Anyone else looking for a SIZE and not a SCALE number?



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    When I started my goal was to get back into my size 6 clothing... then I realized I could fit into a 4 and it was even better!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My goal is size 17/18
  • OliveCarsey
    My goal is a size 12- I am right now in between size 20 and 22 depending on the jeans. I've never cared about a scale number and the only reason I even have a size number is thats what i was before I got married and I felt good then. Looking better will be a big bonus but feeling better (both physically and about myself) is my main goal.
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    I think I look healthiest in a size 8/10. I'm currently in a size 18.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I want to be in a size 6/8. I don't know how much I would weigh at that size, but I really want to be there.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I only weigh myself once every few months to make sure I'm not over/under eating for my weight and to keep my HRM accurate. I chart my progress by how I look, how I feel (including strength & endurance), and how my clothing fits. I don't believe good health or fitness can be measured by a number on a scale. The scale is a blind, unreliable and often-times discouraging gauge - sorry, that's not the kind of 'motivator' I want!

    I'm slightly under 5'9" with a curvy, buxom, large frame. When I first started on MFP, I was wearing a size 18/20. I'm now in a size inbetween a size 14 and 16. My goal is a toned size 12/14. My success thus far has taught me that as long as I am *consistent* in doing what is good for my body (such as eating well and working out), my fitness, health and figure WILL improve! That is guaranteed. I simply strive to trust in that process!

    So why step on the scale? The number on the scale doesn't tell me anything I really need to know. I feel that it's the constant weigh-ins that are counter-productive... FOR ME, anyhow. That number on the scale doesn't tell me how much I busted my butt in during my many work-outs; it doesn't tell me how healthy I've been eating; it doesn't tell me that I've lost a bunch of dress-sizes and even more inches. It doesn't tell me ANY of that. So why would I 'punish' myself by stepping on the scale and allow an untrustworthy measurement "let me" feel good or bad. I've stopped letting the scale be the main gauge for my fitness/health progress, and it's really worked for me.

    Remember: You can completely reshape your body without affecting your weight much at all!
  • mulcahya
    mulcahya Posts: 82 Member

    I want to be a comfortable AU size 8. I've hardly bought clothes in the past year and a half so not sure what size I was before, but in pants probably around a size 12? Based on my measurements I'd be about a size 10 now (6.2kg down) but still too scared to go into a shop and try clothes on. I think I'll wait till I'm 10kg down (hopefully before my birthday in 8 weeks) before I try clothes on again, don't think I could take it being too big!

    I've been measuring myself and hardly seeing any difference (don't think I'm doing it very accurately), but visually I think I look a lot better and i've had comments. It's hard because I'm losing weight (lost 9% of original body weight) but feel like the numbers on the measuring tape aren't moving, even though I'm doing a lot of exercise and trying to eat right!

    I guess I'm just not really sure how much weight I need to lose to drop another size or so, but I really hope that I get the courage soon to go into a shop and try something on, been awhile :(
  • 2clessofme
    I started this journey looking at only my weight. Then I was shoping one day and my daughter pulled a pair of pants from Old Navy for me to try on. I thought she was nuts. I had not shoped in a "normal" store for 20+ years but with resistance I tried on the 18 and they fit! It was AMAZING to me that they FIT!
    At that point I started looking at sizes and I think I would be really happy if a size 12 fit me well. So I still weigh in but I get real enjoyment out of being able to fit in to smaller sizes :)
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Eh, honestly, I'm just looking for a "I feel good and think I look good" place...I stopped caring about number or size a while ago, and I feel like PERSONALLY, I am better off for it. Especially since I do NOT look like what I weigh, nor fit into a size that really correlates to said weight...I win at those carnival "guess my weight" booths EVERY time. LMAO...
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    ME!! I don't care at all about the number on the scale. I haven't weighed myself in ages. I'd love to be in a comfortable 6/8. So I'm not waiting for scale numbers to go down, but for my clothes to feel looser!
  • poshcouture
    That would be me! I'd like to be a size 4 - suitable for my small frame.