Starvation Mode but not hungry??

Okay I am very confused by myfitnesspal saying that I am in starvation mode when I'm not starving. I'm having a High Fiber Diet and I'm using TurboFire and I'm not hungry at all is this just a false myth.And there has been people that lost weight with barely eating at all. PS:Please check my most recent diary as well.


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    1) Starvation mode is mostly over-hyped crap.
    2) You are not eating enough.
  • elisemarlee
    I know how you feel... I'm always way under for my calorie goal but I'm not hungry.. I like have to force myself to eat lol! It's pretty much impossible for me to eat 1200 calories a day.. unless I'm pigging out on pizza and ice cream! haha
  • mrsheu
    mrsheu Posts: 30
    MFP will give you the starvation mode warning anytime you are under 1200. Accordingly, 1200 is not starvation mode, however 1199 might be? If you are a few calories under, I wouldn't worry about it. However, if you keep finding yourself full after eating 800 calories or less, i would add some high-calorie "super foods" such as nuts to your diet to increase your calorie count.

    Edit to add: 800 is just an arbitrary number. Figure out your BMR and try to not eat under that.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I also have trouble making it to 1200 calories on most days. From looking at your diet I would suggest more fruits and veggies though. You seem short on those. Iceberg lettuce is crap and has almost no value to it. Switch to Romaine or Red Leaf lettuce for more nutrional value.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well, you haven't been here long enough to actually "go into starvation mode" though it is somewhat of a myth. It's just a warning from MFP that you are too far under your calorie goal. The calorie goal was created to be met, not to be terribly far under. A couple of things to consider, if you truly aren't hungry, you could be underestimating your calories. Are you logging every little thing you eat? Are things like the shrimp scampi something you made at home and entered the recipe for or is it someone else's entry? Are you measuring what you eat or eyeballing it? Another problem can also be overestimating calories burned through exercise...
  • NicoleBecca
    Not eating enough :S maybe try and add a little bit more each day to increase your appitite
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    I know how you feel... I'm always way under for my calorie goal but I'm not hungry.. I like have to force myself to eat lol! It's pretty much impossible for me to eat 1200 calories a day.. unless I'm pigging out on pizza and ice cream! haha

    I highly doubt this. You should try and include some high calorie but healthy foods in your diet if you are way off your calorie goal of 1200, which is still very low. Try nuts.
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    More thank likely you hav trained you body to get used to the low amount of calories...
    Still harmful.. Your metabolism is probably at an all time low. I don't know what your net is so icant say for sure.

    That or your filling up on the healthy and nutritious low cal foods.

    You might want to throw in some peanut butter or nuts. Something high calorie to bump up that metabolism again.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    Okay I am very confused by myfitnesspal saying that I am in starvation mode when I'm not starving. I'm having a High Fiber Diet and I'm using TurboFire and I'm not hungry at all is this just a false myth.And there has been people that lost weight with barely eating at all. PS:Please check my most recent diary as well.

    Yes, you can lose weight by eating hardly anything. But is it healthy? No. Is it sustainable? Most likely not. Starvation mode is a cause of big debate on this site, but I think that everybody would agree that eating under 1200, for an 18 year old male is far from healthy. Try and up your cals to your daily goal, you will still lose weight, but you will be losing at a healthy level that you will be able to maintain.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    don't eat if you aren't hungry.
    a lot of people get fat because of mindless eating.
    it's good that you don't.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    don't eat if you aren't hungry.
    a lot of people get fat because of mindless eating.
    it's good that you don't.
    You should be shot for giving ludicrous advice like that!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    don't eat if you aren't hungry.
    a lot of people get fat because of mindless eating.
    it's good that you don't.
    You should be shot for giving ludicrous advice like that!

  • miss_grad
    miss_grad Posts: 102
    As someone that has experienced a genuine "starvation mode" due to a health condition... When I needed help getting nutrients to thrive, doctors put me on a supplement called "Boost". They tend to put chemo patients on it when they have trouble keeping down solids/foods... I would suggest that to anyone taking under 1,000 calories a day. Your body needs essential nutrients to carry out daily functions -- it could hinder your progress.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    1) Starvation mode is mostly over-hyped crap.
    2) You are not eating enough.

    ^^ I always listen to him, when I'm done staring..

    And my personal note is that some people's "hunger" is messed up. I personally would suggest eating at maintenance for a week or two then taking your deficient (which is what I'm doing now because I don't want to diet, I want to have a healthy relationship with food) I'm just now(one week into maintain goal) starting to feel hungry occasionally, which is interesting because I'm eating more over all.

    Say it with me "Food is fuel" Eating too much or too little are both bad for you in the long run.

    Finding foods that you like that have a good fat/protein ratio(chicken in general except fried-eek look at my sodium for yesterday, not super fatty cuts of beef, beans, sweet peas, etc) or healthy fats(nuts, avocados, olive oil, etc) is a good way to meet your goal. Don't be afraid of food(something else I'm working on)

    Good luck.

    Just my personal unprofessional opinions/experience as always

  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    It's hard to judge your overall eating habits from the two calender entries that I can see, but it certainly doesn't look like enough food to me.

    My guess is your body has just adjusted to that number of calories, which doesn't mean it's healthy.
  • SlimReggieBack
    SlimReggieBack Posts: 121 Member
    I'm just thinking starvation mode has to be a myth. There are many different variables to gaining weight the next day. It could be eating late at night or having to much sodium and water weight builds up, or sugar from the insulin,etc...
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    starvation mode can take 48-72 hours fact
    Okay I am very confused by myfitnesspal saying that I am in starvation mode when I'm not starving. I'm having a High Fiber Diet and I'm using TurboFire and I'm not hungry at all is this just a false myth.And there has been people that lost weight with barely eating at all. PS:Please check my most recent diary as well.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    I'm just thinking starvation mode has to be a myth. There are many different variables to gaining weight the next day. It could be eating late at night or having to much sodium and water weight builds up, or sugar from the insulin,etc...
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