no motivation



  • ashleighcassidy73
    ashleighcassidy73 Posts: 1 Member
    You've lost 80lbs, that is AMAZING!!!! Well done :) I hope to do the same over the coming months :)
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    You are "having a moment" as I like to call it. Write down or track on here every single peice of food you eat or drink. it is really an eye opener looking at how many calories you consume. Start off with little things like drinking 64 ounces of water a day or half your body weight, taking a mulit-vitamin, exercising 30 minutes at least 3 times a week, etc. Dry your eyes and start over!!! Every day is a brand new day!!! :-)
  • I read an awesome book I found on Amazon called "The skinny on willpower" by James Randel. Check it out this really help me.BEst of luck to you.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I can relate to the depression and binge eating. The one thing I read in your post that struck me though was this; " know i only have myself to blame for being the way i am but i really want to change,". That is the biggest and most important step right there, making the choice to change. It takes some of us longer than others.

    I would strongly suggest seeing a therapist of some type to help you deal with the depression because until you address those issues losing weight, in my experience at least, is VERY difficult. When you use food as the answer to most of lifes difficulties it's virtually impossible to stay healthy.

    We can all do this. I know we can. And there are some great people on here who are more than happy to support you.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    SLOW down! You've only been here a week! There's no need to panic if you have an off day with eating or skip a workout or two...or three. Just keep on making changes slowly and patiently. Eventually, when you stick with it, good habits form and you WILL see results. The healthiest long-term weight loss generally takes time!

    Exercise is awesome for so many reasons, and I would definately encourage it, but I wouldn't make it the focus if it's overwhelming you right now. You won't fail at weight loss if you don't exercise. (But it does earn you extra cals if you do it and it's a great mood boost.) Just make sure you measure and log all your food and drink, and that you stay at a healthy deficit. Above all - have patience. This is not an overnight success plan. You can do it! :heart: