How do you drink 8 glasses of water a day??



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Isn't a glass one cup (8 oz)?

    I have a hard time doing that too and I keep reading in the NY Times that the 8 glasses a day stuff is a myth:

    There are other sources, but here's one:

    You do need fluids for lots of reasons (like life). But I definitely don't drink 8 and haven't had any trouble losing and no trouble with my health.

    When I WAS drinking that much and kept a glass of water with me all the time, I found that the more I drink the more I wanted it because I got used to that feeling in my mouth.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    With fresh squeezed lemon--and I have a 64 ounce mug that I keep filled on my desk all day---sometimes I drink 3 (64 ounce) mugs before going home--but I like water.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I use a 32oz plastic cup WITH A STRAW and just keep refilling all day - I usually end up drinking 20-25 cups of water per day. I love water and pretty much always have a cup in my hand, but a straw definitely helps me to drink more. I also drink a lot of naturally flavored seltzer (no artificial sweeteners) - and it makes it taste like soda, but it's really water!
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    the mindless constant sipping is what works for me. i have alot of those double walled cups with lids and straws. for some reason the straw is key for me. it makes it less painful (lol) to be drinking so much water in a day. and you kinda have to commit to drinking a ton everyday until it becomes second nature!

    This! I have a cup just like she describes and it holds 24 oz. So, by drinking 3 a day I manage to drink more than my days needs. I also agree that the straw is key for me! Think about it, you almost always drink more with a straw than through just regular sipping without realizing it. It makes it easy for me to down 9-12 glasses of water a day.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    I use an insulated glass (holds 16 oz) with a straw. It goes down much faster then out of a bottle. And I use MIO.
  • I'm the girl who could down 6 24oz bottles of Pepsi in a day, but could barely choke down a glass of water. I cut out sodas a while ago to help with my, I usually drink 7-10 16.9oz bottles of water a day. At first, the straw worked for me until I could get myself up to this point. Eventually, your body just craves you satisfy that craving. Now, I'll be honest-plain water gets a little I try and keep a few flavors of Mio on hand to help. For me, taking it one bottle at a time each day is the key...that, and the fact that by the time I leave the gym around 6:45am, I've already had 3 bottles :)
  • snowyd20
    snowyd20 Posts: 176
    How do you drink 8 glasses of water a day? Just like you drink anything else.. pour it in your mouth and swallow.
    Weird question!
  • lmdee73
    lmdee73 Posts: 36
    Just remember, you may be feeling bloated because your body is holding onto it because it thinks you're dehydrated. The more you drink, the less you'll feel bloated and your body will adjust. I try to drink a minimum of 100oz a day, and in the beginning I didn't think I was going to be able to handle it. Now my body CRAVES it and when I don't, I feel bloated and puffy.

    Good luck!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I try to drink 3 cups before I eat breakfast while getting my family for school & work, and then I will try to drink another 3 after breakfast and before heading to the office myself; so most days I have 6 cups by 9am (just finished it off!). And then I keep a 4 cup bottle at my desk and will usually have at least half of that gone by lunch. If you get used to drinking the water it won't be that hard to keep it up.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I have a refillable water bottle next to me at work all day, if I am out it comes in my handbag, if I am at a party it is in my hand (stops me picking!) I sip all day long, little and often, I refill it when it is empty - Job done
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Do you drink anything else? I've given up drinking anything but water - makes it very easy to get at least 8 cups a day. Although they do say that number is an estimate and not a hard and fast rule, FWIW.
  • _Sara_A_
    _Sara_A_ Posts: 113 Member
    How I got into drinking more water was having a glass or water bottle of cold water by my computer as I work. I focused on drinking a glass/water bottle full between start of day and 1st break, between 1st break and lunch, between lunch and 2nd break, between 2nd break and end of day. That way I've gotten 8 glasses of water in. HOWEVER my glasses/water bottle holds 16oz (500ml) of water in it. I have to drink cold water to be able to drink water. My boyfriend can't stand cold water, and will only drink warm water. I've heard some people using water bottles with straws because that's the only way they can drink water, is by sipping it. Try different ways people suggest and see what works for you.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I got a big water bottle that is 64 ounces that I fill every morning as soon as I get to work. I like to switch up the flavor by adding lemon juice or target's Archer Farms drink mixes like the pomegranate yumberry and the blackberry blueberry. I sip on it all day and recently I've found my self drinking 2 of the water bottles a day! I have a harder time getting in my water during weekend.
  • wantgiveup
    wantgiveup Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I have a hard time drinking water, so I put the sugarless hawaii packs in my water and sometimes, I even drink more then eight.
  • I have a 32oz water bottle. I fill it up 4 - 6 times a day.

    1st - Drink from after breakfast to lunch time
    2nd - During lunch time
    3rd - During the afternoon
    4th - During dinner
    5th - In the evening

    6th would be between dinner and evening on gym days. It could even be more than that.
    I also have 1 cup of water before breakfast.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    the mindless constant sipping is what works for me. i have alot of those double walled cups with lids and straws. for some reason the straw is key for me. it makes it less painful (lol) to be drinking so much water in a day. and you kinda have to commit to drinking a ton everyday until it becomes second nature!


    I keep two bottles, each 32oz (4 cups). One I carry with me, the other is in the fridge for when I finish the first. I am constantly sipping from my bottle. Hands bored? Take a sip. Feeling thirsty? Take a sip. I take it to movie theaters, shopping, restaurants. You name it, I bring it. I haven't had anyone tell me yet that I can't bring it in when I go somewhere.

    If you have to, flavor it. And if you want, slowly lower the amount of flavoring you add to it until you eventually arrive at straight water.
  • jgarf4me
    jgarf4me Posts: 33 Member
    take sips duitng the day all day. Its tough to drink that much. But replace your juices at breakfast lunch and dinner with water. If you want something sweet, eat fruit. trying to have soda juice coffee etc etc and 8 glasses is too much fluids.
    Good luck
  • lkweber21
    lkweber21 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't allow myself to drink anything else until I drink at least 8 glasses. So no soda, no crystal light, nothing until I drink my water for the day.
  • DevoteeofIset
    DevoteeofIset Posts: 77 Member
    64 oz is a recommendation. It all depends on your level of exercise/movement, temperature/humidity, and fruits and vegetable consumption as well as medical conditions affect water consumption.

    If you are sweating and exercising you need more water. I think I heard something like 8 oz for every 30 mins of exercise and you should be consuming some before and after too.

    It is good to drink one glass when you get up every morning, before you do anything. Then if you drink a glass 30 mins before each meal.

    If you are eating a lot of fruits and vegetables throughout the day, you don't need as much water because they are largely water.
    The good thing to do is have water before you start your day and periodically through out the day sip on it, never allow yourself to go thirsty and always choose water over other beverages.

    Water is the most important thing because it flushes everything out of your body and keeps all the fluids in yoru body moving.
    Don't make yourself feel sick and don't try to force it because then you will get frustrated.

    I have the water problem too. I just don't drink liquids period so I changed to drinking when i first get up and then making sure that every half our I try to take a sip, (or when I remember) just keep a bottle with me and sip.
  • DevoteeofIset
    DevoteeofIset Posts: 77 Member
    I love that idea. No other drinks until you get your water in! :D