My husband says I shouldn't fake it... what do you think.



  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I see nothing wrong with finding healthy alternatives to foods that you want to eat!! It's not faking's about finding foods that will aid in your weight loss/healthy journey goals. This is not about dieting and JUST losing weight. It's about making lifestyle choices that will aid in lifelong health.

    I've found that black beans are healthier than refried beans so I mash them up and make them into a paste.....just like refried beans but healthier. I make meatloaf out of ground turkey instead of ground beef and it tastes amazing!!! I've found that the Morningstar Chipotle Black Bean burger is heavenly and my newest addiction.....and can be microwaved so I can take it to work. Yummy!!!

    It's not about "faking", it's about finding healthy choices that fit into a long term healthy lifestyle!!! Good for you!!!
  • kre8ed
    kre8ed Posts: 6
    It does... I get very bored when I have the same thing over and over again. What I am doing it quite restrictive I am gluten free and low carb. I keep my calories to 1500 or less and I am avoiding unnatural sweeteners. I do use stevia in the raw since it is all natural.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    If the occassional treat is something that helps you stay focused on your diet plan, then you should absolutely try and find some alternatives that would fit in your plan.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think try Truvia, if you haven't yet. It's a sweetener that is natural, and personally, I think it tastes just like sugar. Also, look up recipes that use unsweetened applesauce for the sweetener.
  • AlegriaFitness
    AlegriaFitness Posts: 10 Member
    I definitely would NOT fake it. Look, your body does NOT KNOW HOW TO DIGEST fake **** properly! What does it do? It kind of scratches its head & says, "um, okay..i'll put that HERE" &, slowly but surely, your metabolism will get a screwy. Personally, I'd rather have something higher in calories but that my body can understand and digest than something low in calories that is an endocrine disrupter, creating problems in the future. Go with real stuff & then moderate how much you eat. I do have to say though that I'd really limit how much baked goods you eat. It's going to hold you back.
  • marthaansheehan
    1 box angel food cake mix
    1 box any flavor cake mix
    mix them together than use 3 tlb spoon cake mix 2 tlb water 1 min on high in microwave.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    I wouldn't fake it. Everything in moderation. Don't eat a
    whole cake, just have a smaller portion, and not as often.

    Bake all ya want, make everyone around you fat, that way
    it will look like your losing twice as much weight!
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I'm low carb too and miss baking not just because I used to love cakes etc but becauce I really enjoyed baking! I won't do it anymore because I don't want the temptation in my house.

    If you are craving a cake/sweet have you tried MIMs (Muffin in a minute- low carb microwave muffins). If you use truvia/stevia as your sweetner then there are no artificial nasties in there. I have about one a week, usually a chocolate one with a little whipped/runny heavy cream. Here is a link to my thread about MIMs in the low carber group-

    You can make many variations- blueberry, raspberry, lemon poppyseed, mocha, coconut, nut etc.... along with savoury MIMs and 'breads' using the savoury plain recipe.

    Approx 260 cals each- 5g NET Carbs. HUGE source of fibre due to the ground flax
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    I think you should fake it.....Make him think he's amazing.......wait....wut?

  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    I think you need to think about three things:

    Can you handle "faking" it? Some people have triggers, and it will send them over the edge. Are you willing to take that risk?

    Are you willing to put a processed chemical in your body so you can pretend to have your old habits? All of the low carb sweeteners have cons, even the 'healthier" ones.

    Is your body sensative to sugar alcohols? Some people are fine with them, other people have major major weight loss stalls with them. Sugar alcohols are what will be replacing actual sugar in your diet on low carb.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, these are very, very real concerns you should think about. If you think you'll be okay, here is a great website:

    She makes lots of things and makes them low carb. The require special ingredients, especially for the sweeter fares, but you can find a fake of pretty much anything now days.


    Also, I think a lot of you guys that are responding have never followed a true low carb diet. The goal of low carb is to put your body into ketosis. You cannot be in ketosis with real sugar in your diet. Even a little tiny bit. It would have to be a fake sugar if she wants to eat this way. So telling her to just eat a small bit of the real thing is the kiss of death for her diet type. Her body would never reach ketosis. You can still eat low carb without going into ketosis and still lose weight, but you wont ever get to the state where your body burns fat for energy.
  • ibshell
    ibshell Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a firm believer in not cutting out foods you love completely since it is a recipe for failure. I think altering recipes so that you can eat and enjoy them is a smart idea. Go for it! Also, try the hungry girl website as well. It was created by a woman that remakes things to fit in the weight watchers diet. There are really good recipes without sacrificing the fun and flavor of the foods you enjoy, as well as fresh ideas that will add the variety I think you are describing you need. Hope this helps! ;)
  • kre8ed
    kre8ed Posts: 6
    LOVE! I will try it out! Thank you so much!!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    My doctors have put me on a low carb plan for life... not to lose weight but because they are horrible to my hormones and neurotransmitters. They have told me to substitute everything that I can... the less I feel like I am "doing without" the better chances I will not relapse. So... I will just go by what they have told me.

    Yes!! Absolutely look for alternatives!! Cheesecake is REALLY easy to go low carb with fyi.