Ideal Protein



  • artzgrrl
    artzgrrl Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All---I'm on Week 2 of IP. I think the little "recipes" are so helpful. So many of these foods straight out of the package need a little doctoring! Thanks to those of you that have made suggestions. It's so helpful!!!

    Bully_Lady: You have reached a huge accomplishment in such a short time.. Seriously, an inspiration! Lisa (:
  • miztiry
    miztiry Posts: 2 Member
    I think I'm about to enter my 12th week on Ideal Protein, and as of my last weigh in last Monday, I had lost 35lbs and 22.5 inches. I'm excited to see what the scale says tomorrow when I go for my weigh in. This is the best program I've ever done. It's tough sometimes, but it'll be worth it when I'm to my goal weight of 150lbs by my 22nd birthday! :)
  • Hey! I am new to Ideal Protein and My Fitness Pal. I started IP three weeks ago and so far I am down 12 lbs. I would have better results had I not cheated. I have learned through this process that to make it you need to do your best not to cheat at all. My secret is MIO, Extra Dessert Delights Gum, and Walden Farms Sauces and Dressings. So amazing! I too, am looking for an accountability buddy. So let me know :)
  • Me! Feel free to add me!
  • uhl3357
    uhl3357 Posts: 38
    I started ideal protein in February of 2013. Let me tell you it was the hardest diet I have ever done! But so worth it. I stayed on the most restrictive phase for about 7 months and lost 74 pounds, 34 inches total, and have cut my body fat by 20%!!!! I have kept it off, and have been on "maintenance" now since October. I still have bad eating days, but my life and the way I look at food has seriously changed, and is nothing like I was in the past. To all the people doing Ideal Protein, please, just be prepared...people will hate on you. They will tell you that it's not realistic, that its not healthy...all of these things. I assure you, you're fine. Keep on. It's like the saying, "In the beginning people ask you why you're doing it, and in the end people will ask you how can they do it". This diet was created by a French doctor who was the doctor of the trained French Olympic team. You give your body all you need to work. Your body does need carbs, but it doesn't need simple carbs. And a lot of people who like to doubt this program don't understand the difference between a complex and simple carb. I applaud all of you. Ideal protein in seriously a strict diet both mentally and physically. Just take it one week at a time. Please feel free to add me if you would like further support!!!! Keep on Ideal Protein!!!!!
  • curlmelanie
    curlmelanie Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I start the Ideal Protein program on Thursday. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • shortt123
    shortt123 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow! Good for you! If you don't mind me asking, what is your weight now? I'm asking bc I will start a diet modelled after the i.p diet tomorrow :) and I'm doing this diet to lose 25 pounds
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    It is a meal plan in which you are eating almost no carbs--the only carbs are from certain veggies, and no sugar, but do have 8 oz protein everyday and eat 3 Ideal Protein meals or snacks.

    Oh brother...when will people learn that diets don't work? Good luck guys. But know there is a much simpler way to lose weight and not deprive yourself of carbs or sugar. Take a look around the forums. You will eventually figure it out.
  • PamRenard
    PamRenard Posts: 3 Member
    I lost 40 pounds and love it! I am now on maintenence
  • milyba
    milyba Posts: 49
    Did this gained all the weight back