Hello Fitness Pals

Hi Everybody,
I'm 33, married, and have a 1 1/2 year old baby girl. I'm tired of being fat, and I want get this baby weight off (I can't blame it all on baby weight though)!! I have already lost 40lbs, but I still need to lose about 30 more:-/ I'm excited to learn more about this site, and also get to know people that may share a similar story to mine. Thanks J-Mac for recommending this website to me! I love it so far! I need the motivation to keep my momentum going, so I can reach my goal! I would also love to be able to encourage someone else to reach their goal as well. Thanks for your support in advance :wink:


  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi there my name is Lori im 39 and have a similar story but not the same, I had a baby Dec2010 that was born to me sleeping full term 39 wks I had lost the weight to my pre-preg weight of 140lbs. to regain the weight back plus plus plus plus to be a horrible whooping 234lbs. I believe even more but I stopped counting after 234lbs. Depression and not giving a holy crap about nothing but my baby! I'm now down 51lbs.Total and 40lbs with MFP this is truly the best thing ever for me and Ive lost weight and grained friendships! My husband now calorie counts and has lost 70lbs and my son I watch his in take and he exercises with me and he's lost 17lbs. So proud of my family! I hope you except my request and join forces against the battle of the bulge!!! Much Love!!!!
  • jamorris7979
    You have an amazing story!
  • jennifermcshane
    Get it girl!! You got this.