Looking for 5-footer friends!



  • jabmzmom
    jabmzmom Posts: 72
    I'm 5'4" and still need to lose another 80 lbs. I just started using my fitness pal last Thursday and really like it so far. Please add me I could use the accountability.
  • krs17
    krs17 Posts: 4
    I'm 5'0" and would like to loose 10 lbs. This is my second day in MFP and I really love it.
    Lots of sucess for everyone
  • jalynn07
    jalynn07 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5 feet even! Please add me, I am also looking for some new friends on here :) I am trying to lose about 15-20 pounds and it is hard! The more I work to do it, the more I gain. The more I don't try and eat junk food, the more I stay the same but I don't ever lose. I showed my friend a picture of my 15 pounds lighter and she said I looked completely different. it's the curse of being short :)
  • arw4
    arw4 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! :) I'm 5 feet even! Feel free to add me, I'm looking for some friends that share the struggle of being short. lol.
  • You can add me! I am 5'1'' and can totally relate. I am looking to loose around 30 lbs total, but I am starting with small goals and working my way up. I'm more about eating healthy and needing motivation to work out. I need the support, and if you'd like to add me please do!
  • Positive_Energy73
    Positive_Energy73 Posts: 51 Member
    5'3" here!!! I'm definitely a part of the short and overweight club!
  • I am 5' 3" and really trying hard to lose the extra weight--was going to have surgery, can not--so now am seeing a Barbaric Therapist--she has put me on low carbs--can not really say that is a diet, but a new way of eating- that was 5 days ago and I have already lost 4 pounds--I am also going to Plant Fitness with girlfriend about 5 to 6 times a week--so I hope that this gives you some ideas--the therapist said to keep my carbs between 60 and 90, but closer to 60--not easy but am really trying!!!
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 238 Member
    I am 5'4" and need to loose this last 25lb-30lbs. I will send you a friend request.
  • Remycat74
    Remycat74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi.. at 5'0" i'm definitely in the 5-footer category! I would like to lose around 60lbs (more wouldn't hurt) :-)
  • I am 5'2" and been on this site for two weeks and lost two pounds. I was hoping to lose more however my foot is in a cast as a result of a sports injury so there has been zero exercise! My goal is 30-35 pounds in a year and I think I can do that. I am becoming way more conscious of how fast those calories add up. Food is now a function rather than entertainment. Trying alot of new ways to cook chicken!! Only eat beef once a week. We read the book Wheat Belly and I suggest everyone read this and consider going gluten free.....it makes alot of sense! HOT HOT HOT in San Diego (by our standards in the high 80's) so spending the day on the beach with my new husband of three months....luckily he has been a body builder for over 60 years so is very conscious of what he eats. Yes, we are a SENIOR couple who still want to look good!!! And more importantly, be healthy!!
  • 5'3" here! I wouldn't say I'm overweight, but I'm definitely not where I want to be. Being petite definitely seems to be a bit of a set back for me. Since I'm done growing length wise it doesn't even out the width wise. Haha, feel free to add. (:
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member

    I'm 5'3" and 190lbs. Looking to drop to 110 by next year =)

    Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    Hi there!
    I'm 5'1" and at my heaviest I was 215.
    I'm currently 197 and trying to lose about 68 more pounds.

    Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 217 lbs =(
  • gracekildoo
    gracekildoo Posts: 8 Member
    5'2"! Looking to lose 25-30 lbs.
  • 6 foot close enough? haha
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    I am 5'1" :) Feel free to add me!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    4' 11 3/4" here feel free to add me. :) i'm SO CLOSE to 5'
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    5'2 1/4''

    Shorties are the best!
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    6 foot close enough? haha

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: