Over or just under cals?

Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so I have been re-reading the "beginner" posts and am having a hard time hitting my goal cal. I am way over or under never on goal. What do you all do? On days that I work out I am under by maybe 100-300 cal. On Saturday (my hardest day eating, and the day I can't get away to work out) I am over in the 1000's! BAD BAD BAD!
What do I do?


  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Are you still losing? If so, I wouldn't worry about it. If your not, then maybe fit in a big workout on your over day, and try to fit in extra snacks on the days you are under (adding a glass of skim milk to a meal, add a handful of nuts to a snack...etc)

    Good luck!
  • It helps me to log into my food diary and journal as I am eating (or immediately after). I think that is the whole purpose. You are less likely to eat more if you have to commit every bite onto a log. As you enter, MFP gives your total calories remaining that you can eat for the day, and that is what has been keeping me on target. When you are unable to do that (while at work, for example), just think EVERYTHING in moderation. I try to fit some of my unhealthier choices into a 1 cup measuring cup, and that helps me to not overeat and still "splurge." Hope this helps some! Good luck on your journey.
  • Obviously, I don't have the problem of UNDER eating, so can't help ya there. LOL
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    I agree with bambi its visual for me. If I don't log I can underestimate how many calories I have left over for the day if I log before (when I plan my meals) or immediately after a meal the guilt or (accountability) sets in and it makes me want to reach my goal even more. The hardest part for me is planning meals I get so bored that I just want to give up and then I remember how unhappy I am in this unhealthy body and I push myself even harder. Good Luck to you.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Why can't you get a work out in on Saturday? This is the day I work out the hardest because I know how hard eating is. I think being 100-300 under is just fine as long as you are over 1200 always. I would just focus on the days you are way over. Maybe you can try to get it so you are only 500 over on Saturday (that would mean you are maintaining and not gaining).
  • :bigsmile: I'm on my 3rd day. Just tracking the food seems to make all the difference to me. 4 Pieces of See's candy blew my first day out of the water. What an eye opener. My goal is 1 lb a week loss. So I don't worry too much about a single day. I need to look at the weeks totals. That's where it counts.
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Ok, so I have been re-reading the "beginner" posts and am having a hard time hitting my goal cal. I am way over or under never on goal. What do you all do? On days that I work out I am under by maybe 100-300 cal. On Saturday (my hardest day eating, and the day I can't get away to work out) I am over in the 1000's! BAD BAD BAD!
    What do I do?

    Calorie counting has so many variables that I wouldn't focus so much on the 'numbers'. It's not 100% accurate.

    Go by how your clothes fit after a couple of weeks or so. If you find they are getting more loose, then you are losing. If you find they keep getting tighter, then adjust your eating and exercise habits.

    I'm never on 'target'. Some days I find I'm more hungry than others so I will eat more. I would focus on the quality of foods you're eating versus strict calorie counting. :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    When I first started, it helped me a LOT to pre-plan (and LOG) my meals. By logging what I would be eating throughout the coming day, I could adjust here and there to either fit in a treat or rearrange my meals in order to meet my goals.

    For example, if I want to eat pasta for dinner, I might want to eat a low carb lunch. It also helps me know exactly how much a cheat will put me over. Say I have my meals all planned out to meet 1400 calories and someone puts chocolates in the lunch room. If I take a single chocolate, I will go over by 80 calories and 5g of fat. Then I can weigh the consequences and decide if it's worth it or not.
  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    I find it easier to stay on track if I log the food before I eat it. Sometimes that isn't possible but I try to log as soon as I can after eating to stay on target.
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    It helps me to log into my food diary and journal as I am eating (or immediately after). I think that is the whole purpose. You are less likely to eat more if you have to commit every bite onto a log. As you enter, MFP gives your total calories remaining that you can eat for the day, and that is what has been keeping me on target. When you are unable to do that (while at work, for example), just think EVERYTHING in moderation. I try to fit some of my unhealthier choices into a 1 cup measuring cup, and that helps me to not overeat and still "splurge." Hope this helps some! Good luck on your journey.

    I have to do the same thing. My laptop is almost always on the kitchen table- and when i sit down to eat my breakfast- I log on and punch it in... same with lunch. With dinner- I write down on paper what i'm eating (i fogure up calories before the meal- so i have a general idea) but then exact amounts i record on the notebook and immediately after dinner- i go log them on here.

    I try to come as close as possible to my calories- without going over =) I've just realized in the past few days- that it works better if i spread out my calories over my meals- because before- i would notice that at 10pm at night- i still had 800 calories i should have eaten. SO I've been eating more calories for breakfast and lunch and the same for dinner.... and I usually even out and come pretty close to calories (i might be off by 100).. if I'm 300 away still- I will usually eat some popcorn or a tablespoon of peanut butter....
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    I have found if I don't measure my food AND log my calories right away- it's so easy for me to "slip" and say, "Oh well that wasn't even a cup of <insert bad food>, I should be able to have this too.." and I've found from logging my calories how completely off my guesses were! Go take a look at my lunch from last week on wed, I believe.. I "guessed" on a lunch I didn't plan for and ate- and when i logged the calories- it was more than i should have had for an entire day!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Why can't you get a work out in on Saturday? This is the day I work out the hardest because I know how hard eating is. I think being 100-300 under is just fine as long as you are over 1200 always. I would just focus on the days you are way over. Maybe you can try to get it so you are only 500 over on Saturday (that would mean you are maintaining and not gaining).

    I can't work out because it is "family day" my guy works 6 days a week and Saturday is the only day we are all together to do fun family things. Sometimes when it is sunny and nice out we do a bike ride to the park but not now that it is cold outside. I could still work out if I did a video or something, but with my kids being so young it is hard (the climb on me while I try doing my sit ups, mess with my 5 lbs weights, need a diaper change just when I am in my Zone, ect ect) I do work out 6 days a week and I like that Saturday is a fun day to relax and be together.

    Thanks for the help. I think I will try and log more before I eat so I can have a better idea before it is 2 late. I also find on days that I get in my veggies that I have more cals because I am full. So I am going to try to get a veggie tray and "go crazy" as my son says. :laugh:
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