How do you choose your goal weight?

I am down over 30 lbs and feel fantastic at this point, but I don't think I'm quite done losing weight. My problem is that I'm not really sure when I should stop. Healthy weight for my height is supposed to be between 121-158 and I'm right in the middle right now. I'm pretty sure I would like to at least see 130 and then go from there. How did you choose your goal weight? Or are you just waiting to see at what weight you feel comfortable? It's really not something I'm stressing over, but I would love to hear input from others.:smile:


  • somedaysoon84
    in beginning (at 210) normal weight seemed so very far away. i picked 150 as this really lofty goal, far far away. im at 170 now, and to be honest, i'm not sure where i'm going!! i will see how i feel when i get to 150. i have no urge to be super skinny, i want to be healthy, but keep my curves.

    i think you know when you get there!!
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I'm basing it on previous weights.
    Early 20s I got down to 120, but had no muscle tone
    Mid 30s I was 140. I was getting toned, but still could've stoood to lose some weight.
    So based on that, I am going for 133. Once I get there, or near there I'm going to re-evaluate.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I based mine on my previous weight, and then adjusted when I started weight lifting and realized that I could weigh a ton more at the same size than I once did if I put on muscle. Weight is kind of arbitrary. Body fat percentage or measurements are a scale that is more visible. You could try setting a goal based on measurements instead of weight, i.e. you want to fit in to your old size 6 dress, so you need to get down to a 27" waist.
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    I too do a lot of weight lifting so I think that's a factor.....but generally, my current goal is to be in the "middle to upper end" of my "healthy" BMI as I want a goal I can realistically maintain.:blushing:
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I sort of based it on previous weights, taking into account that even at my lowest adult weight I wasn't really all that satisfied. I'm shooting for 52 kilos, which at 5' will give me a BMI of about 23; however, I'm hoping to retain a bit of muscle mass so fingers crossed I'll look like I have a BMI of 22 :tongue:

    That being said, I really just want to look good in a bikini and fit comfortably into an NZ size 8; I'm just guesstimating that a weight of 52kg will be around about right for that.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I chose my goal weight based on what I weighed last year which was when I was at a size 8. My goal weight is 130. I am 5'4" and age 65 so I don't want to go down to a too thin weight. My "regular" size 8 clothes are sitting in the closet waiting for me to get back to them ;-)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think goal weight is a useful concept in the abstract - but it's really a moving target, so setting your heart on a particular number can be setting yourself up for trouble.

    I think it's great to have a long term goal, but also to have smaller goals along the way, and to be flexible enough to look objectively at your body and your lifestyle and what you are having to do to stay at that weight, and work out what is best for your own body (body shape, age, lifestyle are all going to be part of what helps you decide what's right for you). Being miserable because the number on the scale is 5 pounds (or kgs or whatever) bigger than you want it to be it a waste of energy!
  • Gibby_Gabbers
    I wanted a goal weight that was realistic and achievable so that I wouldn't be discouraged by looking at a ton of weight I had to loose. I'm pretty sure if I get to my goal weight, I'll be adjusting it down a bit more!
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Based on my previous weight that I maintained for years and then added 5lbs. However if I reach 20% BF at a higher weight that would be fine too.
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I looked at the BMI, but took my build into consideration and decided to go for the high end of "normal" range for my height, which is 130ish. I might need to lose weight, or I might end up weighing more and being more muscular. I'll go by whatever I feel like, in the end, but figured 130, being a 50 pound loss, seemed like a decent and rounded goal.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Originally I had 90kg as my goal as it seemed so far away. That would still put me in the obese category. But as that was nearly 50kg was shooting for that.

    I'm now 100kg (exactly!) and 90kg isn't that far away. So 68'.5kg. It's less than what I've already lost so not so scary. It was picked as its half my original body weight. I'll reevaluate the closer I get.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I have been under weight most of my life and ridiculed for it and then I put on some weight for a year and felt like crap.

    I picked a number higher then what I was picked on and lower then I was since I seemed to be getting heart problems. Im at the low tip of healthy now. I eat a fair bit allot of the time (in the 2xxx). 2000 is the average number the fda and health canada seems to agree on for getting 97% of the nutrients a person needs in a day so if I can hit over that a few times a week and can maintain I figure that isnt a bad thing.
  • srpthlgy
    srpthlgy Posts: 69
    I think goal weight is a useful concept in the abstract - but it's really a moving target, so setting your heart on a particular number can be setting yourself up for trouble.

    I think it's great to have a long term goal, but also to have smaller goals along the way, and to be flexible enough to look objectively at your body and your lifestyle and what you are having to do to stay at that weight, and work out what is best for your own body (body shape, age, lifestyle are all going to be part of what helps you decide what's right for you). Being miserable because the number on the scale is 5 pounds (or kgs or whatever) bigger than you want it to be it a waste of energy!

    Great way to look at it! I've changed my goal weight three times now because I wanted those smaller goals. At this point I'm just trying to decide when I'll be ready to switch my calorie goal to maintain my weight instead of losing it.
  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372
    I'm basing my goal weight on where I was before I got sick and put on all this weight. I held that weight easily, no matter what or how much I ate, so I think my body can get there and be happy there. and I looked good!
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    My goal weight changed as I lost weight. From 175-to 165- to 155. People are starting to call me skiiny and I am in a smaller pant
    size that I have been in my life. Some people asked me if my health is Ok or question If I am eating OK. I am 5' 7" and I am
    at 157 right now. I lost weight the right way through lots of exercising, strength training and a healthy diet. I don't care if
    I ever lose those last 2 lbs to hit my final goal. I consider myself maintaining. Find what works for you.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    I talked to a nurse. I'm 5'3" and decided on 130. It's on the high end of normal but I have a disease that, if it flares up, can cause me to lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time. The thought of not having reserves if that happens again scares me. Obviously that won't apply to most people.

    My short-term goal is just to fit into the suits I bought last year so I don't have to buy new ones!
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I picked my goal weight as the weight I was always the happiest at, before I had health issues and regained the weight. I'm very close to it now and already carrying the weight better this time than I did when I was previously at the weight.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I based it on my estimated body fat percentage. When I got it measured (which I do every month or so with one of those electric hand thingamies), it put my lean body mass at around 195lbs. Since I'm using 15% body fat as a rough starting goal, that makes my goal weight roughly 225.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    At my highest I was 184. That was a couple of years ago. Right now I'm at 170ish. Id like to get down to about 160 but my body won't cooperate. So im really starting to think that around 170 is where I need to be. But for real the scale is so fickle. Im going by how my clothes fit. Im in a size 8
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    Based on previous weight, plus what my body type/shape is capable of getting to -- however I think I'll probably stop at about 115, since right now it's more about muscle tone/strength then just getting skinny.