Spouses on MFP



  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
  • My wife is on but won't "friend" me. Makes for a fun "cat and mouse" game between us. I think she's afraid I'll stalk all her friends. Of course, if they are as awesome as she is...I just might. :wink:

    True story. Love ya honey:wink:

    Aww Mr Sass!!!!! =D I'm the weirdo that your wife spent the day with! =p Haha ;)

    You just made me spit my wine out on my screen. :laugh:

    It's true...I just saw her wiping her screen.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    MrBigMack and I are both on here :bigsmile:
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Hahahah my boyfriend definitely isn't on here. LOL. He gets annoyed at the site. He says he only needs to track calories, that's the only thing that matters. Too bad he doesn't use it, it would track his calories accurately !!!
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    MrsBully4 and I are here between the two of us we have lost 100+ lbs
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    My husband is/was here, but I unfriended him.
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Mine is! I introduced him and am really glad! He doesn't spend as much time on here as me, but he does count calories and carbs, so MFP has been super helpful. And being able to copy each other's diaries! I call it "doing his homework for him" so he rarely has to create anything.. just copy! But it's really great having him "around"
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    My husband is/was here, but I unfriended him.

    hmmm... care to share??
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    My husband is/was here, but I unfriended him.

    hmmm... care to share??

    Yeah, spill, sister.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    My husband is here on MFP, but I'm the more dedicated logger. Some might call it calorie-obsessed, I call it conscious of what I'm doing lol.
  • Yakfoot
    Yakfoot Posts: 2
    My wife is on, my youngest daughter, my middle daughter and her husband. Everyone is loosing except my middle daughter who already looks smashing and wants to stay that way (sand vollyball player). We have a family exercise Facebook group where we post what we have done and we have a Google+ hangout for the family on Sundays at 9 central time where we all have to face each other on screen in real time and squirm if we haven't been doing what we said we would. Technology can be such a blessing if you are able to marshal its resources. MFP is amazing and if some of you know each other you might be able to set up a FB group or a G+Hangout. Hangout can put up to 9 people on screen at the same time. Support makes a huge difference, at least it has for us.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    My hubby is but for the most part we have different "MFP" friends. He's a little mouthier than me ;)
  • My husband is not on here, but he's lost 10kg since I joined :bigsmile:
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    My husband is not here but he needs to be. Really needs to be.

    Mine too girl... I'm hoping I will inspire him
  • jojo4cats
    jojo4cats Posts: 61 Member
    My husband joined here a couple weeks after I did. It's a great way for both of us to keep track of our intake of calories and nutrition.
  • majik0516
    majik0516 Posts: 52 Member
    My husband has an account but as soon as he joined Crossfit, MFP never saw him again.

    That sounds just like my husband, once they drink the Crossfit Kool Aid they never come back.
  • My husband is not here but he needs to be. Really needs to be.

    I'm with you on this one!

    I hear ya there! The question is...how do you motivate them to get on board haha
  • erin023
    erin023 Posts: 123 Member
    My fiance is on here, he doesn't really use it much though. I'm here to lose weight, and he wants to put some on.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    My wife is on but won't "friend" me. Makes for a fun "cat and mouse" game between us. I think she's afraid I'll stalk all her friends. Of course, if they are as awesome as she is...I just might. :wink:

    True story. Love ya honey:wink:

    Aww Mr Sass!!!!! =D I'm the weirdo that your wife spent the day with! =p Haha ;)

    You just made me spit my wine out on my screen. :laugh:

    It's true...I just saw her wiping her screen.

    :laugh: :bigsmile: