Lose for Labor Day



  • sterphy
    sterphy Posts: 68 Member
    How is everyone feeling today??
    4 weeks left!
    I will be checking in on Wednesday with my weigh-in, ate tooo much salt this weekend and am retaining water badly.
    Hope everyone has a fantabulous week :)
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Sorry I forgot to update yesterday - I lost a pound, again. This time it's staying off! And more are joining it, obviously :)
  • jlynn6810
    jlynn6810 Posts: 68 Member
    My official weigh in for today is 213.5. A week ago I was 215. So 1.5 total lost :)
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    My goal for Labor day will be 5 pounds. It's a small goal but I always hesitate to go big because if I don't hit it I will lose motivation. I just started this site today so hopefully 5 pounds will turn out to be a piece of cake (though not one that I will eat LOL)
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Lost another .5 lb... 5.5 away and only 4 weeks to go! D= I'm still keeping up with C25K and my calorie count (with a few planned exceptions, lol). GO AWAY, POUNDS!
  • sterphy
    sterphy Posts: 68 Member
    ^^^ Right there with ya!! Only 4.8 lbs for me to get to my Labor Day goal! Down another 2 lbs today. Lost 10 total. This is the same 10 lbs that I've lost probably 8-10 times in my adult life so here's to pushing through and getting much much further this time :) Hope everyone is having a good week, happy hump day :)
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    It's been week since I originally started this thread! I hope you all are making progress towards your goal. This week I have been trying to tweak my caloric intake that best works with my body for weight loss and I think I wa successful! I will post my results for this week below. Seven more weeks to achieve my goal of getting under 200! Whoot whoot!

    [WEEK ONE]
    Weight: 212
    Bust: 37"
    Waist: 38"
    Hips: 48"

    Now I did have a bit of a binge over the weekend... It was my sisters 21st birthday celebration! So I'm probably going to have to work extra hard this week to achieve my goal. However this is a new life style and sometimes it won't work out like we want, but I'm dedicated to get back on track tomorrow morning!

    I hope everyone is doing great! Looking forward to seeing your progress! :)

    [WEEK TWO] Monday, July 23, 2012
    Weight: 211.5 (-0.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.5)
    Waist: 37.5" (-0.5)
    Hips: 47" (-1.0)
    Neck: 15"

    Like I said, the weekend of July 14th I was out celebrating my sisters 21st birthday - so lots of empty calories in drinking and eating out! I had gained three pounds after that weekend! Ugh! But I worked extremely hard and I lost .5 lb! Small victory (because in my head it was really 3.5 - since i had gained)! Good Luck! I hope to rock it out this week!! :)

    [WEEK THREE] Sunday, July 29, 2012
    Weight: 207.0 (-4.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.0)
    Waist: 37.0" (-0.5)
    Hips: 46" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (-1.0)

    I'm not sure what I did to loose that much this week, but I will take it! Holla ;)

    [WEEK FOUR] Monday, Aug. 6, 2012
    Weight: 207.5 (+0.5) :(

    Bust: 36.5" (0.0)
    Waist: 37.0" (0.0)
    Hips: 45" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (0.0)

    Well you can look at my diary, I did not have a great week (it happens) so I stayed pretty much the same! I am getting back in gear and kicking butt this week! I also did a lot of training for my triathlon, so I do not know if my muscles have gained (therefor the weight gain)? This week I vow to drink half of my weight in ounces of water! Please police my diary and yell at me if I am not logging 12 cups of water per day! Good to all! :)

    [WEEK FIVE] Monday, Aug. 13, 2012
    Weight: 204.5 (-3.0 from last week) but really only -2.5 to the good, because I gained 1/2 a pound last week...

    Bust: 36.0" (-0.5)
    Waist: 36.0" (-1.0)
    Hips: 44" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (0.0)

    Well I had a bit of struggle this week trying to get off a little plateu - I think it had a lot to with my sodium levels (thanks to the advice from my friends here) I'm still working on my water goal to drink half of my weight in ounces of water! Please police my diary and yell at me if I am not logging 12 cups of water per day! It's new, so I am really trying! Just 5 more pounds left to go for me to meet my Labor Goal! [21 days remain] Good to all! :)
  • mdcnwolf
    mdcnwolf Posts: 21 Member
    Ok, sounds great. My goal is to lose another 12 lbs by then. Thx for the idea.
  • Tmwalk0527
    Ok just saw this and I am in. I have gained about 35 lbs in the last 18 months and am losing my mind!!!!!! Can't fit any of my clothes and am too embarrassed to buy bigger sizes so I am in sundresses and yoga pants everyday. Labor day is 3 weeks away so as of this morning I am 151.4.......trying to make it to 145 by then. Going to try to log in each day but am finding it hard to get up to workout. :-(
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Gained 1 lb. >=( I ate a bunch of junk food over the weekend even though I was under my TDEE & calorie counts... Frustrating. C25K tonight, on the treadmill AGAIN. I'm going to take it much slower today even though I CAN do it faster. It's just miserable when I push myself that hard though. I'll work on speed after I get my endurance up.

    I don't think I'll be able to meet this goal unless I start losing more than 2 lbs a week, which seems impossible. =(
  • sterphy
    sterphy Posts: 68 Member
    I had a bad weekend as well. Spent it traveling to the upper peninsula and ate out the whole time. Had Mexican food last night (way too many carbs!!) and was really paying for it today. My new goal is to go the remainder of the challenge on-plan instead of eating so badly every weekend. I swear when I'm not in a routine everything goes to ****!

    This weekend I will do better!
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    I had a bad weekend as well. Spent it traveling to the upper peninsula and ate out the whole time. Had Mexican food last night (way too many carbs!!) and was really paying for it today. My new goal is to go the remainder of the challenge on-plan instead of eating so badly every weekend. I swear when I'm not in a routine everything goes to ****!

    This weekend I will do better!

    Yeah, the lack of routine always does me in too... on weekends I tend to skimp on lunch and pig out on junk for dinner. =(

    Still hoping I can get under 160 for the first time in like 2 years by Labor Day!! That's my new, more attainable goal, haha. =P
  • jlynn6810
    jlynn6810 Posts: 68 Member
    Is it too late to join?? I have been with MFP for 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs. Down to 214 as of last week (and I am pretty sure I lost a few since then but plan to weigh in again Wednesday) I would really like to be down another 10 lbs by Labor Day. I can keep you posted on my progress. Good luck everyone :)
    212.8 today....down 6.2 pounds total
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Aaaaand back down to 160. Augh. Let's hope that next week I manage to get BELOW that number...
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    It's been week since I originally started this thread! I hope you all are making progress towards your goal. This week I have been trying to tweak my caloric intake that best works with my body for weight loss and I think I wa successful! I will post my results for this week below. Seven more weeks to achieve my goal of getting under 200! Whoot whoot!

    [WEEK ONE]
    Weight: 212
    Bust: 37"
    Waist: 38"
    Hips: 48"

    Now I did have a bit of a binge over the weekend... It was my sisters 21st birthday celebration! So I'm probably going to have to work extra hard this week to achieve my goal. However this is a new life style and sometimes it won't work out like we want, but I'm dedicated to get back on track tomorrow morning!

    I hope everyone is doing great! Looking forward to seeing your progress! :)

    [WEEK TWO] Monday, July 23, 2012
    Weight: 211.5 (-0.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.5)
    Waist: 37.5" (-0.5)
    Hips: 47" (-1.0)
    Neck: 15"

    Like I said, the weekend of July 14th I was out celebrating my sisters 21st birthday - so lots of empty calories in drinking and eating out! I had gained three pounds after that weekend! Ugh! But I worked extremely hard and I lost .5 lb! Small victory (because in my head it was really 3.5 - since i had gained)! Good Luck! I hope to rock it out this week!! :)

    [WEEK THREE] Sunday, July 29, 2012
    Weight: 207.0 (-4.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.0)
    Waist: 37.0" (-0.5)
    Hips: 46" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (-1.0)

    I'm not sure what I did to loose that much this week, but I will take it! Holla ;)

    [WEEK FOUR] Monday, Aug. 6, 2012
    Weight: 207.5 (+0.5) :(

    Bust: 36.5" (0.0)
    Waist: 37.0" (0.0)
    Hips: 45" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (0.0)

    Well you can look at my diary, I did not have a great week (it happens) so I stayed pretty much the same! I am getting back in gear and kicking butt this week! I also did a lot of training for my triathlon, so I do not know if my muscles have gained (therefor the weight gain)? This week I vow to drink half of my weight in ounces of water! Please police my diary and yell at me if I am not logging 12 cups of water per day! Good to all! :)

    [WEEK FIVE] Monday, Aug. 13, 2012
    Weight: 204.5 (-3.0 from last week) but really only -2.5 to the good, because I gained 1/2 a pound last week...

    Bust: 36.0" (-0.5)
    Waist: 36.0" (-1.0)
    Hips: 44" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (0.0)

    Well I had a bit of struggle this week trying to get off a little plateu - I think it had a lot to with my sodium levels (thanks to the advice from my friends here) I'm still working on my water goal to drink half of my weight in ounces of water! Please police my diary and yell at me if I am not logging 12 cups of water per day! It's new, so I am really trying! Just 5 more pounds left to go for me to meet my Labor Goal! [21 days remain] Good to all! :)

    [WEEK SIX] Monday, Aug. 20, 2012
    Weight: 204.5 (0.0 from last week)

    Bust: 36.0" (0.0)
    Waist: 36.0" (0.0)
    Hips: 44" (0.0)
    Neck: 14" (0.0)

    Last week was a really stressful week, and I was def stress eating. I vow to a better week! Just happy I did not give up! Cheers to a great week! Good Luck
  • jlynn6810
    jlynn6810 Posts: 68 Member
    Is it too late to join?? I have been with MFP for 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs. Down to 214 as of last week (and I am pretty sure I lost a few since then but plan to weigh in again Wednesday) I would really like to be down another 10 lbs by Labor Day. I can keep you posted on my progress. Good luck everyone :)
    212.8 today....down 6.2 pounds total
    8/22/12: 211.6
  • I love having a challenge, so this is perfect for me! I'm setting a weight lose goal of 8lbs by Labor Day. Time to go for a run :)
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Ok, I have been at this plateau between 160-161 for almost a month.

    This is ridiculous.

    New plan: since I have been doing C25K in the evenings, in the mornings I will do my pushups, planks, crunches, etc. Then I will add a 30 minute uphill walk to the treadmill. BOOORING but I'm desperate. I HATE THIS SMOKE. I can't do anything outside because I have asthma. I've been slacking on yoga, so I'll start doing that again and then in addition I will do a walk if the smoke isn't bad or zumba.

    Augh, I hate this so much. I don't think I can do it, I don't have the time! But I don't want to drop calories yet (I'm doing Eat More to Weigh Less, which is a program that makes logical sense to me). So we'll see. Just feeling discouraged. =( But I know I'm healthier and looking better and better (even though my inches and weight aren't shrinking). So it shouldn't matter, right?
  • sterphy
    sterphy Posts: 68 Member
    Just wanted to post that I reached my goal of under 200 for Labor Day! 199.4 this morning and it feels so good :)
  • jlynn6810
    jlynn6810 Posts: 68 Member
    Is it too late to join?? I have been with MFP for 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs. Down to 214 as of last week (and I am pretty sure I lost a few since then but plan to weigh in again Wednesday) I would really like to be down another 10 lbs by Labor Day. I can keep you posted on my progress. Good luck everyone :)
    212.8 today....down 6.2 pounds total
    8/22/12: 211.6
    8/28/12: 210.2 :)