oats or grits?

SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
Which do you prefer oatmeal or grits and how do you eat them for the maximum nutrition?
I just tried grits yesterday and loved them. It was a nice change up from the oatmeal


  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I love steel cut oats. I soak 1/2 cup of oats overnight with a cup of water and a tablespoon of kefir (supposedly this helps makes the oats more digestible...idk if that's been proven, but I like the tangy taste so I figure it can't hurt). Heat them up in the morning and eat them with some pasture butter and and a little real maple syrup. Yum!
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I like both but tend to want a lot of salt in my grits, so that's the less healthy option for me.

    I eat old fashioned oatmeal with a packet of truvia and a bunch of cinnamon. Sometimes I'll add some raisins for a little extra sweetness.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,739 Member
    Which do you prefer oatmeal or grits and how do you eat them for the maximum nutrition?
    I just tried grits yesterday and loved them. It was a nice change up from the oatmeal

    Depends on my mood. If I'm eating grits, it has to be cheese grits. Oatmeal, I make in a number of different ways. I like it plain, I like it with berries, I like it with cinnamon, sometimes cinnamon and berries, sometimes with milk...
  • TrimAnew
    TrimAnew Posts: 127 Member
    Grits. If you cook them right, you don't need cheese. Of course, cooking them "right" does involve butter and milk--the fuller fat the creamier. Of course, when we eat them, nutrition is the last thing on the mind...

    serve with any of the below, or combine for more yumminess:

    hot sauce
    a fried egg
    jalapeno peppers
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    So i'm headed south, wonder how the grits are cooked. Do they even have oats in the south? Can't wait!
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    LOL I'm in the south, yes we have oatmeal.

    Grits are typically made with butter, salt, and pepper.
  • TrimAnew
    TrimAnew Posts: 127 Member
    As for the question of how to cook them, grits are basically just another type of porridge, right along side cream of wheat, oatmeal, polenta (which are basically the same thing as grits--aka. both are ground corn), rice porridge, etc.

    ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofJ3v_a6UUE for Good Eats part 1 of an episode on that)

    You just cook them low and slow in a pot on the stove with a bit pf salt, pepper, a little butter and milk (or, I'm told that cream works really well too, but I don't go that far). The lower and slower you can cook them, the creamy they are. Stir frequently.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I love grits, especially with hot sauce and maybe some cheese.
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    Okay I know this is fitness and weight loss site but...OMG, why has no one mentioned putting sugar in their grits!!! Sugar and butter is the ticket for me!!!
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    Oats all the way ;)
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    this is too funny but most people do not eat both...I found that it is one or the other...but I prefer grits...do not like oatmeal
  • Sherilynn1966
    I am transplanted northerner...so I eat my grits with butter and sugar, like Cream of Wheat.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    I love grits. I cook mine in water with a salt substitute. They are yummy! I have had them with milk/cream not good to me.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I love my butter grits with extra butter! It's terrible I know so I don't indulge too often. I ate oatmeal when I was a kid but just haven't developed a taste for it as an adult.
  • TisMeEggin
    TisMeEggin Posts: 60 Member
    Creamy, smooth, buttery, grits with a nice over-easy runny egg and some nice country sausage all mixed in on a piece of good toast... AHHHH... YUMM!!!!!!!! (Yes, I have actually lost 69.4 lbs.) LOL! :laugh:
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I'm equal, I love both! and so do my hips so I don't have either very often LOL
  • TrimAnew
    TrimAnew Posts: 127 Member
    My family is from the mid west, so our hot porridge of choice was always cream of wheat with a little sugar. Oatmeal is ok, but I prefer cream of wheat to oatmeal.

    I've grown up in the Southeast and grown to like grits as I've gotten older. Now they are one of my favorites. I think I didn't care for them as a kid because instant grits are nasty and well, gritty. Real slow cooked grits, however are yummy.

    Hubby thinks cream of wheat is icky, so grits are the main porridge in my home now, and those we try not to cook too often--just for a splurge. We almost always make them savory instead of sweet.

    Hubby has also seen me make porridge out of left over brown rice once or twice, a quirk I picked up from my dad (who grew up with that too, having come from a large family with lots of kids and a small budget). Rice porridge for Dad or I, was usually with a little milk and sugar like cream of wheat. Hubby thinks this is an abomination of rice and won't touch the "gruel."
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    My family is from the mid west, so our hot porridge of choice was always cream of wheat with a little sugar. Oatmeal is ok, but I prefer cream of wheat to oatmeal.

    I've grown up in the Southeast and grown to like grits as I've gotten older. Now they are one of my favorites. I think I didn't care for them as a kid because instant grits are nasty and well, gritty. Real slow cooked grits, however are yummy.

    Hubby thinks cream of wheat is icky, so grits are the main porridge in my home now, and those we try not to cook too often--just for a splurge. We almost always make them savory instead of sweet.

    Hubby has also seen me make porridge out of left over brown rice once or twice, a quirk I picked up from my dad (who grew up with that too, having come from a large family with lots of kids and a small budget). Rice porridge for Dad or I, was usually with a little milk and sugar like cream of wheat. Hubby thinks this is an abomination of rice and won't touch the "gruel."

    Oh i have grown up with the cold rice and warm milk, butter and brown sugar for breakfast. Love it..
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Okay I know this is fitness and weight loss site but...OMG, why has no one mentioned putting sugar in their grits!!! Sugar and butter is the ticket for me!!!

    Sugar in grits is an abomination. In the south adding sugar to grits would akin to putting ketchup on prime rib.

    Being southern, I can tell you there are two, AND ONLY TWO, proper toppings for grits: Butter, or milk based gravy. OK, cheese wouldn't be frowned upon. But if you put sugar in your grits you will be immediately recognized as a non-native :)

    I find quick grits are fine, but instant grits would be much like comparing the taste of instant rice to regular rice.

    Having said that, unfortunately oatmeal wins the healthy food contest, hands down.
  • daisydog101
    daisydog101 Posts: 81 Member
    What are grits?