Weight Loss & Birth Control?



  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I started on BC about 7 years ago, first the pill then depot and now I have the implant. I gained weight when I first went on the pill but then I've gained a lot more through drinking at uni and not taking care of myself.

    The reason it makes us gain is because the hormones make our body think its pregnant since during pregnancy no eggs are released. So its our bodies automatic instinct to want to eat more to help baby grow - seems strange that thats the thing we're trying to avoid by taking it in the first place!!

    I've managed to lose successfully but since I've been on it so long and since I was 16 I dont really know what my body would be like without it. I'm pretty sure my body is just used to it now though. x
  • Celestialfairie
    It can definitely impede your weight loss - and overall sanity! I am on birth control, but the lowest dose possible in my country (jasminelle, or leeloo). I would highly recommend you talk to your GP about being on the lowest-estrogen dose possible, the hormones are all tied to thyroid and metabolism, and while modern day birth control has improved, it could still be causing a problem. ALOT of women have problems with birth control, I think it's the dirty secret that the pharmaceutical companies don't want us talking about! Another option would to be to use a non-hormonal form of birth control (the sponge, a diaphragm), sure they are not as "easy" as taking a pill, but anyone worth unprotected (if you are not using condoms) sex with will surely understand!

    i wish i had other options but my medicaid only covers jasmin and ocella (which are actually the exact same thing apparently) if i could i would get the copper iud because it has no hormones, is 99% effective and lasts 5 years!!! ugh if only. if i paid for it myself it would be 500 dollars and thats just not in the cards for me

    That's weird. O_o Medicaid where I'm at? Will cover implants and IUDs. They figure they'd rather do that than to pay for the children, I guess. Working within the confines of your insurance is a major issue. However, you might see if your physician has samples of something for you to try? The purpose of the samples is for people who are extremely restrained by their insurance and the like.
  • Starlight_Shine
    Im on nuvaring and don't see a problem with losing weight.
    Anyway i'd rather lose weight slow than gain a pregnancy.

    The nuvaring has one of the lower hormone levels so it doesn't mess with your system as much, however its pretty pricey $$$.

    ive only ever used birth control because i trust it the most, but i warn you!! my friend got pregnant TWICE on nuvaring!

    pills* i mean

    Yeah my GF got pregnant on it twice too it was the pill and then she went for the shot and got pregnant twice
  • jessicamariemeyer
    jessicamariemeyer Posts: 20 Member
    Is it just me... or is it extra hard losing the weight while on contraceptives? the weight was falling off before, and now it's come to almost a complete stop. and don't even get me started on the ridiculous amounts of water retention and bloating causing the scale to fluctuate like crazy.

    so, is it just me, or are any of you having this problem as well?? <3

    HOLY CRAP. I'm having huge problems with this .___.
    I started working out this week, since I started MFP (and lost about 2 pounds, whoo!)
    But It makes me bloat like crazy AND made me start my period two weeks early.
    I'm also pretty sure it's the reason I'm naseous and was throwing up a couple night ago (I know, yuck)

    aww oh no it makes me nauseous too :( atleast we're not alone <3
    Haha I thought I was alone! <3
  • siriusalien
    there si something like 45 studies out there that prove there is no corrolation between birth control pills and weight gain.
    Lets look at this:
    Estorgen is the primary "ingredient" in the pill, estrogen in high does can cause hunger and influance insulin response-creating fat. Today's BCP are 1000 times lower in estrogen than when the pill was first approved in the 1950's. So, if we believe that little bitty bit of estrogen in the modern pill is the cause of weight gain, than every post menopausal woman (estrogen deprivation=menopause) would be thin as rails..
    I think we all know that isn't the case
  • juddrnaut
    juddrnaut Posts: 7 Member
    Im on nuvaring and don't see a problem with losing weight.
    Anyway i'd rather lose weight slow than gain a pregnancy.

    The nuvaring has one of the lower hormone levels so it doesn't mess with your system as much, however its pretty pricey $$$.

    ive only ever used birth control because i trust it the most, but i warn you!! my friend got pregnant TWICE on nuvaring!

