i just chug those 16-oz bottles from costco. i take 6 or 7 a day to work with me and drink them all. --- i do have to go pee frequently though.
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    How do all of you manage to take a bathroom break every half hour?? LOL I have a busy workplace and can't take constant bathroom breaks.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    When I wake up I drink a bottle.
    I drink a full bottle at every meal.
    After working out I drink a bottle.
    I drink a bottle right before bed.

    Easily more then 8 cups.
    I find it easiest to chug to water to be honest.
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I wondered about water as well until I realized and remembered it's 8 - 8 oz glasses. I use a 16 oz glass for water. hence every time I fill it I'm doing 2 glass of water. I'm sipping it all day, refilling it as needed and I can do 5 of 6 a day without thinking about it. Measure the glass you are using. You might surprise yourself just how much water you are drinking. :)
  • Everythin2Lose
    I have a bottle on my desk and finish two to three everyday, it's just a habit. If I'm hungry I will drink half the bottle first- then if I'm still hungry I will eat something light. But I don't drink anything but water (besides the occassional coffee or milo) at work. You get use to it.

    At home I struggle, so I get a big glass and add a splash of lemon juice and ice- really refreshing and makes it easier to down.

    I love water!
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    I know some people are going to jump down my throat for it, but I buy bottled water (16 ounce) and drink 4 or 5 (ice cold) of them a day which equals 8 to 10 cups of water. It's less daunting than having a huge gallon of water in front of me. I refill them too and then just stick them back in the fridge. Always have a nice supply of cold water that I can just grab and go.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    lol i drink atleast a gallon a day some days ill hit 2 gallons. Heck i have a 20z bottle with my breakfast at 6am