Internet Dating



  • Dyetcoke1
    Dyetcoke1 Posts: 54 Member
    If u are young I hear one in 5 relationships start online. But I tried the over 40 sites....all 40 plusses want twenty matter how balding pudgy, uneducated or poor. My advice DO NOT reply to the freetrial (usually lowest rank in site). They are SOO Cheap dont want to go anywhere (that would cost money) and tend to "like" hikes, hunting, fishing...again, cheap and just want to do what they like, not you.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Once, I went on a date with a girl who told me that she had two dogs... and that she set places for them to eat with her at her kitchen table. Every evening. Not once in a while, mind you... but every single evening of her life.

    I never did take a chance on a dinner date at her place... but if I had, I would have brought some Milk Bones.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I met my husband on, so it can work. BUT!

    But before I came across him, I also met a man who cried when the Pens lost the Stanley Cup. Cried. Like his mother had died in a fire -- that ended out month long love affair. I also met a man who "wanted to make my insides vibrate". He was hot, so I was I like "ALRIGHT!". And he TOTALLY did. Then I realized he was about as interesting as a rock and my insides needed a break from vibrating.

    ETA: bjleech is my husband and I've never heard that story...
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I met my husband on, so it can work. BUT!

    But before I came across him, I also met a man who cried when the Pens lost the Stanley Cup. Cried. Like his mother had died in a fire -- that ended out month long love affair. I also met a man who "wanted to make my insides vibrate". He was hot, so I was I like "ALRIGHT!". And he TOTALLY did. Then I realized he was about as interesting as a rock and my insides needed a break from vibrating.

    ETA: bjleech is my husband and I've never heard that story...

    I told her that story, she just didn't remember because there are so many. But, how did anh720 pass the test to become my wife? When I asked her out to see the movie "Zack and Miri Make a Porno", she said yes without blinking. If a girl takes you up on a date to see a movie that has 'Porno' in the title, she's a keeper.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I met my husband on, so it can work. BUT!

    But before I came across him, I also met a man who cried when the Pens lost the Stanley Cup. Cried. Like his mother had died in a fire -- that ended out month long love affair. I also met a man who "wanted to make my insides vibrate". He was hot, so I was I like "ALRIGHT!". And he TOTALLY did. Then I realized he was about as interesting as a rock and my insides needed a break from vibrating.

    ETA: bjleech is my husband and I've never heard that story...

    I told her that story, she just didn't remember because there are so many. But, how did anh720 pass the test to become my wife? When I asked her out to see the movie "Zack and Miri Make a Porno", she said yes without blinking. If a girl takes you up on a date to see a movie that has 'Porno' in the title, she's a keeper.

    Well, I used to make them, so.... :drinker:

    But seriously, time to stop threadjacking.
  • nicholettebell
    I met the guy I am currently with online. I spilled coffee on him on the first date and he still asked me out for a second date.
  • conkle23
    conkle23 Posts: 171 Member
    I met a girl off myspace when I was younger. She told me to come hang out with her at this hotel cause her sister was getting married so that is where she was staying. Well we ended up having sex the night we met, and she cried right after we had sex (AWKWARD, she felt like a *kitten* she said) haha well short story, we ended up being together for almost 2 years, my first love. And now to this day she is still one of my good friends hahah.
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    I didn't meet this guy online, it is a funny story.

    I was at a local show for a poplar local band that I am not a fan of. All my friends went and so I went too. After nearly getting dropped down the stairs by security I was having just a crappy night. Since this band is so popular it was very crowded. I was getting trampled on left and right. I was trying to make my way to a corner and stay put until it was over and this nice guy comes and holds the crowd off me while I get through. After the show was over we got to know each other and he asked me out. I said sure -- he was fairly good looking and what I thought was a nice guy so we exchange numbers. Bad idea.

    Guy was seriously obsessed with texting and calling. So much so it was getting on my nerves and I wanted to cancel the date. I'm picky and my friends said give it a chance and just ignore the texts and calling.

    Day of date I'm getting dolled up and he's texting me throughout the day, I reply occasionally. I'm headed out the door to get in my truck when he texts me -- he's at HuHot, does he mind if I pay for my dinner. I don't mind going dutch on the first date, but I prefer for that to be discussed ahead of time and he had plenty of times to ask me in his 5000 text messages over a two day period.

    I arrive at HuHot and he already has a drink and some food ordered. Gee thanks for waiting. But that didn't shock me the most. His arm is in a big black sling from his shoulder to his hand!! I was like what the heck happened to you? Proceeds to tell me he fell in the shower that day and separated his shoulder. I was like and you didn't feel it was necessary to tell me that today when you texted and cancel the date? He said he wanted to keep the date no matter what. I would have understood canceling for a separated shoulder. HuHot is the last place we should be for a date. I'm in a wheelchair and need help carrying my bowls, he's down to one arm, he can barely carry his own bowls at this point, but we got it to work. Food was good. Conversation was lousy.

    Like his texts he just didn't shut up the entire time. I just smiled and nodded and wanted the date to end. I didn't know people could talk about themselves and so much. TURN OFF (literally and physically!)

    Waitress brings the bill, but there is only ONE bill, MINE? I was like he ate too, how come you don't get a bill? Tells me he prepaid before I got there. WHAT? You can do that? He's like I do that all the time at restaurants so I can leave right away when I'm done eating. Yet, you are waiting for me to pay MY bill. HuHot is one of my favorite restaurants and I have never prepaid nor ever had the option to prepay. After telling this to friends they guessed he had a coupon for a free meal and used that before I got there. Classy!

    I'm getting in my truck and he wants a kiss. I'm like uh uh, no way. I was still in shock over the prepaying. I found it odd and yet funny at the same time.

    I really thought candid camera was following me. First the text asking me to pay, then the arm brace, then telling me at the end he prepaid, and me not saying two words all night. This couldn't possibly be a real date!!

    That was our one and only date!
  • ItsMeMaryW
    ItsMeMaryW Posts: 119 Member
    Not funny but recently I was talking to a guy that really was chasing me hard. He wanted me to friend him on Facebook. I have pictures of my weightloss on there so I really didn't want to be friends. He insisted and I finally gave in and sent a friend request but first I asked if he could handle my pictures. Oh yes he had no problems at all with my weightloss.... As you can guess, he has not talked to me since. This is not the first time guys have gone away after they know I've lost weight. Really??? I am healthier and more fit than I have ever been in my life...
  • AeiriMuse
    AeiriMuse Posts: 254 Member
    Heh. I have quite the story about my boyfriend and I. When I was 11, I got my very first internet connection to the family computer. I loved to write so I joined some MSN RP groups. (RP = Role play. However, not the kind of role play adults do... not exactly. It was for story content rather than sexual content. lol) I became involved with a lot of wolf rp groups (I loved and still love wolves.) and ran into a good friend of mine named Trace. She turned around and, over an AOL chat room, introduced me to Jake. He was 9 at the time and apparently he used to be intimidated by my ability to type fast and my writing.

    We've kept in contact off and on ever since. During high school, it turns out we both had super crushes for one another but never actually had the guts to say anything. Then the hurricanes hit Louisiana and he fell of the grid for a couple years.

    Then, two years ago, about this time of the year actually, I get a random text, "Is this Nona?" It turns out it was him after a long journey of stalking me online for about a month trying to figure out how to contact me again. (Yay for an old DeviantArt message.) We talked for about a month over Skype after he taught me how to use it. Spent more and more time, every day, talking to one another.

    We fell back into crushing on each other almost immediately. Finally, one night before hanging up, I instinctively said, "I love you." It brought us to talking about our old crushes on one another and finally the decision to date even though it was online and long distance. After a year and two visits (My visit there to meet his family at Christmas and his trip here to visit my family right before my birthday) he decided to move here with me. I've never been happier and we've recently (2 months ago) moved out of my dad's house and on our own with roommates. :)
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    Heh. I have quite the story about my boyfriend and I. When I was 11, I got my very first internet connection to the family computer. I loved to write so I joined some MSN RP groups. (RP = Role play. However, not the kind of role play adults do... not exactly. It was for story content rather than sexual content. lol) I became involved with a lot of wolf rp groups (I loved and still love wolves.) and ran into a good friend of mine named Trace. She turned around and, over an AOL chat room, introduced me to Jake. He was 9 at the time and apparently he used to be intimidated by my ability to type fast and my writing.

    We've kept in contact off and on ever since. During high school, it turns out we both had super crushes for one another but never actually had the guts to say anything. Then the hurricanes hit Louisiana and he fell of the grid for a couple years.

    Then, two years ago, about this time of the year actually, I get a random text, "Is this Nona?" It turns out it was him after a long journey of stalking me online for about a month trying to figure out how to contact me again. (Yay for an old DeviantArt message.) We talked for about a month over Skype after he taught me how to use it. Spent more and more time, every day, talking to one another.

    We fell back into crushing on each other almost immediately. Finally, one night before hanging up, I instinctively said, "I love you." It brought us to talking about our old crushes on one another and finally the decision to date even though it was online and long distance. After a year and two visits (My visit there to meet his family at Christmas and his trip here to visit my family right before my birthday) he decided to move here with me. I've never been happier and we've recently (2 months ago) moved out of my dad's house and on our own with roommates. :)

    This is such a CUTE love story! So glad you guys found each other again!

    Makes me hopeful for love again. :)
  • APawli1224
    APawli1224 Posts: 80 Member
    I met basically all of my BF's online.. Learned my lesson? I think not.. My first BF I was 16 he was 26 he was a wack job.. (Thanks mom for getting me out of that one) My second BF turned out to like little boys and girls (Thank god he lived in Ohio and after my first visit to his house I simply blocked everything and turned him into the cops) my third major online BF was from Sweden and we were amazing together sadly he was tired of waiting for us to live together and be married and we broke up.. My last BF I had a child with and I am currently stuck 800 miles away from my friends and family with he is a great guy and all but we both grew to be two totally different people and it just doesnt work out anymore.. The guy I am seeing now lives in Poland (my true home) and I have known him for years.. We have always wanted to be together for basically 8 years but it just hasnt fell in place yet.. I am going to stick to that one and hope that he can get a visa and move over here soon enough :).. I dont say not to online date because I have gotten MANY friends out of it..I just say take cautions :)
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I don't have a detailed or train-wreck story.. But I tackled his *kitten* to the ground when we first met. :)

    Sweetest guy I've ever known.
  • klewlis
    klewlis Posts: 79 Member
    great thread!

    I have tried many online dating sites and have been on many first and second dates (few beyond that). I'm happy to say that I have never had a really outrageous story to tell.

    But for those who are considering it, I do have this advice: online dating isn't for everyone. You need to have a pretty thick skin... not to take things personally, and to keep trying when you've had a series of disappointments. You have to filter through a lot of junk to (hopefully) get to the good ones.

    I'm still looking...
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I met my boyfriend online. Going strong after nearly 4 years. Casually dating at first and then I just grew on him lol.

    My worst story isn't funny. I was seeing a guy for about a month and was head over heels for him.
    The one night I woke up to my phone going crazy and it was texts from HIS WIFE!
    I found out she was pregnant through IVF and it wasn't the first time he'd done this to her. They didn't even have the internet at home he was such a bad cheat. Within a week they were split up and she'd had a late term miscarriage from the stress of it all.

    Not everyone I met online was crazy though. Most of them were just stuck up jerks who knew that many girls online were desperate for some attention and knew they could use them.
    One of my best friends is a guy I met online when I was 17.
  • KayceRN
    KayceRN Posts: 40
    I went out with a guy I met on several times on just great normal dates... One night he asked if I'd come over.. That he'd cook dinner for me... I thought awesome and said I would ( he lived 90 min away) so I get there.. Knock on the door and he comes out of the hallway dressed up in a catholic school girl outfit... Blonde wig..fake boobs ...stiletto heels (he was 6'4 mind you) and rumba panties... I'm not one normally at a loss for words but that night I was....I was like WTH? He said I liked Stephen so much he wanted to see how I liked Stephanie... I just turned back in my truck and drove
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    i met a couple of crazies!

    But then I met the man I'm going to marry next October!! He is amazing and we would NEVER have met if we weren't both doing the internet dating thing at the time!

    If you're going to try it out, think of the bad dates as a funny story to tell on posts like these later. They get you through until you meet someone you actually like!!

  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Not me, but this is very funny.

    My Brother was born with a club foot, he's had many operations and he is more or less to the point where people won't notice he ever had any problems.

    My Brother and Sister-in-Law met through an online dating site. They were down in disney or something and were sitting at a bar with another couple. My brother goes to the bathroom or something and My Sister-in-Law was asked how she and my brother met. My sister tells the other couple that they met through online dating.

    The woman says "Oh, I could never do that, I'd probably meet some loser with a club foot". Now my Sister-in-Law is sure that my brother told the woman that he was born with a club foot and put the woman up to asking just so she could say that to my sister-in-law to get a rise.

    Nope, the woman just picked club foot up as something weird. My brother gets back and my Sister-in-Law tells my brother that it was funny that he got the woman to ask the question about online dating.

    My Brother didn't put her up to it even though that's totally his sense of humor. The woman left very abruptly and my Brother and Sister-in-Law never saw the woman or her husband for the rest of the week.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    great stories! I have never tried online dating but totally would if I was still single.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member