    "My friend got pregnant using this" is a terrible reason for not trusting birth control - if you look at the "perfect use" statistics and compare how well you are likely to follow those EXACT instructions, that will give you a much better idea. Your friend might have even said they used it perfectly but been too embarrassed to admit they didn't, or thought they did but didn't actually follow the directions properly.
  • Celestialfairie
    there si something like 45 studies out there that prove there is no corrolation between birth control pills and weight gain.
    Lets look at this:
    Estorgen is the primary "ingredient" in the pill, estrogen in high does can cause hunger and influance insulin response-creating fat. Today's BCP are 1000 times lower in estrogen than when the pill was first approved in the 1950's. So, if we believe that little bitty bit of estrogen in the modern pill is the cause of weight gain, than every post menopausal woman (estrogen deprivation=menopause) would be thin as rails..
    I think we all know that isn't the case

    Physicians will even say, and it's printed on the product, that there's a chance of weight gain...
  • siriusalien
    there si something like 45 studies out there that prove there is no corrolation between birth control pills and weight gain.
    Lets look at this:
    Estorgen is the primary "ingredient" in the pill, estrogen in high does can cause hunger and influance insulin response-creating fat. Today's BCP are 1000 times lower in estrogen than when the pill was first approved in the 1950's. So, if we believe that little bitty bit of estrogen in the modern pill is the cause of weight gain, than every post menopausal woman (estrogen deprivation=menopause) would be thin as rails..
    I think we all know that isn't the case

    Physicians will even say, and it's printed on the product, that there's a chance of weight gain...

    They also say and it's printed on the product, flatulance, death, and growing a third arm
  • siriusalien
    At the beginning of the study, half the animals were obese and half were normal weight. During the eight-month treatment period, animals received doses of oral contraceptives, adjusted to the weight of the animals so that it mimicked dosage in humans. Researchers tracked weight, food intake, activity levels, body fat and lean muscle mass. At the study's conclusion, the normal weight group remained weight stable whereas the obese group lost a significant amount of weight (8.5%) and percent of body fat (12%) due to an increase in basal metabolic rate. No changes were seen in food intake, activity or lean muscle mass for either group.

    "This study suggests that worries about weight gain with pill use appear to be based more on fiction than on fact," said Judy Cameron, Ph.D., senior author of the paper and a researcher at the primate center.

    "Additionally, there may be a differential affect depending on your starting weight -- heavier individuals who keep their diet stable may see a weight loss with pill use. Most likely, the reason why this belief continues to exist is that the weight gain that seems to occur with age is being attributed to these medications. We realize that research in nonhuman primates cannot entirely dismiss the connection between contraceptives and weight gain in humans, but it strongly suggests that women should not be as worried as they previously were."
  • KellyUK1987
    Depends what you mean by gaining weight tbh.

    Birth control doesn't make women gain weight with regards to fat. Birth control doesn't produce more fat in your body.
    It can make some women hold more water. It can make other hungrier and crave foods more - if you eat, then you're going to weigh more.
  • brutalbaby
    brutalbaby Posts: 87 Member
    I have been taking birth control for nearly 8 years now and when I was put on it I gained weight and havent actually shifted a lot of it to be honest. I find that I can exercise for an 1 hr 5 times a week and eat 1200 calories and loose a few pounds then the next week I have put them pounds back on. Probably due to holding a lot of water .

    im the same way! tons of exercise, eating low cal, making a definite deficit in my calories.. yet i only lose about 1 pound a MONTH its driving me insane.

    What I have resulted to now is taking measurements. Its the only way to prove that you are losing weight. My scales say in 6 weeks I have lost 6lbs but in total I have lost 9.5 inches all round. So take measurements :D
  • nettawoman
    nettawoman Posts: 2 Member
    That has been my issue; I was warned about getting on the shot, I took it in December and I have been gaining weight ever since! I started at 235 in September 2011 now i am 272 as of today. I am actually ashamed and embarrassed but I am praying to god to give me strength and put this weight gain in reverse!!! By the way, I never went back to get on a 2nd shot! Messed my system up completely!!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Is it just me... or is it extra hard losing the weight while on contraceptives? the weight was falling off before, and now it's come to almost a complete stop. and don't even get me started on the ridiculous amounts of water retention and bloating causing the scale to fluctuate like crazy.

    so, is it just me, or are any of you having this problem as well?? <3

    It's different for everyone. I had no weight issues (I gained, but not because of BC and had no trouble taking it off) on the pill, but since I got Mirena, I've gained 20 pounds and can't take it off, despite eating very healthy, counting calories and exercising.
  • phillieschic
    I have the Mirena IUD for a little more than a year and haven't had any weight issues because of it, but it sure is annoying to deal with the irregular bleeding/spotting! I think, after a year, it has basically stopped...although I am pretty sure I will always have spotting for a few hours after sex.

    I had the Nuvaring before this and other than "ringing" my husband's penis everytime we had sex, it was alright. :drinker: I just wanted something a little more permanent that I didn't have to think about every month.