A bit overwhelmed

Hi, I think I am a bit overwhelmed. I just do not know where to start.

I see all of these post for clubs. I see +100+200 and sixers and other things of the sort posted and I think I know what some of it means, but not all of it. The +100 mean you have more than 100 pounds to lose?

How do you know where to start?

There are a lot of folks on this site!

Where did you start?


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I just poked around and randomly stumbled across groups. The 100+ & 200+ are for those that needs to lose that much or more.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Whoa, overwhelming yourself is a sure way of ending up in a place where you just want to give up.
    Start out simple, and that's basically whatever you're comfortable with.

    I started out using the food and exercise journals, visit the forums to see what I can find. I don't belong to any one group, but if you are looking for the support of a group I would say find one or two groups to join but not so many that it just becomes overwhelming to keep up with. Maybe even finding a few friends that you have something in common with to help you have someone become accountable to.

    Good Luck.
  • ummom
    ummom Posts: 6
    Start slowly. Don't worry about joining any groups yet. Just focus on keeping your food journal. You will see the pounds come off. Once you become familiar with journaling your food and exercise and also become comfortable with the website, then join the support groups. I think the most important thing is to learn the website first!

    Good luck! You can do it. Nothing worked for me before this website.
  • rajekred
    A life change can be a bit overwhelming in itself, then add to it a website that has all these useful tools and it just goes up. I am pretty new to the site myself, only a week old so far. My suggestion is concentrate on yourself first for at least 2 weeks. Those are the toughest 2 weeks and when you need some encouragement, post a topic, and we'll come running. If you want to have a couple friends, maybe choose a few who are replying to your post. They can then probably help you with groups to join and maybe other friends.

    Good Luck!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I completely Identify with your feelings. A year ago I was pretty frustrated with it too. There's a differing opinions on when you should eat, how many times you should eat, and we're not even talking about WHAT to eat. Every time you turn around the Fitness & Diet industry is trying to sell you something. When you finally sift through that there's some Doctor or Dietician trying to buck their peers and coventional wisdom so they can make a name for themselves. THEN there are the reems of studies that say certain things, and for every one study there will 5 people in the media who take the study out of context.

    And we haven't even talked about EXCERSISE.

    Who do you beleive, What do you beleive?

    Here are two concepts that are gospel. Everything else is a dervitive of these and up to personal choice:
    1. In order to lose Fat, you need to be in a calories deficit. How you do that is completly up to you.
    2. You cannot out excersise a bad diet. Log you food and excersise and the math will be obvious. Focus on your nutrition first, it's 80% of the battle.

    When I started I spent two weeks researching the foods I was eating and how many calories I was consuming. Some stuff was so bad i quit cold turkey. However, I didn't just wake up one morning and was eating healthy. Over a course of several weeks I made changes to my diet. I would change one thing, become comfortable with it and made sure it would stick. Then I moved on to something else that needed improvement. I still do this, and once I reach my goal I will continue to do this.

    Hope that helps. There are a lot of successful losers here. You're going to see a lot of things posted here that won't work for you. You need to find things that you're comfortable with, and things that work for you.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, I think I am a bit overwhelmed. I just do not know where to start.

    I see all of these post for clubs. I see +100+200 and sixers and other things of the sort posted and I think I know what some of it means, but not all of it. The +100 mean you have more than 100 pounds to lose?

    How do you know where to start?

    There are a lot of folks on this site!

    Where did you start?

    I've been here over a year and a half, lost the weight, (well, MOST of what I want to lose!:wink: ) and NEVER joined a single group! :noway: I do stay quite active on the boards though, and have talked to tons of members for extra motivation and ideas. But, nope, never joined anything. :noway:
    No one says you HAVE to, it's only if you should see a group you think would be fun! :wink: :smile:
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349

    I've been here over a year and a half, lost the weight, (well, MOST of what I want to lose!:wink: ) and NEVER joined a single group! :noway: I do stay quite active on the boards though, and have talked to tons of members for extra motivation and ideas. But, nope, never joined anything. :noway:
    No one says you HAVE to, it's only if you should see a group you think would be fun! :wink: :smile:

    I'm not positive, your little heart is kinda close to your goal, but it looks like you're only a pound away...CONGRADULATIONS!!!
  • waterlibby
    waterlibby Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everybody for the words of wisdom!
    I am sure I will get the hang of it eventually.
    Maybe I will just be a kind of "stalker" and just read all of the post. Till I find my way around I guess.

    I have a LOOOOONG way to go!

    How do you have 2 tickers? 1 for your long term goal and one for your mini goal?
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member

    I've been here over a year and a half, lost the weight, (well, MOST of what I want to lose!:wink: ) and NEVER joined a single group! :noway: I do stay quite active on the boards though, and have talked to tons of members for extra motivation and ideas. But, nope, never joined anything. :noway:
    No one says you HAVE to, it's only if you should see a group you think would be fun! :wink: :smile:

    I'm not positive, your little heart is kinda close to your goal, but it looks like you're only a pound away...CONGRADULATIONS!!!

    Thanks for the congratulations!:smile: It IS only a pound from my goal, but, I wanted to lose more, just never changed my goal. I DID reach the 43 pound goal I set, and even 2 more, but, in the last year I've been see-sawing with the same 5 pounds! :wink: :laugh: